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The Burn Pile

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16 hours ago, lusciousmccabe said:

If you make the sides of the wall perfectly smooth and paint them flat black it might make it look a bit more like a cut out section.

That is my hope with the extensions to the wall I did. I think I may add a sign if there is time later. I am skipping it for now, but it is going on the list of features if time permits. I laid in the basic colours for the wall again. I still need to go through and do some detailing on it. I wanted to see how the black would look so I went ahead and put down a couple of layers on the wall and base rim. I carried the OSL up into the face. I toned back the vest a lot. I started to try and figure out the freehand. I am thinking I may go a little smaller on the crow. I tried leaning it toward green because of Resurrectionists, but may shift it over to blue to make it stand out a little more against the orange of the vest.



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On 4/16/2016 at 6:23 AM, Guildenstern said:

that is looking just beautiful!

Thank you. I feel like I might be learning something.

This is likely my last WIP post before I submit my entry. I was unable to work on the model yesterday. Today I glued some vines on and painted them. I also touched up the wall as the glue left some frosting and I needed to carry over the shadow from the vines. There are touch ups and some more greenery to add and possibly paint. I need to figure out what to do about his feet. The foot that broke off was the one I pinned to attach him to the base, and I did not get it attached exactly right. I may break it off again and reset it. I hope to have the model done in a few hours from me posting this.




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I uploaded the submission image to the gallery. I learned my camera has trouble autoadjusting to a black background. When I turn on the ability to adjust the lighting on the camera manually I lose the macro function. Here is an alternate collage where I tried the model on a white background. The scene I had in mind was at night so it looks completely wrong to me with this backdrop.


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It looks like photobucket direct links stopped working since I posted the images as they were showing before. Here is a link to the subfolder with all of the images I shared from Round 2 in case anybody was curious. All of the other images I submitted in this thread so far are over here.

Here is day one of working on round 3. A lot of the cleanup on these models was already done as I had been working on cleaning that army between other projects for a few months now. The basic idea is a scientist created a machine that lets him view and possibly change his personal destiny.


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Here is a shot from today. This is turning out to be a larger project than I originally anticipated. I still have some sanding I want to do before going to sleep.


On the photobucket front, images on page two are loading now, but images are not loading for me on page one. I do not believe I did anything any different when I posted them originally, and I know I did not go back and edit anything. I am probably going to blog tomorrow and link directly to that as it may cause fewer issues in the future.

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Sorry for lack of updates. I have spent my time since my last post tinkering on a base while waiting for models to arrive. I need to have the exact height on one of them before I can proceed on the base. There is not much done truth be told. The models had not shown up yet so I am moving to one of my backup models.

This one is pretty simple construction wise. This is a Monstrosity model from Privateer Press. The base was me trimming out the center of a 50mm base for the rim. I cut a circle out of a piece of terrain designed for Mantic's game Deadzone to fit inside the rim I had left from trimming the base. Some brass rod was added for running four wires inside two channels. The one wire that is sticking up will be pressed down. I took the picture while I was waiting for the glue to set before pushing it into a final shape. I may do a little more detailing, but that is pretty much it for this base. I am trying to keep the base somewhat subdued so I may decide to leave it after getting the wire bent correctly.

There was some pinning and putty on the model itself. The arms and head are magnetized. This piece will be playable since the model will be on a 50mm base. I want to have the ability to switch options on the model. I am not painting the other parts at this time. I had a few different models in mind for the backup. This one won out because it has flesh, leather, cloth, metal, and sections I could do as plastic and maybe even some glass. It offered a greater contrast in materials than the other options I was looking at.


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This probably looks a lot like yesterday's picture. I finished highlighting the individual muscle groups and skin flaps before glazing the skin. After taking the pictures I am thinking I may have gone too subtle on the glazing. I also think I got the lighting direction wrong in some areas. I am going to work on the rest of the model so I am not looking at the skin in a vacuum.



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Every model has an ugly stage. Many times there are more than one ugly stage. I was base coating sections to make certain the colours I had chosen would work together. The arms were too wobbly with just the magnets so I decided to blue tack them to something else for painting. I was worried about getting the highlights and shadows to line up correctly, so I painted a white line for the horizon and top of the arms. The rest of the white was done because I need to make certain the arms will match up with the rest of the body. The white will hopefully get blended down as I go.



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Thank you for the kind words. The columns are done and the gauntlets are further along. I had to get some sleep after that. I am going to see how much more I can get done in the next five hours. That gives me two hours to try and figure out the photography and upload.

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I was putting edges on the saw blade a half hour before the deadline. I cleaned up my paint area to photograph before realizing I neglected to paint the rim of the base so had to go back to paint that. I may try to finish this model this week if I feel like painting something. It is in the gallery with the other round three entries.

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Thank you. The flesh was a medium caucasian flesh color with a touch of black in it to cut it slightly. It was highlighted by mixing in white up to pure white. Then there was glazes with purple mixed with the flesh with no black, purple by itself, a dark turquoise like color, a burnt umber type color, and the flesh color without any black or white in it.

The face was the same colors minus the burnt umber with less white. I started by trying to break it down into basic shapes. In this case, a wiggly line for the brow, a straight line for the nose, and a couple of triangles for the cheeks. After that I blocked in the eye sockets as if painting a skull to make certain they lined up and were roughly equal. Then it was back and forth as I brought elements forward and pushed things back and attempted to tie the elements together while adding details like the eyelids. The finishing touch was two pure white dots for light reflecting off of the eyes. The reflections on the helmet were added on a different day after I went back and tapered the scalp. This proved to be a good surface for it as the face can be a little distorted and not look too off.

I will likely not be upkeeping this thread for the first week of this round of Iron Painter. The CPU on my PC died. My roommate is letting me use her laptop to post. I do not want to load it up with pictures or much of anything of mine since she is being so nice in letting me use it. There may be a dump of images when the new computer parts get in as I am already taking some pictures. I also started work on a light box.

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