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Witchling Handlers without Witchling Stalkers?


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I just bought the Witchlig Handlers and I was going over the back of their card. Only one ability and one trigger strictly call out the Witchling Stalker. (The trigger being to summon more)

looking at the rest of the card they seem to synergize well with Minions in general. The only downside I see is that they are 8ss. But honestly they might be worth having at least one.

i can see taking them in a Lucius crew and even in a Perdita one. 

Lucius seems like a good call especially with the movement tricks she can do to push models around.

My idea with Perdita is to have her walk up to a nearby Nino 0 action to give him burning to attacks(no limit on who gets it) and have him Hair trigger to give out Burning 3. 

Im bad with list theory just based off of movement tricks so I could be completely off base. What do you tacticians think?

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I'm not sure the burning is worth the effort and stones for Perdita but I find they're quite nice models on the whole so go ahead and try it. Their synergy with witchlings is the extended move and charge ranges on the front of the card which help them.

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I'm not sure the Handler is all that amazing for 8 Stones by herself.  She does cool things, but the real draw is boosting Stalker speed in my book.  For 5 SS, stalkers are pretty crazy at essentially Ml 6 with a 3/4/6 damage track.  They're just really, dreadfully slow.  The handler's bonus is enough to let them legitimately work to rush in deal some damage and spread around burning when they die.  That's the main draw for me, and tends to mean I'm running her and a couple Stalkers if I'm running her at all.

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Taking some stalkers in your perdita crew might help with getting value for them.

They're not good enough compared to other models without buffing witchlings but I figured the original post wasn't exactly aiming at winning the masters but more likely trying something new to escape the inevitable boredom of playing similar lists every game.

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7 hours ago, Ludvig said:

Taking some stalkers in your perdita crew might help with getting value for them.

They're not good enough compared to other models without buffing witchlings but I figured the original post wasn't exactly aiming at winning the masters but more likely trying something new to escape the inevitable boredom of playing similar lists every game.

Yeah. It's mostly I've bought the models and I want to use them more. Honestly a lot of Guild's "support" models are over-costed, imo. But I want to see how they could work outside of their "default" crew.

The two models that come to mind are the Witchling Handlers and Dashel.

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