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Miss Ery Loves Company


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So I got this mystery box from a recent tournament. Seems like a perk right? Nope, just a lure to get me into some other faction! It's all a conspiracy to take my money. Anyway, it's a Miss Ery and I love the model. Can't wait to paint it. Unfortunately I don't have any neverborn to give Miss Ery the the opportunity to get out there for some hugs. And she needs that opportunity! So, who should be her partner? I don't really like the concept of the dreamer, so he's out. Who else would be a good fit for this model? Pandora? Zoriada? Those two both seem like good options. 

Which master would you try if your focus was to paint and play teddy?  

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Kade, in Pandoras crew, goes well with him. Has a special rule that lets him slingshot Teddy around. Running Teddy in a Pandora crew gives you a solid beater which can cause more Willpower tests (Terrifying) for people to fail and trigger more hurt on themselves. Teddy also goes well with the Dreamer. Either as a summon or just as a Nightmare model in his crew.

Overall though, Teddy can find a place in just about any Neverborn crew thanks to his ability to just kill things dead. If you need a beater, Teddy is rarely a bad option.

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Thanks for the responses. Pandora does look like a fun one to try, although reading more on them I think I'm leaning toward Zoriada. The obeys and nurses can probably give you a ton of fun options with teddy. Currently I'm running Colette and really enjoying the impact prompt and doves have on Howard. The obey doesn't look as nice as prompt, but similar. I haven't actually played against Zoriada so she is a bit more of an unknown. 

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Pandora and Zoraida are the most obvious choices, as was already said. Also, if you like big and horrible models, get Jacob Lynch and crew, pair them up with Teddy, a Doppelganger and Ama no Zako and have fun gliding through the field, ordering the enemy models to fail their terrifying checks vs your crew and then eating them/slicing them up. Innocent fun :)

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Don't forget Lilith.

Teddy is awesome with her as he auto triggers a push for Liliths Living Blade Upgrade. On a flurry this is awesome. Also he is a good target to be placed forward via Tangle Shadows. If there are 2 Models within 4" of each other and you Tangle Shadows Teddy with one of them, then Teddy can engage the other one. While many models might be well exposed then there, especially one turn later when everyone has a go again, Teddy can Flurry-Push his way back to Lilith, around Buildings etc. If you plan on using him that way I would also recommend the Upgrade The Mimics Blessing. Perfect Camouflage offers a really good layer of protection for a forward Tangled Shadowed Teddy and his own repositioning tricks is the protection after he activated.


Sometimes I also take Baby Kade with Depression in that mix. Admitted it's way to much Overkill to push things with Teddy 3 times in between a Living Blade Lilith and an Auto Sweetbreads Baby Kade to go for that. But I do like the redundancy. If one of the 3 Models dies the other 2 are still working perfectly fine together.


Also Lilith has ways to trigger Teddys Smell Fear Ability, which shouldn't be overlooked. 

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