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Carrion Emissary and his upgrades


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So I've yet to really use the emissary, despite having a well painted Avatar of Decay proxy. I notice many players using the generic upgrade, and I dont fault them for doing so! Giving Belles/Autopsies/Nurses a plus on attack flips is always a powerful advantage. But how have the master specific upgrades been working for all of you? I know for me, the Nicodem and Molly upgrades look the weakest on paper, as Nicodem's seems to make the Mindless fairly decent at holding models down via disengaging strikes, or just able to slowly chip away with attacks. Molly's requires proper LOS to give them black blood, which seems incredible, but enemies would probably rather just disengage. 

Funny enough, McMourning's upgrade looks the most fun to me, especially since the blasts apply poison to all affected models. The plus flips help out the autopsies, belles, and nurses, and while I dont know how competitive it is, it looks goofy as all get out!


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The times that I have used Nicodem's specific upgrade, I have loved it.

As you mentioned, the Mindless Zombies are able to hold enemies in place much better, and with Undertaker, when the enemy gets sick of them and kills them (eating an AP) you get to draw a card.  Then when your Zombies are down, just laugh and they get back up.  This can soak up a lot of the opponent's AP and give you a nice card advantage, as well as activation control.

Additionally, the zombies are not so useless that you need to use them as summoning fodder immediately.  Allowing you to use those resources for other things, ideally directly scoring points.

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I think the Conflux of Horror upgrade looks amazing.

With Maniacal Laugh Molly gets use out of corpse markers, it makes positioning in the black blood bubble a little easier and it opens up Molly hiring pool a little. The real benefit however is with Take Back tbe Night, with every undead being a horror, there's huge potential for card draw.

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I don't usually take the upgrade with Nicodem but I do love playing the emissary with Nicodem. The shards give me some more protection and I can use the Mindless Zombie afterwards to deny some points. And in turn 4 (with destined +2) I summon something for a last minute VP. Just great. I'm in love. :D

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