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Leveticus and the effigies


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I searched for this, but couldn't find anything on it, but how about Leveticus using some/a lot/all of the effigies?

So far, I like the Brutal, Shadow, Mysterious and Hodgepodge Effigy, but I'm not sure how sensible it is, to get all of them in the same list for Levi.

Usually, they are considered good buys for the cost of 4, no? Does that still apply when you get more than one? :)


Anybody have any experience with this?

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Remember that Leveticus is actively discouraged from purchasing models with a soulstone cost less than six due to his need for anchors for his waifs. At four stones the Effigies are too cheap to act so. That is not to say that one will not be useful, but I think you're sliding into the law of diminishing returns as you add more of them.


Collodi on the other hand...

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The other down side to the effigies is that Leveticus likes to be the first model to activate a lot of the time. If you are trying to give him all the effigy buffs, then your opponent is probably going to kill Leveticus (well bury anyway). 

Thats not to say that they aren't good, but they will require you to play levi in a different way. 

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8 minutes ago, Adran said:

The other down side to the effigies is that Leveticus likes to be the first model to activate a lot of the time. If you are trying to give him all the effigy buffs, then your opponent is probably going to kill Leveticus (well bury anyway). 

Thats not to say that they aren't good, but they will require you to play levi in a different way. 

Don't all the effigies have the ability to chain-activate?


I think the problem is more to stay in a 8" reach with all of them ... :D

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3 hours ago, ghostcopy said:

Does anyone else think the title of this post sounds like an 80's band? or is it just me...^_^

More like the 70's... Once the 80's came around, band names were usually just a word or two. :P

As for Leve and the Effigies (hehe, kinda catchy now that I think about it) though, the only other Effigy that I would consider bringing, aside from Hodgepodge, is the Brutal Effigy.  Together with Hodgepodge's "Loyalty to the Coin", you have a decent combo of drawing cards and gaining soulstones back.  This can be mitigated though, if you just give Leve "Tally Sheet".  So unless there are other constructs you like to bring to Leve's crew, it's probably not worth bringing the Brutal Effigy.  Lately, I haven't been playing with either of the Pariah upgrades on Leve, and have just been going with Ashes and Dust and the Desolation Engine.  Both work out pretty well, honestly.

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23 hours ago, daniello_s said:

But you can chain-activate once during activations, meaning you can't activate model, then chain-activate another and then chain-activate something again.

Stick Tally sheet on Levi as well and IMO Hodgepodge Effigy is all what he needs.

Okay, that throws a spanner in the works, seen as Levi usually does wanna activate first.

Guess then I'll go by the traditional route and just take the Hodgepodge ... :)


As to the Tally Sheet: I like it, but I think I prefer Survivalist (and/or Oathkeeper) instead. Haven't played too many games with him yet, though, so might still change my mind.

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On 2/20/2016 at 6:37 AM, Mutter said:

Okay, that throws a spanner in the works, seen as Levi usually does wanna activate first.

Guess then I'll go by the traditional route and just take the Hodgepodge ... :)


As to the Tally Sheet: I like it, but I think I prefer Survivalist (and/or Oathkeeper) instead. Haven't played too many games with him yet, though, so might still change my mind.

Oathkeeper, I'm not a particular fan of, mainly because it's only used once per game.  With the proper board manipulation, it heavily mitigates the need for a 4th AP during a turn.  I usually take Tally Sheet, Desolate Soul, and Survivalist.  If I were to swap out an upgrade, it would be Survivalist for To The Earth Return, depending on what the schemes are.  It's rare that I have to ever use a healing flip on him, and he's usually disappeared off the board already, so HtK rarely is needed.  I was a big fan of From the Ash, but that was before I started playing with Ashes and Dust.  Now I typically save my high Crows for it, or the Desolation Engine to spawn more Abominations with.

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16 hours ago, Rurouni Benshin said:

Oathkeeper, I'm not a particular fan of, mainly because it's only used once per game.  With the proper board manipulation, it heavily mitigates the need for a 4th AP during a turn.  I usually take Tally Sheet, Desolate Soul, and Survivalist.  If I were to swap out an upgrade, it would be Survivalist for To The Earth Return, depending on what the schemes are.  It's rare that I have to ever use a healing flip on him, and he's usually disappeared off the board already, so HtK rarely is needed.  I was a big fan of From the Ash, but that was before I started playing with Ashes and Dust.  Now I typically save my high Crows for it, or the Desolation Engine to spawn more Abominations with.

I guess here it shows that I haven't played with him that often. For me, Oathkeeper is often a 'get out of the jam' card when I got Levi somewhere sticky, and really need to get out. :)


Survivalist ist pretty similar - it negates (some) mistakes.

Also, I see it as an extra Channel every turn, and for that, the cost is a steal.

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