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Trixiebelle Slap + I Never trigger

Je ne c'est LaCroix


My Gremlins are shortly to be Terrified/Manipulated/Miseried into submission by a good pal and his Neverborns.

On Trixiebelle's Ml Slap 'I Never' trigger - 'After damaging, a friendly Gremlin within range and LOS of the target may make a (1) Ml Attack Action against the target..'

Is this an auto 'may make' action - or would the action be first subject to an additional Terrifying/Manipulative WP duel by second model before taking the action?

My plan of course is to Slap with Trixie and follow up with a Whack from a nearby Lenny, however this won't happen if Lenny has to make a WP duel before the Whack with his fairly unreliable WP of 1...

Help on this appreciated!

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You always need to take any associated duels since the new action is declared as normal, it just doesn't cost AP. Since it isn't that models activation it will also be fairly horrible (pun intended) to fail that duel since you will be paralyzed instead of just ending your activation.

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Francois is WP 7 and hits like a truck... Burt Jebsen too. Lenny, Trixie and one of those two could spell troube for people. Round out the crew with gremlins so you out-activate anyone in a severe manner and go to town. Jebsen with extra rams isn't even funny...

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Lenny could make the attack as the only thing Horror does is give you Paralysed. Even the end your activation thing is the result of gaining Paralysed, not the Horror duel. Page 48 has the Horror rules and specifically mentions models being immune to conditions.

Of course Lenny will be less happy if he is surrounded by Sorrows or other stuff that do something because of failed Wp duels.

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1 hour ago, Bengt said:

Lenny could make the attack as the only thing Horror does is give you Paralysed. Even the end your activation thing is the result of gaining Paralysed, not the Horror duel. Page 48 has the Horror rules and specifically mentions models being immune to conditions.

Of course Lenny will be less happy if he is surrounded by Sorrows or other stuff that do something because of failed Wp duels.

But the horror rules say state "If a model is immune to the Paralyze condition, it must still perform the horror duel, it will simply be immune to the paralyze condition it might recieve." as well as "A model that passes the horror duel may  continue to act normally."

I have always taken that to mean that if you fail the horror duel you can't continue to act normally even if you are immune to paralyze.

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2 hours ago, Ludvig said:

But the horror rules say state "If a model is immune to the Paralyze condition, it must still perform the horror duel, it will simply be immune to the paralyze condition it might recieve." as well as "A model that passes the horror duel may  continue to act normally."

I have always taken that to mean that if you fail the horror duel you can't continue to act normally even if you are immune to paralyze.

Apart from applying Paralysed Horror does absolutely nothing. It doesn't say anywhere in the page 48 description of Horror that your action fails. That comes from Paralysed on page 52 - "...end its current Action with no effect.".

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I must have started mixing the general horror rules up with Lucius' commanding prescence. Good to know! Once again, he has a rule specially written to make him worse than everyone else ;) 

This also makes obeying enemies to attack you and paralyze them very dangerous since they don't end the action if they gain paralyzed outside of activation so you need to contiinue with the attack.

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4 hours ago, Ludvig said:

This also makes obeying enemies to attack you and paralyze them very dangerous since they don't end the action if they gain paralyzed outside of activation so you need to contiinue with the attack.

And that's why you just make them walk over to you. :)

Or cheat down their duel for the attack, but that's a bit of a drain on your cards.

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