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Thinking about starting Arcanists


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9 hours ago, daniello_s said:

 Fully disagree with first sentence and at the same time fully agree with second one (or at least with first part of second sentence).

Colette is dead easy to run. Just check where and which model you need to Prompt and do it.  With Cassandra and Practiced Production dropping scheme markers is (almost) no-brainer task :D

All you need to add is some beatstick models (here a box of Ramos would be a perfect addition to Colette's box) and you are set up for almost every game.


Colette certainly isn't the most complicated master to run. But to suggest she is dead easy is a bit misleading if you're giving a new player adivce. To get the most put of her beyond using Langston as a hand puppet, you need practise. Her summoning, buffing and repoistioning abilities are what make her powerful, and all of those require timing and planning ahead at least two turms as well as knowing your opponent. Similarly, to figure out who to debuff with a performer at what point, where to put a mechanical dove and what to use it for are things that are necessary to get roght if you want to play her well. And that's begore you take into account things like Willie to take her scheme marker shenanigans to the next level.

As for Cassandra - yeah, she's hugely powerful and makes marker schemes a breeze. Usinh her right makes her almost overpowered, but she is rather fragile.

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26 minutes ago, Breng77 said:

Interesting take because I feel like Cassandra is so much better outside of Colette than with her.  The ability to be a fast model and carry practiced production is amazing.  Sure understudy is somewhat better in a Colette crew but otherwise I would rate Cassandra as a must have model in nearly any crew.  Far more than anything in the Ramos box.  Just goes to show how much meta and playstyle influence choices we make.  As for a starting crew pick what you like as there isn't a wrong choice really.  That said as a beginner I might opt for Ramos simply because he is a forgiving master and doesn't really break any base rules which is good for learning (playing Colette breaks scheme marker interactions, and raspy breaks terrifying). I find that needing to use all base mechanics is a good place to start.

Again, I don't really want to get in depth in this sort of discussion in this thread, since it's not really related to the OP's question.  I will say though that perhaps your meta is different, but I don't see Cassandra taken all the time outside of Colette.  And to the other poster's claim that Performers are worth 6 ss, they may be, and yet I don't see them being taken either. 


Now Malifaux is very much a YMMV game.  What works for some people may not work for others, and what works in some metas may not work in others.  But I think the idea that Cassandra is taken out of master as often as Howard or Joss or Johan is somewhat curious.

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Du hast viele Ratschläge bekommen. Ramos und Raspy sind einsteigerfreundlich, weil sie auch ein gewisses Erfolgspotential haben, selbst wenn man sich Schnitzer im Spiel leistet und weil sie eine sehr breite Auswahl geeigneter Modelle zur Verfügung haben.

Ironsides` Mechanismus ist nicht so mein Fall, aber ihr Henchman The Captain kann seiner Crew gegen beschußstarke Modelle einen gewissen Schutz bieten und auch gegen Constructe ordentlich austeilen. Er arbeitet auch gut mit den meisten Arcanisten-Anführern.

Das Gute an Mailfaux ist, daß man noch gewinnen kann, selbst wenn man nicht mal mehr ein Modell auf dem Tisch hat und daß das Spiel äußerst gut ausbalanciert ist.

Grüße aus der Hauptstadt.


You got many advices. Ramos and Raspy both are good starter models, the have a good chance for victories, even if you make some mistakes during the game.

I`m not a fan of Tony Ironsides` mechanism, but The Captain, her Henchman, could protect his crew members against shooting attacks and he can fight constructs more than well. He works well with many other Acranist masters.

Nice thing about Malifaux is, that one could win, even without any model left on board. And the game is well balanced in total.

Greetings from the captial.:)

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I think Ramos has the best box to start with. You can make the spiders singles and use them for summoning. Then you can make a good crew just from his box (though not 50ss without a small addition). You'll want to buy the box eventually anyway. Actually I think the Ramos box and Colette box will make a really good start. You will have good models for both crews just from those two boxes, and many consider them to be the two best masters in the faction, that also compliment each other very well. I have not tried Colette yet myself, but the performers are really nice even with Ramos :) 

Rasputina was my first master and I really like her. But I believe she is not as versitile as Ramos and Colette. Especially as many of her important models has not been released yet. Raspy, wendigo and one or maybe two Ice Gamin are the only models from the crew box you will need. And without the unreleased models I find the crew to be rather boring. But fortunately they will be released soon (and mine are on the way from the black friday sale) ;)

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1 hour ago, Sordid Strumpet said:

Colette certainly isn't the most complicated master to run. But to suggest she is dead easy is a bit insulting to people who do play her. To get the most put of her beyond using Langston as a hand puppet, you need practise. Her summoning, buffing and repoistioning abilities are what make her powerful, and all of those require timing and planning ahead at least two turms as well as knowing your opponent. Similarly, to figure out who to debuff with a performer at what point, where to put a mechanical dove and what to use it for are things that are necessary to get roght if you want to play her well. And that's begore you take into account things like Willie to take her scheme marker shenanigans to the next level.

As for Cassandra - yeah, she's hugely powerful and makes marker schemes a breeze. Usinh her right makes her almost overpowered, but she is rather fragile.

Every master requires good planning and timing. Colette's abilities allow to react on situation on the table far better than other masters can. Push + (1)AP free action is IMO the most powerful support action in the whole game. That's why I called her 'dead easy' to operate. Some similar description would apply to one of my masters - Levi, although in his case Levi replaces Colette's support abilities for his huuge killing potential, so no offence was (and is) intended.

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I wasn't personally insulted (insulting was the wrong word, my apologies - I've fixed my post). Just a little grumpy :Pbecause after quite a few games with her I still feel like I've only scratched the surface of what she can do. I think it is perhaps a little deceiving to call her easy to play in a sense that she's easy to pick up for a beginner, simply because there is such a huge amount of planning and knowledge required that you'd be hard pressed to get it all going while learning the mechanics of the game itself. I agree that she's easy to play in a sense once you get your head around her due to her flexibility and being able to very reliably accomplish certain schemes and strats without leaving your opponent a lot of opportunity to counter.

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13 hours ago, Sordid Strumpet said:

I wasn't personally insulted (insulting was the wrong word, my apologies - I've fixed my post). Just a little grumpy :Pbecause after quite a few games with her I still feel like I've only scratched the surface of what she can do. I think it is perhaps a little deceiving to call her easy to play in a sense that she's easy to pick up for a beginner, simply because there is such a huge amount of planning and knowledge required that you'd be hard pressed to get it all going while learning the mechanics of the game itself. I agree that she's easy to play in a sense once you get your head around her due to her flexibility and being able to very reliably accomplish certain schemes and strats without leaving your opponent a lot of opportunity to counter.

I think this hits the nail on the head... "Easy", for a new player, is not "I pick this model up and she's amazing"... "Easy" is being able to learn the game of Malifaux and enjoy it, without having to work hard to understand all the mechanics and such. It can be very frustrating to be learning the game with a unique master like Colette, and then going to another master and being like "Wtf, this is weird. I don't understand this."... That is what happened to me, with a very poor player trying to introduce me to the game with their very complicated favorite models.  

I could write about 4-5 lists that could place Top 5 at any Tournament I've ever been to, when in the right hands. That doesn't make it easy for a new player to learn the game and utilize the models in the list to their full potential. 

When a new player says easy. The first thing we should do, is hand them a BB Gun of a list and introduce them to the game of Malifaux in the easiest way, with the least amount of tricks. We should not hand them an M60 (IMO: Colette) and tell them that it's easy to shoot, just pull the trigger. For everyone non-military, I apologize if you don't get the reference. lol. 

With that said, I think everyone on here has proven that we all have different opinions based on our location and local meta. Glad we're able to at least hold a decent conversation and help this new player out, regardless of the disagreements. 

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Thank you so much, guys. You are really helping me out here. Looks like the Malifaux community is a really kind and helpful one. Unlike other communities I met.


So I think I'll go with Ramos. You guys told me that I need some extra Steam Arachnid Swarms. So I'm just gonna buy the Ramos Box and some extra Steam Arachnids, I guess. In the shop, I found two different Arachnid Boxes. Which one do I need? I am not getting the difference, to be honest :D


This one: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0825/4481/products/WYR20320-ArachnidSwarms_1024x1024.jpg?v=1437985484


Or this one: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0825/4481/products/Arachnids_1024x1024.jpeg?v=1431098254


Whats the difference?

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56 minutes ago, Shimian said:

Thank you so much, guys. You are really helping me out here. Looks like the Malifaux community is a really kind and helpful one. Unlike other communities I met.


So I think I'll go with Ramos. You guys told me that I need some extra Steam Arachnid Swarms. So I'm just gonna buy the Ramos Box and some extra Steam Arachnids, I guess. In the shop, I found two different Arachnid Boxes. Which one do I need? I am not getting the difference, to be honest :D


This one: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0825/4481/products/WYR20320-ArachnidSwarms_1024x1024.jpg?v=1437985484


Or this one: http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0825/4481/products/Arachnids_1024x1024.jpeg?v=1431098254


Whats the difference?

There are 6 spiders in the first one and 3 in the second :)

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6 hours ago, Shimian said:
8 minutes ago, Shimian said:

Ah, okay, got it. Whats the advantage of a single Arachnid over a swarm?

Ramos always summons single arachnids. Then three of them (when already on the board) can come together to a swarm. Most of my games, I have used mostly singles, but once in a while, a swarm will be nice. I guess it just comes down to play style. But single arachnids are what Ramos summons, so you need a couple of them.

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Thank you :) Do I get the 40mm bases for the swarms in Ramos box as well? Or can I only make single Arachnids from the box?


What base size does the Electric Creation have? Is it a good idea in generel to buy this thing? I have read in some guides that it makes a good addition to a Ramos crew.

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Yeah, wherever you get spiders, you also get 40mm bases, so don't you worry :)

Electric creation is 30mm and is mostly used to get scrap markers turn 1 either with Joss or Ramos. I usually do Joss for two markers. It's really good to have. Though you could hire a Steam Arachnid to charge with Joss turn one instead for the same effect, the Electric Creation gives you the option of magnetizing with Ramos if you want to. Also because it will die to only one attack, you don't have to worry about the black joker. That happend to me actually. I charged a Steam Arachnid turn 1 with Joss only to flip the black joker, so I couldn't kill it. Very frustrating. :P

Also, as mentioned earlier, the Brass Arachnid is too big for it's base, so if you want to fit it on the right  base without modifying the base, you need to be careful when assembling it.

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