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Support Rasputina


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Rasputina can kill stuff dead, but she can also can apply a stacking armor buff, pillars, and the ability to inflict paralyze at range.  Especially with the Wendigo and Cassandra getting even more of her abilities out.  Anyone explored her less killy side?  After all, killing models doesn't win games.

I've been trying the mechanical rider, as potentially being able to stack 4 to 6 armor on it lets it be more forward early game, and shuts the back doors like blast or burning that avoid the trigger.

The pillars generally seem better in theory unless the terrain on the table really supports them (i.e. good anchor points to build off) or you are playing against a faction with limited range attacks.  Especially multiple sets of pillars, since you have to leave a 1 inch gap which can be shot through.

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Pillars are great, personally the amount of terrain we use is pretty moderate (maybe 30-40% depending) and the ability to deny movement, charge lanes, or forcing the opponent to waste AP already makes it one of my favorite spells.

Her paralyze ability, imo, is situationally her strongest ability. It's not to say blast damage isn't nice, but automatically freezing b2b opponents (non-master) when you target your own frozen heart model is freaking gravy. Also, the ability to freeze a master model is certainly a welcome ability and the CA is strong enough that you can probably pull it off unless they hold a hand full of decent cards...

Which is fortunate that Raspy has such easy access to hand destruction via the effigy and Acolytes huh? :D

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I have used Raspy as a buffer a lot. I like taking high threat models such as Howard, stacking more armour on them, rushing them into the opponents crew and then watch while they spend AP to slowly whittle down the dangerous model in their ranks while the rest of my crew move into position. Great for bodyguard.

Its also really useful against assassinate. I know many love armour of December to get out of combat, but if my opponent manages to engage her with a high damage model I use her to armour herself (x3 if severe damage is 6+, x2 and defensive for more tomes if severe is 5 or less), try to get tomes. The armour will reduce all damage below 8 to 1, then her trigger ends the attackers activation. Try the use low tomes first against an opponent with 3 melee activations as crafty ones, when seeing a tome, might cheat their score lower to fail so they get another attack and hope you don't get a tome this time. Managed to laugh in the faces of both Lilith and Nekima for 2 turns using this trick + stones when the opponent went first.

Edited by Pete Zero
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The more I play with Raspy the more I realise correct use of actions other than December's Curse is the key to getting the most out of her.  Many times the threat of blasty death is more effective than the reality.   That being said I'm not sure you get the most out of her actively playing for her to take on a support role, play to her strengths and use the support options when they're needed.

As others have said Ice Pillars are golden. As she's a crew that needs to keep the enemy at a distance being able to slow down and deny attacks to the enemy is often game changing.

Touch, while useful, is more situational as it needs her to activate earlier in the turn than you'd normally want her too. That said my opponent was trying to murder prot a full health armor six Snow Storm in the last turn of the game last night. Which he didn't get far with.

Support is where the Wendigo shines, it's use of Raspy's support actions can make a real difference in game.


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The more I play with Raspy the more I realise correct use of actions other than December's Curse is the key to getting the most out of her.  Many times the threat of blasty death is more effective than the reality.   That being said I'm not sure you get the most out of her actively playing for her to take on a support role, play to her strengths and use the support options when they're needed.

As others have said Ice Pillars are golden. As she's a crew that needs to keep the enemy at a distance being able to slow down and deny attacks to the enemy is often game changing.

Touch, while useful, is more situational as it needs her to activate earlier in the turn than you'd normally want her too. That said my opponent was trying to murder prot a full health armor six Snow Storm in the last turn of the game last night. Which he didn't get far with.

Support is where the Wendigo shines, it's use of Raspy's support actions can make a real difference in game.


How do you get an armor 6 snow storm? 

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