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Counter to Collodi's Stitched Madness


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Ramos has the highest potential significant ap generation in the game. He can bring in 3 significant minions off one scrap and one ap. He can then theoretically summon again with a zero, leaving him with two ap to continue influencing the game.


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yeah I found myself doing a mix of Magnetism, Summon the Swarm, and Electrical Fire depending on the situation. Field Generator on him was a mistake. Didn't want to use an AP to do it. Some slight tweaks and I'll have the crew operating even better.

Edited by FertileSpade
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As an Arcanists and Neverborn player I thought I'd give this stitched madness a try. With just vasilisa and Collodi throwing extra AP at the stitched I managed to easily get it into position and take down a freshly unburied killjoy and Tara (with 8 wounds remaining) in one round. *

How to deal with the situation is a much harder question...

A big hitter with fast or flurry to get in it's face early and kill it before it can heal or reactivate may be a solution; not the best use of a high SS cost model but it may be unavoidable if you need to remove it from play early to mitigate the potential damage it could cause (especially in a strategy like turf war).

* nb: there were a lot of factors that contributed to this, a close deployment and killjoy being next to Tara and thereby dealing out black blood damage every time he got hit were big contributors. But it was nasty. 

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yep the synergy available in a Collodi crew, take a 6ss model from being really good/very dangerous to close to game breaking. 6ss and no rare limitation. that said models that ignore hard to kill and flurry can definitely be a strong counter. I used metal gamin and their magnetism along with gunsmiths and Joss to finally beat it. the metal gamin were the stars of the game. funny thing is that the very next day the metal gamin got cuddled! which was probably needed. now i'm waiting for a Stitched cuddle.

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I like Mei Feng against Collodi (and most Neverborn Masters, actually).  With Kang on her side, she's getting a lot of buffs to her attacks against all the Constructs you'll be facing, plus the ability to ignore their armor if you put "Hard Worker" on either her or Kang.  Metal Gamin are great for some easy damage on constructs too.  If you have a valid proxy for Sparks, he's also a good Foundry Henchman that Mei Feng can bring along too.

I've faced Collodi twice now, with Shenlong the first time and with Mei Feng the second, against the same player actually.  Lost the first game 8-6 and won my second game 10-1.  He brought nearly identical lists to both games, though I wasn't sure who'd he bring to the second game to begin with.  Granted I played Mei Feng as a Ten Thunders Master, but I can't imagine the tactics being that different with her as an Arcanist Master.  The Mechanical Rider seems like an easy choice to bring as well, since it can generate free Constructs for her to Rail Walk towards.  Arcane Emissary is okay with her, but you could probably find a better model to bring along. 

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I will say Mei Feng is a pretty tough fight for Collodi since her crew can do pretty well against ranged threats and can tear through puppets pretty easily. I'm looking forward to trying a Props set up rather than Fated and see if that holds up more.

I'm more interested in Belles getting a cuddle over stitched tbh. I may consider Stitched a slight crutch, but they are extremely slow on their own and this game is not a killing game in 9/10 cases, but a VP earning one... Otherwise my NB lists would be filled with nothing but Stitched if they could do everything that well.

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 funny thing is that the very next day the metal gamin got cuddled! which was probably needed. now i'm waiting for a Stitched cuddle.

You might be waiting a very long time.  For one, Metal Gamin were wave 1 and have been complained about almost from Day 1 after the book came out and look how long it was before they finally made a final call on what to do to them.  For good reason Wyrd is very leery about these sort of decisions, so they are going to need plenty of time and data before they do it again.

Personally have not had a lot of trouble against Stitched but I have also done mean stuff with them.  That said I am a patient sort that will wait till the time is right with them.

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sure, i'm not too worried about it. more just a quip than an actual expectation. i can just ask my friend not to play them or tone them down a bit in friendly games. in a competitive tourney against a Neverborn player that i think may drop Collodi I'll build my crew accordingly especially if it's turf war.

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how so? the summoning mechanic for very little resource investment? definitely good. i'm curious what you're seeing there.

i'm referring more to the synergies available in a Collodi crew that reduce the stitched weaknesses like marrionette pushes that reduce its slow movement, heals by wicked dolls that enable multiple reactivates in a single game, Vasilisa's obey, and the icing on the cake Collodi's my will giving + flips to not so much of a gamble just your dead (er..life).

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how so? the summoning mechanic for very little resource investment? definitely good. i'm curious what you're seeing there.

i'm referring more to the synergies available in a Collodi crew that reduce the stitched weaknesses like marrionette pushes that reduce its slow movement, heals by wicked dolls that enable multiple reactivates in a single game, Vasilisa's obey, and the icing on the cake Collodi's my will giving + flips to not so much of a gamble just your dead (er..life).

Ignoring the fact he can summon them. The fact he can heal them when they activate for 3 wounds is pretty great.

Dreamer can hire Vasilisa and wicked dolls if you want to go that route. I just think it requires less work to keep them healed in a Dreamer crew. With that said, YES they are amazing in Collodi's crew, no question. I guess specifically the healing Dreamer can do is pretty nice, and gives them a slight edge with Dreamer.

But you're mostly right, as far as effectiveness they have an almost guaranteed success rate of winning Gamble your life (as long as the black joker is in your hand or in your discard pile).

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sure, i'm not too worried about it. more just a quip than an actual expectation. i can just ask my friend not to play them or tone them down a bit in friendly games. in a competitive tourney against a Neverborn player that i think may drop Collodi I'll build my crew accordingly especially if it's turf war.

I guess I am a different person as I find these sort of uphill fights interesting and motivating.  If I find that I have a problem with a certain build I encourage them to play it against me.  The most experience I have against it the better I tend to do against it.  That way when the time comes and it drops on a competitive scene I know I have the playbook down.

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how so? the summoning mechanic for very little resource investment? definitely good. i'm curious what you're seeing there.

i'm referring more to the synergies available in a Collodi crew that reduce the stitched weaknesses like marrionette pushes that reduce its slow movement, heals by wicked dolls that enable multiple reactivates in a single game, Vasilisa's obey, and the icing on the cake Collodi's my will giving + flips to not so much of a gamble just your dead (er..life).

Ignoring the fact he can summon them. The fact he can heal them when they activate for 3 wounds is pretty great.

Dreamer can hire Vasilisa and wicked dolls if you want to go that route. I just think it requires less work to keep them healed in a Dreamer crew. With that said, YES they are amazing in Collodi's crew, no question. I guess specifically the healing Dreamer can do is pretty nice, and gives them a slight edge with Dreamer.

But you're mostly right, as far as effectiveness they have an almost guaranteed success rate of winning Gamble your life (as long as the black joker is in your hand or in your discard pile).

PF hit it on the nose.  For the Dreamer, the one of his "easier" models to summon, and their "Reactivate" shenanigans can get pretty crazy when used correctly on the turns that they're summoned.

Edited by Rurouni Benshin
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sure, i'm not too worried about it. more just a quip than an actual expectation. i can just ask my friend not to play them or tone them down a bit in friendly games. in a competitive tourney against a Neverborn player that i think may drop Collodi I'll build my crew accordingly especially if it's turf war.

I guess I am a different person as I find these sort of uphill fights interesting and motivating.  If I find that I have a problem with a certain build I encourage them to play it against me.  The most experience I have against it the better I tend to do against it.  That way when the time comes and it drops on a competitive scene I know I have the playbook down.

the guy i play against on a regular basis would laugh if he saw your post. He knows that I have repeatedly asked him to put together the toughest list possible and play it to the best of his ability against me.

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