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Playing mei feng !

Luca 2.0

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I played a gamed yesterday with mei feng against viktorias. The strategy was squatters rights, scheme were assassinate, distract, power ritual frame for murder and ofc a line in the sand.

I decide to choose frame for murder " metal gamin" and power ritual. my crew was mei with imbued protection, seismic claws, joss with bleeding edhe tech, howard imbued energies, 3 metal gamin, 2 rail workers. I reveal the scheme power ritual and go fast for it thx to mei i create a train of construct. with the metal gamin designed for "frame for murder" i went in the center of the table taking the obj of the strategy, so i force him to kill my gamin as soon as possible!  I won the game cause my opponent decide to hurt mei istead of going for others obj... he has assassinate as a scheme but he didn't care about strategy. I was considering that my crew didn't shoot at all... and i can just make train of models... hitting in meele. am i build he correctly? there is something that u gonna change expecially in those missions?

Edited by Luca 2.0
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I'm typically not big on puttin frame for murder on something like a gamin.  It is too easy to ignore/kill with a non-master/henchman.  So it seems suboptimal, I would probably put I on Howard.  I also think your crew is a bit lacki for power ritual.  Most of your models are not fast so getting to the corners can be tough.  With it revealed it is no bad though.  

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I'm typically not big on puttin frame for murder on something like a gamin.  It is too easy to ignore/kill with a non-master/henchman.  So it seems suboptimal, I would probably put I on Howard.  I also think your crew is a bit lacki for power ritual.  Most of your models are not fast so getting to the corners can be tough.  With it revealed it is no bad though.  

i put mei near my corner on the left, howard on the right, i put scheme markers then i jump from the left side to the center of the table while howard was running on the right... then at the end i jump totally to the right putting me in the enemy corner in one turn. I don't know if it is correct but i did the obj pretty easy. I have much more mobility than viktoria's crew. i reveal it cause it'a a bit obvius that i'm gonna do it if i ran for that! i can also put scheme on the center but... imho it's obvius when i move like i did! btw can u explain me why?

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I meant that with it revealed it was not bad to do it because you only need one marker on the enemy side.  Howard seems like a really expensive piece to scheme run with but winning is winning.

ok thx so i was right? i'm asking cause i would like to improve so all your advice for me are gold xD.

U're right maybe i played bad langston... i'm thinking to remove joss and putting a mechanical rider! what do u think about, u gonna change something in the list for something better?

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If I had taken your list I would have worried that I would struggle getting a scheme marker placed within 1 of the opponents corners. You don't have anything particularly fast except Howard, and I wouldn't want to risk him too far forward against the Viks. And whilst Mei can rail walk, there has to be somethign for he rto rail walk to. And you're either spending most of Howards activations to do it, (He can manage it on turn 2 if he walks 5 times and then interacts, but he is probably at least another turn away from doing anything else useful). 

But it worked for you, 


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when you said;

"then at the end i jump totally to the right putting me in the enemy corner in one turn. I don't know if it is correct but i did the obj pretty easy."

I did wonder if you were playing Railwalk correctly - its a maximum jump of 6" (between her and a metal thing) per walk action. Getting Mei from one corner to the diagonal opposite one in any game sounds like a lot of APs used up just moving from a model that really needs to fight at some point.. 

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