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Mr. Cooper's Dark Carnival - Playtesting Sessions Week 6

Da Git

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Hi all! 


Time for the Week 6 cards!


Here's the design brief from Kalkris (post 1 of the last thread) PLEASE READ THIS FIRST IF YOU ARE NEW!

Okay, so: The Dark Carnival is coming out for GenCon, as a proxy crew for Colette's standard loadout (Colette, 3 Mechanical Doves, Cassandra, 2 Performers, and 2 Mannequins). We are getting a number of named models, themed after a circus troupe described in detail in the latest Wyrd Chronicles (images for the crew box are also in that issue). The Dark Carnival proxies as Colette, as mentioned above.


I am not satisfied with that alone.


What I have been tossing about as an idea both on this forum and on AWP is the idea of being amateur (or better!) devs and betatesters, all of us, and creating our own set of rules for Mr. Cooper and his Dark Carnival.


And that we did.


Now we are onto Stage 2 of this wonderful journey of ours: Playtesting. If you have been watching this space with great interest (or any interest at all, even), you probably have done so with the interest of playtesting this unofficial crew. That, or you probably just want to watch our process and progress. We finished the brainstorm rather early, and now it is the public's turn to give as much feedback as they desire.


Unfortunately, I got a reply from Aaron Darland about getting this crew ruleset into the Chronicles and he said that between people skimming the Chronicles for things, and people just plain not reading the Chronicles, it wouldn't reach a wide enough audience and those it would reach may accidentally take the crew as solicited and official. So, the Chronicles is out, but I'm still by all means down to do this! Hope you are too.


If you are comfortable working on a set of custom rules for casual games, and willing to make a constructive contribution, please feel free to join in on this great adventure.




DISCLAIMER: This project is not in any way supported or endorsed by Wyrd Games. I am not affiliated with Wyrd except by virtue of being a Henchman. Any games of Malifaux (Wyrd's game) involving this ruleset must be approved by all parties involved before being conducted. Official Wyrd events may not include this ruleset.




Credit thus far goes to:

Solicitor 6 (major idea contributor)

Da Git (major idea contributor)

Manic Mouse (major idea contributor)

Crush_Jansen (major idea contributor)

SpiralingCadaver (for providing stat card templating)

Phinn (idea contributor)

Dirial (idea contributor)

Fetid Strumpet (for recommending I contact SpiralingCadaver)

Patzer (idea contributor)

Victoria (idea contributor)

Bstorz (idea contributor)

Clockwork Top Hat (idea contributor)

Jafar (idea contributor)

Adran (idea contributor)

TimH (idea contributor)

and myself, as well as anyone who voted.




Models representing models:


Mr. Cooper (30mm) = Colette

Lola (30mm) = Cassandra

Flying Monkey (30mm) x3 = Mechanical Dove (x3)

Thin Lizzy (30mm) = Performer

Mercury (30mm) = Performer

Mummerette (30mm) x2 = Mannequin (x2)


Here's the playtest schedule

So, with the time we have, we will have 6 weeks for thematic, 6 for Arcanists and 6 for Neverborn. I want to split it like that alternating by week:


Week 1 (7/6-7/12) - Thematic initial - look over crew to start, changes can be made

Week 2 (7/13-7/19) - Arcanist initial - no changes until Neverborn initial ends - Wave 1

Week 3 (7/20-7/26) - Neverborn initial - changes applied at end - Wave 1

Week 4 (7/27-8/2)- Thematic #2 - look over crew with changes, changes can be made that do not override W1-3

Week 5 (8/3-8/9) - Break for GenCon recuperation

Week 6 (8/10-8/16) - Arcanist #2 - no changes until Neverborn initial ends - Wave 1

Week 7 (8/17-8/23) - Neverborn #2 - changes from W4-6 applied at end - Wave 1

Week 8 (8/24-8/30) - Thematic #3 - make sure nothing degenerate affects thematic crew

Week 9 (8/31-9/6) - Arcanist #3 - make sure nothing degenerate affects Arcanist faction - Wave 1

Week 10 (9/7-9/13) - Neverborn #3 - make sure nothing degenerate affects Neverborn faction - Wave 1

Week 11 (9/14-9/20) - Thematic #4 - Repeat Week 1

Week 12 (9/21-9/27) - Arcanist #4 - Repeat Week 2, add Wave 2

Week 13 (9/28-10/4) - Neverborn #4 - Repeat Week 3, add Wave 2

Week 14 (10/5-10/11) - Thematic #5 - Repeat Week 4

Week 15 (10/12-10/18) - Arcanist #5 - Repeat Week 6, add Wave 2

Week 16 (10/19-10/25) - Neverborn #5 - Repeat Week 7, add Wave 2

Week 17 (10/26-11/1) - Thematic #6 - Repeat Week 8

Week 18 (11/2-11/8) - Arcanist #6 - Repeat Week 9, Add Waves 2 & 3

Week 19 (11/9-11/15) - Neverborn #6 - Repeat Week 10, Add Waves 2 & 3

Week 20 (11/16-11/22) - Final - Done!


And finally, the cards!

We had one game last week with Neverborn that went pretty well with the Oddity upgrades, but it'd be great to test out the Insidious Madness with an Oddity upgrade (as they now give the Carny Characteristic) and if they're OP with The Haze effects


You can download them here: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=09458817257394318927

If you really want me to post the cards here, please let me know (it's a lot of effort!). It's a zip file so Asrian you should be able to open it!


Week 6 Change Log

Mr. Cooper

  • The Haze only Gets Thicker – Re-written
  • WRhoS – TN dropped to 13
  • BS – TN dropped to 13
  • The Haze Dissipates – renamed to Breath It In, once per turn restriction


Baritone Lola

  • Dropped all TNs dropped to 11
  • The Haze Lingers – Re-written


Thin Lizzy

  • Hands Off the Beard! – TN dropped to 11


Welcome To My Nightmare

  • Smoke & Fire Trigger – Removed
  • Vengeance is Mine – New Ability – Do you think this upgrade is worth it? Which Oddities would you take?  I know Asrian would never take them but is that because of his playstyle?  I need to test these out too!


Circus Troop

  • Circus Troop – TN dropped to 14tm


Unpaid Debts

  • Re-written – Do you think it’s worth it now?


Still need to decide what we want to do about this too!

The other one is with the new Coryphee model coming out.  So far we don't if it's just the duet or all three models.  if it's just the duet, Kalkris had the idea of after a Mummerette "partnered" a Monkey, they would sacrifice and summon the new model (which we need to make).  Thoughts?


Lamo & Carcosa also suggested that Mr. Cooper does only one thing & that he could benefit from interacting with the Poison Condition.  Any ideas? Carcosa, also wants something using puppets, just add it to his infiltrate?

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Jtaurus posted this in the last topic too


see i really liked this last iteration alot maybe takeing tns down by 1 is a good idea. but the crew works now like a mix of collodi and brewmaster. now lola is about the only one that doesnt just die when things look at it. i had a guild marshal put down mercury in 2 attacks with his attack on the death did nothing to 3 model now you  can say some of it was due to card flips but still he is the tank lola with upgrade is the only one to live reliably. the colette type slieght of hand can get cooper out of trouble once but if a opponent dedicates 2 models he is as good as dead.  and is chatty all thin lizzy is for now i dont really think she poses any real use one scheme marker two on a trigger as her only real ability cause she has never been in melee in any game ive played yet.


now the mumerettes are pretty good but dont have any ideas on them.i love the haze markers they work fantastic with the upgrade they make defending a marker a realistic task. now i have a question does lady js natural order effect wouldnt recognize condition?


ok and as promised i have rules for coryphee so you must sac a mummertte and a flying monkey to summon The Unearthly Duet. instead of blades the main attack is bladed ribbons and have it as like the steam arachnid swarm attack with the trigger being whirlwind of ribbons or cut to ribbons. give them move 4 and flight and ablility called monkey see.. when a friendly flying monkey model within 3" is placed this model may place within 3" and becomes ingsinifacant. now heres my issue do we want it rare 1 or 2. also i know its early and horse and cart and all but ive been putting together some rules for The avatar of Amusement.


I'd love to see your rules for these!  Also what do you recommend for Mercury? HtK? HtW?

Why didn't you use I want to break free when he was damaged the first time?  Also for a Death Marshal to kill Mercury in two attacks means two severes (or a Red?)? That's very lucky!


Would love to see any BatReps too!

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Oh, on the subject of poison with Cooper, I have a few idea's rattling around in my skull for upgrades, but they are yet to coalesce into anything solid as yet. At the moment , the notion is to have WTMN as the hazy booster type of limited upgrade, and either replacing NMMNG with a poison themed limited upgrade, or as additional stream of limited upgrades to give him a different playstyle.

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Mercury technically died to lady js full assualt or whirlwind after being softwnwd by GMs it just felt like they did the work and she reaped the spoils. then she died to monkeys dropping her ass in the haze. Lolz .And my batreps are coming it just was three games and they have coalesced into one game and i have to start to unravel them. I think i may record from now on and post rep videos.

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-reads week 6 cards-

OH, hmmm, ok, you have changed WTMN slightly to focus on poison already.


needs rethinking.


Oh, and I mentioned this directly to da git, but Cooper now reads like there is no cap to the haze anymore, is this the right intent?

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I need a partner is listed as a CA 5 :mask, with a TN of 10 :tome. Is this a mistype?


Also, I wonder if this ability would be better if it had a lower range, and placed the -other- model in base to base with them in order to get the most out of "this is a double act"?

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I feel as though, offhand (looking to the Seven who are all Enforcers), I want them to be able to be affected by Hazy's benefits (which means they need the Carny characteristic somehow). Would it be a bad idea to give a sort of McCabe-style action to Cooper through W2MN where he passes along an Oddity to target Minion or Enforcer, ignoring all restrictions for attaching upgrades except for the upgrade's rare value? Would that be a terrible idea? ... I just had another thought to make it a bit fairer and to encourage out-of-theme hires if used:


This model gains the following Ability:

You'll Do: Whenever a friendly Minion model with an Oddity upgrade attached within 12" and LoS is killed or sacrificed by an enemy model, this model may attach that upgrade to target friendly non-Carny Minion or Enforcer within 3". If the upgrade is attached, the target gains Paralyzed unless this model discards Soulstones equal to the upgrade's cost.


Would this be too outlandish? I admit that I would like to see it in action (and maybe in print by Sunday? Wishful thinking, I suppose? lol)


~Lil Kalki


EDIT: I also wonder if the Oddities facilitate a "change in playstyle" that warrants a Limited restriction on the upgrade. If we do keep that, it means that NMMrNG cannot be used in conjunction with it.... Which means conversely that if NMMrNG were to be used, W2MN cannot be. By such a token, I had another idea.


1) keep W2MN as is, and maybe add the above.

2) for NMMrNG:


This model gains the following Tactical Action:

(0) This One's A Keeper... (Ca6 :mask /TN 12 :mask:crow /Rg: 3): Target model gains the following Condition until end of turn: "Keeper +1: When this model is killed or sacrificed, target non-Leader enemy Carny model within 3" chosen by Mr. Cooper's controller gains their choice of one of this model's Abilities as a Condition until the end of the game."

:crow:tome...And How: After succeeding, the target gains an additional Keeper +1.


It's KIND of an Oddity upgrade but will require much more testing. We're only in Week 6. This could prove fun at the very least.

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Also: As much as I hate to show my own models (as they reek of acryllic tube paint and not legit minis paints), here is my Mr. Cooper, at the least.



The rest of the crew is far brighter, but that all was intended. Still terribad and explains why I haven't displayed any of my models on here since I started (which was in itself an error on my part, IMHO). lol



~Lil Kalki

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I would be very leery of changing the crossroads models to gain the carny status.

As it stands, you have 3 ways to do it with upgrades (something no other crew can do) and -I- feel that is enough, but sure, try it out.


What may make good sense however is a 1SS upgrade that allows you to hire up to 4 of the band without having to pay the merc tax, Get The Band Back Togeather, or something along those lines.

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I would be very leery of changing the crossroads models to gain the carny status.

As it stands, you have 3 ways to do it with upgrades (something no other crew can do) and -I- feel that is enough, but sure, try it out.


What may make good sense however is a 1SS upgrade that allows you to hire up to 4 of the band without having to pay the merc tax, Get The Band Back Togeather, or something along those lines.

Actually, as it is we have no ways to do it. They're all Enforcers (except Wrath who is a Henchman) and W2MN specifies Minions to get the Oddities.


Unless I am missing some other ability/action?


~Lil Kalki

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Nono dude, I meant you already have 3 cards that allow you to make a minion a carnie, and the only upgrade I can think of that allows the giving of a condition like that is the Sisters upgrade that you have to chuck to be counted as a sister. There are thing's like Tara's changing DM's to Undead, but that does generally not have other triggers involved.


I did not mean you had ways to make enforcers or henchies carnies, and I thought that was a conscious decision on your folks part?

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You're right, we deliberately made it Minions only to stop some potential insane combos.  It's expensive, but imagine a three-headed Nekima or Teddy.   On the flip side, imagine Hank with enemy models receiving negatives to all their duels for a turn.

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Fair. That is a scenario I keep on blocking from my head. Haha

However, if W2MN will remain as such for however long, what about my other idea? I mean, it could be tweaked but also has similar application (and would be interesting to test) and would be pretty neat on NMMrNG for the sake of pseudo-symmetry in design (and would warrant a limited slot usage). Heck, to make it even more balanced (and symmetrical), change "non-Leader enemy Carny" to "enemy Carny Minion"....

~Lil Kalki

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