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Mr. Cooper's Dark Carnival - Playtesting Sessions Week 3

Da Git

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Hi all!  Time for the Week 3 cards!


Kalkris's computer has gone a bit bung so that has left me to keep the show on the road!


Here's the design brief from Kalkris (post 1 of the last thread) PLEASE READ THIS FIRST IF YOU ARE NEW!

Okay, so: The Dark Carnival is coming out for GenCon, as a proxy crew for Colette's standard loadout (Colette, 3 Mechanical Doves, Cassandra, 2 Performers, and 2 Mannequins). We are getting a number of named models, themed after a circus troupe described in detail in the latest Wyrd Chronicles (images for the crew box are also in that issue). The Dark Carnival proxies as Colette, as mentioned above.


I am not satisfied with that alone.


What I have been tossing about as an idea both on this forum and on AWP is the idea of being amateur (or better!) devs and betatesters, all of us, and creating our own set of rules for Mr. Cooper and his Dark Carnival.


And that we did.


Now we are onto Stage 2 of this wonderful journey of ours: Playtesting. If you have been watching this space with great interest (or any interest at all, even), you probably have done so with the interest of playtesting this unofficial crew. That, or you probably just want to watch our process and progress. We finished the brainstorm rather early, and now it is the public's turn to give as much feedback as they desire.


Unfortunately, I got a reply from Aaron Darland about getting this crew ruleset into the Chronicles and he said that between people skimming the Chronicles for things, and people just plain not reading the Chronicles, it wouldn't reach a wide enough audience and those it would reach may accidentally take the crew as solicited and official. So, the Chronicles is out, but I'm still by all means down to do this! Hope you are too.


If you are comfortable working on a set of custom rules for casual games, and willing to make a constructive contribution, please feel free to join in on this great adventure.




DISCLAIMER: This project is not in any way supported or endorsed by Wyrd Games. I am not affiliated with Wyrd except by virtue of being a Henchman. Any games of Malifaux (Wyrd's game) involving this ruleset must be approved by all parties involved before being conducted. Official Wyrd events may not include this ruleset.




Credit thus far goes to:

Solicitor 6 (major idea contributor)

Da Git (major idea contributor)

Manic Mouse (major idea contributor)

Crush_Jansen (major idea contributor)

SpiralingCadaver (for providing stat card templating)

Phinn (idea contributor)

Dirial (idea contributor)

Fetid Strumpet (for recommending I contact SpiralingCadaver)

Patzer (idea contributor)

Victoria (idea contributor)

Bstorz (idea contributor)

Clockwork Top Hat (idea contributor)

Jafar (idea contributor)

Adran (idea contributor)

TimH (idea contributor)

and myself, as well as anyone who voted.




Models representing models:


Mr. Cooper (30mm) = Colette

Lola (30mm) = Cassandra

Flying Monkey (30mm) x3 = Mechanical Dove (x3)

Thin Lizzy (30mm) = Performer

Mercury (30mm) = Performer

Mummerette (30mm) x2 = Mannequin (x2)


Here's the playtest schedule

So, with the time we have, we will have 6 weeks for thematic, 6 for Arcanists and 6 for Neverborn. I want to split it like that alternating by week:


Week 1 (7/6-7/12) - Thematic initial - look over crew to start, changes can be made

Week 2 (7/13-7/19) - Arcanist initial - no changes until Neverborn initial ends - Wave 1

Week 3 (7/20-7/26) - Neverborn initial - changes applied at end - Wave 1

Week 4 (7/27-8/2)- Thematic #2 - look over crew with changes, changes can be made that do not override W1-3

Week 5 (8/3-8/9) - Break for GenCon recuperation

Week 6 (8/10-8/16) - Arcanist #2 - no changes until Neverborn initial ends - Wave 1

Week 7 (8/17-8/23) - Neverborn #2 - changes from W4-6 applied at end - Wave 1

Week 8 (8/24-8/30) - Thematic #3 - make sure nothing degenerate affects thematic crew

Week 9 (8/31-9/6) - Arcanist #3 - make sure nothing degenerate affects Arcanist faction - Wave 1

Week 10 (9/7-9/13) - Neverborn #3 - make sure nothing degenerate affects Neverborn faction - Wave 1

Week 11 (9/14-9/20) - Thematic #4 - Repeat Week 1

Week 12 (9/21-9/27) - Arcanist #4 - Repeat Week 2, add Wave 2

Week 13 (9/28-10/4) - Neverborn #4 - Repeat Week 3, add Wave 2

Week 14 (10/5-10/11) - Thematic #5 - Repeat Week 4

Week 15 (10/12-10/18) - Arcanist #5 - Repeat Week 6, add Wave 2

Week 16 (10/19-10/25) - Neverborn #5 - Repeat Week 7, add Wave 2

Week 17 (10/26-11/1) - Thematic #6 - Repeat Week 8

Week 18 (11/2-11/8) - Arcanist #6 - Repeat Week 9, Add Waves 2 & 3

Week 19 (11/9-11/15) - Neverborn #6 - Repeat Week 10, Add Waves 2 & 3

Week 20 (11/16-11/22) - Final - Done!


And finally, the cards!

Also this week is supposed to be Neverborn, but I feel there's been a fair few changes that we can still try to work on the thematic crew.  But if you can, can you also have a look at the Oddity upgrades with the Neverborn (or Arcanists really as we didn't test those at all!) Minions (please!).


You can download them here: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=05696196088777394340

If you really want me to post the cards here, please let me know (it's a lot of effort!)


Changes include:


Making The Haze only gets thicker an Aura on Mr.Cooper & Lola, it also only ups every second turn to flatten the spread so we could up the starting totals without it getting crazy late game!  What do you think?


Made the Flying Monkeys more totem like with Puff of Smoke, put semi-reliable on Circus Troop (I choose this name because Troop is a collective noun for monkeys, do you think it should be changed to Troupe to play off the carnival theme?)


Added Grand Finale to NMMr.NG.  Is this too powerful?


Changed Lizzy a bit


Thanks for looking!


We've also actually had one playtest game already!  Here are their thoughts:



Posted by Kalkris:

So, I got in about 2 turns of a playtest in today with user Mirce. The reasons that Mirce and I ended early were twofold:


1) Mirce had to leave 1.75 hours in, and


2) Mirce (piloting Cooper) was almost tabled at the end of Turn 2.


My crew was:


Jack Daw w/ 5ss (3ss)

+ Writhing Torment (2ss)

+ Twist & Turn (2ss)

+ the 3 injustices (0ss)

Papa Loco (7ss)

+ Oathkeeper (1ss)

Jaakuna Ubume (6ss)

+ The Creeping Terror (1ss)

Freikorps Trapper (6ss)

Freikorps Librarian (7ss)

2 Crooked Men (10ss total)

and a Nurse (5ss)


This crew played in the pool of:


Flank Deployment

Squatter's Rights

ALitS (taken by me (undeclared in error - I meant to switch the declaration of my schemes)

Protect Territory (taken by me)

Breakthrough (taken by Mirce, if it wasn't actually Protect Territory)

Plant Explosives

Deliver A Message (taken by Mirce)


Mirce was playing:

Mr. Cooper w/7ss (2ss)

+Unpaid Debts (1ss)

+NMMrNG (2ss)

+Circus Troop (2ss)

Baritone Lola (10ss)

+Flop and Roll (1ss)

Thin Lizzy (5ss)

Mummerette x2 (10ss total)

Flying Monkey x3 (9ss total)

Mercury (8ss)


I was a bit dismayed to see that Mirce did not take TCS on any of their models, because that needs testing so far.


The things that I did during those turns were:


  • Walk/Writhe a Crooked Man up to a Squat Marker and make some Scheme Markers as well
  • Abuse the everloving crud out of Papa Loco (at the bitter end of T2, I killed a TON of Mirce's models, as well as my own Jaakuna in the process - the proximity she had was a misplay to me, although I doubt Mirce would have recovered quickly enough for it to impact me)
  • Kill Lola T1 (Daw, abusing Loco's dynamite and Firing Squad Injustice - assist by the Trapper) - Death of a penguin was not a factor due to no proximity to other things.
  • Kill Mercury T2 (Daw, abusing Firing Squad Injustice as well and even more)
  • Kill both Mummerettes T2 (Librarian and Loco each got one, disregarding failing the Masks check whenever that happened)
  • Kill 2 out of 3 Monkeys T2 (Loco)
  • Paralyzed the third Monkey after its Activation T2 (via Sleight of Hand from Cooper saving himself from a Nurse - had I played smarted I might have also gotten Cooper paralyzed as well)
  • Successfully Squatted on 3 markers by the end of T2, while Mirce had none.
  • Gotten 4 Scheme Markers down on the centerline through interacts and Daw's (0) action.

All the while, Mirce was trying to get their models up to Daw so the models could Deliver their Message to him, and trying to get some Squats in as well. None of this happened (perhaps because it was too early to tell?). Lizzy was far away trying to Lure models away from Squat Markers in order to keep them from interacting, to no avail. That last Monkey was paralyzed, and Cooper was too far away in the end as well, likely with the intent to fulfill Breakthrough.


What does this mean? It means the following:


1) Mirce, we need a rematch soon. And with more than only part of a game haha - perhaps the objective pool was not in Cooper's favor anyhow.

2) The crew might be too squishy and/or not mobile enough. None of those models were going to survive Papa Loco's (1) Tactical if they failed the TN14 Df duel. While the Mummerettes had 6Df (compared to the Monkeys' sparser one), their 6 wounds were not going to last if Papa Loco were to do his business of boomstick. Had Lizzy been closer, I am almost certain that she would be dead as well. Cooper had the upgrade that lets him summon Monkeys but the act of taking a turn and probably a couple of stones to summon 2 or 3 would have been a crippling use of Cooper's time. Also, I at the start of this game thought Lola's Df was too high, but mechanically, besides a slowly-increasing Terrifying, it's all she has to defend herself if not upgraded properly. I vouch for, if we lower it at all, lowering it to no lower than Df5. As a solution for de-squishing Mummerettes (because no matter what we only have 2 at most), I say make them have an Ability that allows them to ignore damage from :aura and :pulse effects (but but Freikorps Armor - since that includes :blast damage - I am struggling to find the right ability here :P). Furthermore, to even it out (sort of), we could remove Always In Motion and replace it with Agile (This model is immune to Disengaging Strikes - as seen on Torakage [10T] and The Captain [ARC]). I think the Monkeys can stay as they are for now, unless we neeeeeed them to be boosted defensively.

3) Perhaps also, Jack Daw and his playstyle of clump-and-burn is the antithesis to Cooper's antics. Because Cooper needs models to clump (at least slightly now, to get use of THOGT as an aura), Daw was in his element (although to be fair, Mirce did not even actually *do* that, instead choosing to let the models do their own thing). However, providence was kind to Daw on Turn 2 where there was an opening to pop Papa. We might do better in individualizing the models' auras (excepting, perhaps, Lola and Cooper, who would keep an Aura of 6"). We would need another Haze-centric name for the other ability, be it the Aura or the individual (preferably the latter). Perhaps we can call it Unholy Haze. Then we can put it on Lizzy, the Mummerettes and the Monkeys (but mention that they cannot be buffed by the *other, aura* THOGT).


A good thing I got out of this was that Mercury is not as squishy as he once was. ^_^ I started my assault on Mercury after killing off Lola, and this lasted into Turn 2 with a veeeerrrrry dedicated assault. Turn 2, yes he was dead, but he got in a bunch of attacks which was good (although I made sure to keep as many models away from him while going for it as possible). A single Crooked Man was a casualty, but it was intended with my schemes anyhow.


Anyway, this is what my findings were and the solutions I presently have. Hope this helps, even with only 2 turns worth of carnage. If you have any questions, please let me know!


~Lil Kalki


Posted by Mirce:

Details of my playtest with Kalkris:




Kalkris - 5 ss cache

Mirce - 7 ss cache


Flank deployment - Kalkris deployed first


Turn 1:

Kalkris burned a stone to redraw (down to 4 ss)

Mirce won the initiative flip and moved first.


Mummerette 1

- walked twice toward center of the board


Crooked Man 1

- walked twice toward squat marker


Mummerette 2

- walked twice toward center of the board


Crooked Man 2

- walked twice toward Mirce's side of the board



- walked twice toward Crooked Man 1


Papa Loco

- "Hold This" to Jack Daw, push 3" toward centerline, "Throw Dynamite" at Lola (failed), "Throw Dynamite" at Lola (hit for 2dmg)


Flying Monkey 1

- "Fly, My Pretties" toward centerline (moved FM2 and FM3 as well)


Freikorps Tracker

- shot at Lola (hit for 2dmg), shot again at Lola (hit for 3dmg)



- walked twice toward centerline


Jack Daw

- "Suppressed Memories" at Mercury (triggered "Final Fate", hit for 3dmg and attacked Firing Squad Injustice), "Driven By Injustice" at Lola (failed), "Suppressed Memories"

at Lola (triggered "Final Fate", hit for 4dmg and attached Drowning Injustice) which killed Lola.


Thin Lizzy

- "Lure" on Crooked Man 1 (failed), "Lure" on Crooked Man 1 (CM1 walked 4" toward Lizzy)



- walked twice toward center


Flying Monkey 2

- "Fly, My Pretties" (moved FM1 as well)


Freikorps Librarian

- walked twice toward Jakuna


Flying Monkey 3

- walked twice toward FM1 and FM2



- walked twice toward centerline


Mr. Cooper

- walked toward centerline, "Wouldn't Recognize His Own Son" on Crooked Man 1 (succeeds CM1 now has "Get Away From Me!" for the rest of the game), "Blow Smoke" toward centerline (place two Haze markers).




Turn 2:

Kalkris burned a stone to redraw (down to 3ss)

Kalkris won initiative and moved first.


Crooked Man 1

- Walk to squat marker, interact to claim


Mummerette 1

- walk toward Jakuna and Freikorps Librarian, "Stage Props" at Freikorps Librarian (hit for 1dmg because of FL's "armor")


Freikorps Librarian

- cast at Mummerette 1 (failed), cast at Mummerette 1 (hit for 4dmg), cast at Mummerette1 (failed)



- charge at Crooked Man 1, "Barbell Swing" (hit for 5dmg), Mercury took 2dmg because of Firing Squad Injustice


Jack Daw

- "Suppressed Memories" on Mummerette 1 (triggered Final Fate, attached Injustice, hit for 3dmg) which killed MM1, "Last Whisper", "Suppressed Memory on Mercury (triggered Repression, hit for 2dmg plus 1dmg from FSI - Mirce discards a card), "Suppressed Memories" on Mercury (hit for 4dmg) which killed Mercury.


Flying Monkey 2

- "Fly, My Pretties" (moved FM1, FM3 as well)



- push 3" toward squat marker, interacted to claim


Thin Lizzy

- walked toward centerline, "Lure" on Crooked Man 1 (failed).


Crooked Man 2

- walked toward squat marker, interacted to claim


Mummerette 2

- walked twice toward center of the board


Freikorps Tracker

- shot at Mummerette 2 (hit for 2dmg), shot at Mummerette 2 (succeeded, but did no damage due to Black Joker)


Mr. Cooper

- walk toward center, charge at Crooked Man 1, "Silken Scarf" on CM1 (hit for 1dmg), "Silken Scarf" on CM1 (hit for 2dmg) which killed Crooked Man 1 ("Finish The Job" placed scheme marker in base contact to CM1)



- Push 3" toward squat marker, "Take Your Meds" at Cooper ("Discard Your Meds" to assure a crow) succeeds - Cooper triggered "Sleight of Hand" and moved Flying Monkey 1 in base contact (is paralyzed by TYM), "Take yYour Meds" at Cooper (failed).


Papa Loco

- Push 3", "Hold This" at Jack Daw, discards Oathkeeper for Fast. Walked twice toward center of the board, "Te Llevare al Inferno Conmigo" at surrounding models. Of Kalkris's models - Jack Daw passes, Jakuna takes 6dmg and dies, Nurse passes. Of Mirce's models - Flying Monkey 3 takes 6dmg and dies, Flying Monkey 2 takes 6dmg and dies, Flying Monkey 1 passes, Mummerette 2 takes 6dmg and dies.


At the end of Turn 2

Kalkris - 1VP

Mirce - 0VP




My Personal notes:


1) For a dual faction Arcanist crew, Cooper's crew has relatively few casting actions. While being Neverborn makes them very unlikely to have ranged attacks, a cast action or two with a range of 6" might not go amiss. Not sure about adding too much to them, but its a very melee heavy crew which is a bit off for Arcanists.


2) Take Center Stage would have been useful for this strategy and I'm not sure why I didn't think of it. (Mercury is probably the ideal candidate to attach it to.)


3) "Circus Troop" should perhaps be "Circus Troupe"? not sure if this was discussed before but I just caught it today and found it odd.


- M

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My thoughts on the game from reading the report


First off the Scheme Marker from CM1 shouldn't have counted as it was no longer Friendly to it's crew from Mr. Cooper.


Don't bunch up when Papa Loco's around! I like the change of the Haze to Auras, with the new system, hopefully the TN's are a nice bonus but not essential so bunching around is not too necessary.


Does Lola need a drop in points? A boost in survivablitiy? Every game I've seen he's died pretty quickly without doing much...  Suggestions?

There's also been the comment on the built in + to damage is too much.  I'm thinking of making it ++ but no cheating the Damage Flip and dropping it to Ml5.  What do you think?


Maybe we need to put HtK back on the Mummerettes and drop their Df to 5? 

Or Leave them Df6 & make them immune to Pulse & Blast damage ala the Freikorps suit (I actually really like this!).  We can also change Always In Motion to Agile (still can freely disengage, but can be charged).  What do you think?


Try out TCS!  This might help make the crew more maneuverable (something that might need to happen!  suggestions?)


Going from Mirce's comments about there not being enough Ca actions for a Duel Arcanists Faction crew, I've had another look.


Duel Faction

Mr. Cooper has 2 on his card, then another 2 with Upgrades

Monkey's have 1



Mercury has none (but he's a beater, so I think this is ok)



Lola has 2

Lizzy has 1

Mummerettes have 2


I think this is enough Ca actions really, if anything it might need more ranged as the only one that can damage people at range is Lola.  Mr Cooper can also get an Obey-type action through an upgrade.


Thoughts?  Is this ok? Should we add something?


Also the BIG thing I've noticed is that the early game The Dark Carnival moves into position and then gets hammered (usually Lola & Mercury get taken out in the first 2 turns, as happened above).  Why is the other player able to get the first strike in so easily? Shouldn't TCS help against this?

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Regarding CM1 and no longer being friendly, is that actually how Scheme Markers work with that? If I were to remove the ability after dropping a marker, or if the Crooked Man were to die after dropping a marker, is the marker that my model dropped not friendly to any crew? I think that that might be something to look at because the Scheme Markers are not the models not friendly to my crew - the Crooked Man is.


My argument also comes from the idea that Get Away From Me would therefore be a MUCH stronger version of something like Insignificant where the model cannot do the following if it is kept:


interact for the crew

count towards the crew's strategy

be affected by things that say "friendly model"


I thought it was more along the lines of "the models don't recognize this model as friendly," not "the player does not recognize the model as friendly."


By that token, I don't think we played it wrong. I know that in 1.5 Tuco had a similar effect somewhere but I don't recall how that was ruled either. If it is the way you mention it, it is FAR too strong. I'm glad we playtested it so that these discussion questions were to come up. Let's talk more about this!




Re: Casting: Looking into the fact that the Arcanists are not really all casters at heart (looking to Ironsides and to a lesser effect, Mei Feng for examples of masters, and the many many noncasting Enforcers and Minions - I could think of no Henchmen oddly enough!), I think we are good on this front. But, if we want to get a ranged damaging caster slot open, Wouldn't Recognize His Own Son may just be the place to replace (if it is too strong I mean).


~Lil Kalki

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Not sure on the Un-friendly thing... will have to look it up or needs rewording... I really like WRhoS as an  Action though!  We can add a Damage track to it too though (1/2/3?)


As for preventing getting taken out so early, using TCS, & setting up Haze Markers to block LoS, would that add to the Defenses of the crew?  It just seems to be getting hit too hard too early so they don't get a chance to shine?

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Oh, and by the way, my computer has been okay for the past week-ish haha :)


On topic: I think that adding a blockage of LoS might make the crew more defensive, but also more reliant on Cooper to get those defenses.


Can we add a trigger to TCS that puts a single Haze marker on the board after resolving? Same traits as Blow Smoke's markers, but only one that lasts until end of Turn or beginning of that model's next Activation? Kind of like appearing in a burst of smoke haha


One more thing: Can we replace all art boxes with a timestamp? For example, put the following on that area:


Week 3



so as to make anyone with older info or physical playtest cards less confused? :) I had been meaning to ask for a while now haha

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Oh, one other thing, why didn't Mirce use Lola's Dances like a Ballerina on some friendly models.  That would really help with the maneuverability...

My thought is that either Mirce didn't realize that they could do that, or didn't have the time to. Lola died quite early, remember haha


~Lil Kalki

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Now that the forum is back up, I'd like to rehash that question that Da Git sent your way, Asrian. What happens if a model is not friendly to its crew? If it can still interact, do those markers count as friendly to the crew/player who controls said crew? If not, what purpose might they ever serve?


~Lil Kalki

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Late and tired (been a hellish day as my car blew it's engine completely today). Bear with me.


If the model is no longer friendly to it's own crew, then I can't see it dropping a scheme marker that would be either (which basically makes the act of doing so useless until they get rid of the condition). That's my interpretation of it anyway.

My question would also be, is that model considered an Enemy to it's own crew, or just "not friendly". If it's considered "Enemy" now I suddenly can cast it on my own units (as it says "target gains condition, etc etc" not "Target Enemy gains condition"), and then take a Stitched Together in my crew, target my newly made enemy model with Game of Chance, which targets Enemy, and Draw a free card (to use the first example that pops in my head).

The wording on that ability overall needs to be addressed, or specified to me. Maybe just make it like the Primordial Magics "Target becomes insignificant" or take it a step further with a non-built in trigger of "Target becomes insignificant, and on a trigger becomes a peon" so that now they really can't interact, and if you have the suit, or stone for it, they won't count for certain Strategies.


Just my quick read over it though.

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I was trying to deny crew synergies when I wrote it more than denying schemes and strategies. How about this:

Target Enemy model gains the falling condition until the end of the game: "Get Away From Me!: This model doesn't count the other models in its crew as being friendly to it and vice-versa... Continue as is

Does that work?

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I was trying to deny crew synergies when I wrote it more than denying schemes and strategies. How about this:

Target Enemy model gains the falling condition until the end of the game: "Get Away From Me!: This model doesn't count the other models in its crew as being friendly to it and vice-versa... Continue as is

Does that work?

Yeah. Or simply, "Get Away From Me!: This model may not be the target of any friendly actions or abilities until the end of the game" 

Means they could still interact and participate, but friendlies couldn't touch them.


Only problem with that specific wording is they couldn't remove conditions either. Maybe add a "except condition removal abilities" clause on there.


I don't know. I think either would work. I'm just trying to see which would be more newbie friendly (and less prone to misinterpretation by people).

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Alrighty, I like the Action written by Asrian, I'd also like it to be vice versa (do you think if I wrote that in the rule it would be ok?


Wouldn't Recognise His Own Son (Ca 6 :tome / TN: 14 / Rst: Wp / Rg: 12)

Target suffer 1/2/3 damage and gains the following Condition until the end of the game: "Get Away From Me!: This model may not be the target of any friendly actions or abilities and vice versa.  This model may make a (1) Interact Action to perform a TN14 Wp Duel.  If successful, remove this condition.


How does that sound.  It's a Master's Action, so it should be powerful, but all it takes is to remove it is a (1) Action (although can't be done if Lizzy's Chatty is up! & Wp duels can be evil in this crew!).  So in the worst case, basically it's Slow & a high card.  I've also added a small damage spread and upped the TN on the condition slightly (12->14)




Also, with the download to phones, copy them on to your computer, then transfer to the phone.  It's because it's a Zipped file.  (I hated the Beta testing zips for my phone!)

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Alrighty, I like the Action written by Asrian, I'd also like it to be vice versa (do you think if I wrote that in the rule it would be ok?

Wouldn't Recognise His Own Son (Ca 6 :tome / TN: 14 / Rst: Wp / Rg: 12)

Target suffer 1/2/3 damage and gains the following Condition until the end of the game: "Get Away From Me!: This model may not be the target of any friendly actions or abilities and vice versa. This model may make a (1) Interact Action to perform a TN14 Wp Duel. If successful, remove this condition.

How does that sound. It's a Master's Action, so it should be powerful, but all it takes is to remove it is a (1) Action (although can't be done if Lizzy's Chatty is up! & Wp duels can be evil in this crew!). So in the worst case, basically it's Slow & a high card. I've also added a small damage spread and upped the TN on the condition slightly (12->14)


That sounds good to test out for sure. Let's try it!

~Lil Kalki

EDIT: can we maybe call the condition "Disowned"? I feel it fits a bit better, but if not that's fine too haha

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That would be interesting.

"Haze Markers are Ht5 and have the dense and hazardous terrain traits. Whenever an enemy model within 3" of the Haze Marker activates, it must take a TN 12 Wp duel. If the model fails, it is pushed 3" towards the Haze Marker and cannot declare Walk Actions for the remainder of its Activation. Discard all Haze Markers in play at the end of the Turn." Haze Markers should draw the foe towards them and act as a flytrap sort of concept (so hence the latter clauses before the discard clause). Is this what you are thinking, Jtuarus?

I think, with the death of the Monkeys, we should word that like the following:

"Hazt Demise: When this model is killed (not sacrificed), place a 50mm Haze Marker in base contact with it before removing this model from play. [above explanation text]"

Sound good? I think you're on to something there.

~Lil Kalki

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That looks like a nice ability, very clear text on the Haze Markers.  I might Change Mr. Cooper's over to that too.  The only change I would make is that the model failing the Wp Duel also can't make Charge Actions.  Otherwise it can be a benefit (I'd gladly take a Hazardous terrain flip on Lady J for example if it meant I got in charge range!).


Can I remove Barreling Monkeys for this (TBH, I can't see Barreling Monkey's being used all that much, Puff of Smoke looks much better!).

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I am down with that! And besides, the Haze Markers should all do the same thing for the sake of bookkeeping.

I was also concerned about the cg thing but it might be okay. And yes, barreling monkeys is a bit iffy in terms of usage.

~Lil Kalki

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