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Models that are good with Kaeris & Raspi?


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Thanks Mythic!

I'm glad someone finally agrees about the gunsmith thing, and someone with lots of experience no less. But 5ss? Really? I see them as an okay 6ss or very powerful 5ss. If they had rapid fire, or a 2/4/5, or +1 damage against burning, or could take two zero actions, or better triggers (slow, attack again, push, etc), or Df 6, or any of the above, I could see them being a very solid 6 or 7 SS choice. As they are, I see the 10T snipers (start with a K) and Convict Gunslingers and only wish I had one of those. Sadly enough people love them that I doubt we will ever see them get an upgrade like Karina.

Looking forward to the Kaeris play post a lot, you may want to throw it in your Kaeris sticky thread and just link it though :)

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Thoughts on the Oxfordian Mages as a range alternative to the gunsmiths? Range is a little shorter but they're cheaper and can help pass out burning as well. Plus furious casting is nice.

I think Oxford Magee CAN be powerful. However I have an issue with them as well:

I posted this on Facebook awhile ago but it's my favorite analogy. Have you ever read "If you give a mouse a cookie..."?

If you take a Henchman with Warding Runes, you'll want to take an Oxfordian Mage.

If you take an Oxfordian Mage, you'll want another Oxfordian Mage

If you take two Oxfordian Mages, you'll want another Henchman with that second Warding Runes.

No matter where you start in that cycle, you'll end up doing it all, and two henchmen and two Mages is already nearly an entire list.

The only way to break this cycle is to just take one Oxfordian Mage and resist the urge to take a second. However that poses a new problem. Do you take Nemesis Ward, and get Tomes for all your attacks, with the negligible benefit for Warding Runes? Or do you take Blood Ward to be able to attack in melee (4 melee attacks or 3 on the charge!) and give one of the best bonuses in the game to your Warding Runes models, but not get those (incredible) Slow and Burning Triggers?

It's all decisions. They do GREAT damage *when set up properly* but have no way to generate that setup on their own. They are also VERY squishy, especially to anything fast (Anything with the Fast Condition, Swift, Leap, Masters, the Sow, etc) and losing a 6ss model is not a fun time. Plus they're very static. They would rather use 2 AP to shoot 3 tines each turn than to scheme.

My 2 cents.

EDIT: Also, just want to say I'm really enjoying this thread, some good discussion on here :)

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I think Oxford Magee CAN be powerful. However I have an issue with them as well:

I posted this on Facebook awhile ago but it's my favorite analogy. Have you ever read "If you give a mouse a cookie..."?

If you take a Henchman with Warding Runes, you'll want to take an Oxfordian Mage.

If you take an Oxfordian Mage, you'll want another Oxfordian Mage

If you take two Oxfordian Mages, you'll want another Henchman with that second Warding Runes.

No matter where you start in that cycle, you'll end up doing it all, and two henchmen and two Mages is already nearly an entire list.

The only way to break this cycle is to just take one Oxfordian Mage and resist the urge to take a second. However that poses a new problem. Do you take Nemesis Ward, and get Tomes for all your attacks, with the negligible benefit for Warding Runes? Or do you take Blood Ward to be able to attack in melee (4 melee attacks or 3 on the charge!) and give one of the best bonuses in the game to your Warding Runes models, but not get those (incredible) Slow and Burning Triggers?

It's all decisions. They do GREAT damage *when set up properly* but have no way to generate that setup on their own. They are also VERY squishy, especially to anything fast (Anything with the Fast Condition, Swift, Leap, Masters, the Sow, etc) and losing a 6ss model is not a fun time. Plus they're very static. They would rather use 2 AP to shoot 3 tines each turn than to scheme.

My 2 cents.

EDIT: Also, just want to say I'm really enjoying this thread, some good discussion on here :)


You could also take a Freikorps Librarian along with your Mages to give them an extra  :tome , plus she can heal and has that nifty remove suits from enemy actions thing. Now if only they were available outside of the Von Shill box...

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You could also take a Freikorps Librarian along with your Mages to give them an extra :tome , plus she can heal and has that nifty remove suits from enemy actions thing. Now if only they were available outside of the Von Shill box...

Sure that's an option, but in any event when I don't want to take an Oxfordian Mage for 6ss, I'm probably not going to want a Librarian for 8ss who mostly does the same thing as a 6ss Silent one.
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The Librarian has resilience, significantly better Df/Wp + armour, but for offence/utility I think the Silent One is better.


I agree with Whut that Mages are nice if you go all in, but if I just want a little Ca a Silent One is very attractive. If I just want ranged I prefer Acolytes.

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