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Making the most out of what's available


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I was just wondering what are solid currently available models for resurrectionists? As we currently are missing some key models from the original release :) so what are the good scheme runners, the beat sticks and the tar pits? :)

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...so what are the good scheme runners...


Necropunks, Crooligans, and Canine Remains are all very good for different boards and needs.



...the beat sticks...



Izamu, Rogue Necromancy, Valedictorian, and Dead Rider are all solid beaters who don't need much synergy with the rest of their crew to do their job. They're all a bit spendy at 10+ points, but you get what you pay for here.



...and the tar pits?


The Drowned are good melee tarpits, and Yin is very good at it as well. Ashigaru are pretty cheap roadblocks as well, especially once they've set their yari and readied to intercept charges. Izamu is also a tarpit, and Jakuuna Ubume is a slightly more fragile tarpit who makes up for it by being dangerous just through sheer proximity.

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Of the stuff that is currently released in M2E plastics, you have a pretty good selection of stuff. Belles and Nurses are just good. Period. Canine Remains are great scheme runners (though Crooligans and Necropunks are coming out soon, and I feel they have the edge in most crews). Punk Zombies kill stuff via Df duels, Hanged kill stuff via Wp duels. If you need to hold a point, you do have access to Flesh Constructs, but I feel that they are best summoned, not hired. Yin does the job a little bit better, if you don't mind her being a little bit out-of-flavor in some crews. If you are just starting out with Ressers, those models won't disappoint you.


While Nicodem certainly feels sad if you don't have M1E metals to supplement your stuff, you can get away with a fairly general pool of models for most of the masters. 

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Now, I play 10Thunders more than anything. but Yin... oh goodness I love her. she is the best Tar Pit in my arsenal. Even when I'm not playing Yan Lo. I take her with Misaki and Brewmaster a lot and have always had good use out of her.

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  • 3 weeks later...

On a related note, does Wyrd make public what releases are coming up and when? I haven't been able to find anything about what's coming out in plastic in the near future and am debating if waiting to get plastic Necropunks is worth it.


The Early Summer Release Schedule has been delayed by about two months (+/- one month depending on location) due to circumstances beyond Wyrd's control. They should be available around Gencon and during the Gencon web sale.

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The Early Summer Release Schedule has been delayed by about two months (+/- one month depending on location) due to circumstances beyond Wyrd's control. They should be available around Gencon and during the Gencon web sale.

Thanks a lot, this is exactly what I've been looking for. Glad to see Necropunks are going to be on their way relatively soon then. 

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