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Sold out? I don't get it.

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I'm sure I'm missing something here, but I was looking at the web store and although I wouldn't be buying direct from the store, but through another web store based in the UK. I found it strange to see stuff that said sold out.

Do they mean sold out or do they really mean out of stock?

I really want the Victoria's boxed set, as the models are just beautiful, but it's sold out. Is it gone forever or will it be available again at some point in the future? If it is limited edition, then why is it still in the store? It seems a bit troll like, if that's the case.

I understand that Wyrd is still a smallish company, so I'm willing to cut them some slack and be a lot more patient with them, than I would be with a more establish, long running company, but only if I know what is going on.

Is it a case of "To bad, so sad. Shoulda got here sooner, shouldn't you?" Or simply stock issues?


PS Anyone able to give me an estimated time frame for when I might be able to get a new plastic Jackdaw?

Thanks again

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There is no "Sold Out" of anything -- we mean "Out of Stock."


This happens on things like the Viks because they are extremely popular, and going through distributors means that large orders are placed at once. This, essentially, means we might have a decent stock one day and be out shortly after. Manufacturing processes being what they are, it can take some time to replace them.


I can understand frustration if you want something that we don't have, but believe me, we want to sell it to you. The sale of these plastic models gets me paid, so it's pretty darn important to me and everyone else at Wyrd. The number of hours our production people put in to do what we can to get models to everyone is crazy. 


So feel your frustration. We do, too. The models you want will be back.

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So feel your frustration. We do, too. The models you want will be back.

It's not so much frustration. More, just a bit confused is all.

As I said in my original post. I understand that Wyrd is a relatively new company and it takes time to get things flowing in a way, both customers and yourselves want it too. I also accept that good things come to those who wait and all that. I am a fan and while I may from time to time feel a little frustration at having to wait, I am also able to see that you guys are doing a great job with what, at times, must feel like an insurmountable task.

I am just happy you exist at all, creating models and rules which are quite beyond expectations on a consistent bases. It's remarkable, to say the least.

Thank you for the reply and I look forward to helping you get paid for many years to come.

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