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Kentucky, Louisville, Louisville Game Shop - 35ss GG Tournament


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Details of the Tournament are as follows.




Location: Louisville Game Shop

Time: 1:00 PM, 13 June

Crew Size: 35ss, Single Declared Faction
Round Length: 90 Min
Cost: 8$
Prize Support: Crew box of choice for winner and participation goodies.


3 Round Event (4 Rounds if we have 16+ players)

There will be round specific Strategies and Deployment:

Round 1 - Reconnoiter, Flank Deployment
Round 2 - Stake a Claim, Standard Deployment
Round 3 - Reckoning, Close Deployment
*Round 4 - Squatter's Rights, Corner Deployment

*If we have 16+ players


There will be a 45 min break for food between rounds 1 and 2.


Wyrd declared proxies are allowed. Other proxy decisions are left up to the EO. Bring the appropriate models for what you want to play.


Crews do NOT need to be fully painted and based.


Please reference the Gaining Grounds rules located here:

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  • 4 weeks later...

This was a really fun event. Excellent turnout, excellent opponents, and a great Henchman. I hope to see more events at this shop.


I loved flipping the Black Joker only to see my opponent flip it as well. ;)

That, combined with a PINT over at Molly Malones, made for a great day.

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When you two both flipped the black joker and you succeeded your duel, THAT was pretty amazing!   Highlight of round 3 by far! :P  Thank you for showing up!


I was talking to Colin and we will probably have another event not too long after GenCon :)  

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