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Misaki Synergies


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Hey all, n00b incoming... -_-


I've got the Misaki box set and am looking to build a list around her. However, having looked at PullMyFinger, she doesn't seem to have that many straight forward synergies with other models, since I'm aware she doesn't do too much for her crew.


Just wondered what a good starting 35/50ss list would look like and what models do funky things with/for her.


To expand, I chose Ten Thunders for the predominant Oriental feel and the playstyle for both Misaki & Mei Feng is similar to most of the factions I play for other TT wargames (moves and hits fast and like a dumptruck, but can't take too many hard hits), and I'm currently waiting for a few bits and pieces I ordered (Ama no Zako, Oiran, Snipers... but can't seem to find Bros anywhere...). Consequently, I'm all for a Disguise build, a single Oiran for Lure to let Misaki hog her crows before slicing someone's face off etc. etc. Is Shang worth it? Also, important question: would the Dawn Serpent fit at all?


FYI, my meta is quite mixed with all the factions pretty well presented except Outcasts (which is ironic, since I bought the Viks purely as a painting project... -_- ).


Thanks, folks!



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I also started out with Misaki because of her awesome ninja aesthetics and glass cannon-playstyle, and had many of the same questions when I started out. You're quite right in that Misaki doesn't really synergize much with other models, as her purpose is usually to go after and quickly kill one or two important models in the enemy crew before going down herself. I myself greatly prefer Stalking Bisento on Misaki, since throwing a single card to get positive flips to both attack and damage is incredibly useful. Disguise is good if I'm up against another melee oriented team and there are schemes like Assassinate or Deliver the Message in the pool, thus calling for more of a slippery Misaki rather than a killy Misaki.


As for good models to have with Misaki, my best advice by far would be to get Sensei Yu. He is actually supposed to be part of Shenlongs crew, but since that box still hasn't been released, I'd suggest you get some sort of proxy (I use this one: http://www.bushido-thegame.com/catalog/hisao-village-elder). When I started playing Misaki I got great use out of her, but my opponents soon understood that so long as you keep outside of 15" from her she can't do anything. This simple counter-play made Misaki lose alot of her impact. This is where Sensei Yu helps immensely. He comes with the ability to push any friendly model within a fairly long range up to 5" in any direction. If you also give him the Wandering River Style upgrade, he also gains access to another push that can both move scheme markers and give models fast. I usually get Sensei Yu this upgrade, and use him to increase Misakis effective threat range from 15" to potentially 30". That way I can sling shot her at important models on the other side of the map in turn 1, or play a bit more patiently and use the pushes to get her inside 10" from an enemy that Misaki used Stalk on during the previous turn. This way Misaki can do a charge with two attacks, and do another attack as a (0) AP action, all with positive flips on both attack and damage. If the enemy is still alive, she still has two attacks left with fast and her last AP. If the enemy dies by the third attack (as most things do), she can charge a second target and potentially kill it or at least reposition to be a bit safer from the enemy counter attack. Throw in Recalled Training in this setup and Misaki's becomes absurdly destructive.

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I am a fan of oirans with her, they can lure and through smoke bombs (upgrade needed) both of which help Misaki. Other things to think about is another fast offensive model or two that way she is hopfully not alone, Ama No Zaku or Yin could works. Give me one person to shoot at or focus on and they are often dead.

I love the archers for a MI heavy crew, they are nice support that ignore models when shooting and do not randomize, also blot out the sky let them shoot at the end of the round ignoring most everything.

Misaki is a missile build around her, launch 2 or three missiles and keep them hidden till they fire. I also like the disguise upgrade with her.

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I do agree that 10T Archers are great with her and Oiran are pretty solid objective runners though I would not count on their ability to Lure given the lack of a Crow. However, the two second wave Upgrades that benefit these guys REALLY benefit them. Blot The Sky gives Archers another attack or the chance to move and still shoot at opponents. Hidden Agenda makes the Oiran really, really amazingly good scheme runners who can take out other pretty solid scheme runners. With Focus on them Lure is more likely and with Fast they can activate as normal and still benefit from their Defensive +2 Ability.

Having mentioned 10T Archers, Oiran, and the Upgrades they have I would say that Fuhatsu is pretty much the IDEAL candidate to carry both. He is a shooter like the Archers so won't be hampered by staying back with them. He is also on a 50mm base and Ht 3 so he can hide the Archers but that height is better for Hidden Agenda because it means Oiran will have an easy time drawing LoS to him for their Fast and Focus. He is also pretty reliable for damaging so Hidden Agenda is nice on him. The only downside being that if you take both he can't take Recalled Training. So maybe taking one or the other is the best approach.

On Misaki herself, I personally don't like to use the Smoke and Shadows Upgrade with her in the crew as I like to hog all the Masks for Misdirection. Misaki likes Misdirection because she will be in the opponent's face early on and it is a massive drain on the opponent's resources and a way to keep her alive that little bit longer. I've found lately that spending points on crew and not upgrades suits her playstyle really well. Misdirection and Recalled Training have served me as well as Disguised or Stalking Bisento. There is some contention on this point but I feel she is really great with only her SS cache to use. One SS for sundry and the last one to burn for a Crow as you charge her in with Recalled Training positives and an auto-Assassinate Trigger to destroy the opponent's resources or models. Makes Misdirection even more effective. I've tried Disguised a couple times and to be honest it didn't impress as Misaki is likely going to be in combat most times any way and if she is in combat who is going to Charge her if she has Misdirection?

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I play Misaki and I'm looking forward to trying Sensei Yu with her.  I agree with Paradigm that the pushing effects look great for her, but what attracted me to him is he can use the (0) actions of a friendly Leader.  It is possible to Stalk a model and get the extra attack on in the same turn.   ;)


Also the Stalked condition lasts "until this model takes this action again".  Since Sensei Yu can also use the Stalk action you could have two models stalked at the same time.  This would give Misaki two potential targets and allowing her the potential to walk two extra times during the turn.  Once when each of the stalked models ends there activation if they charge or walk that turn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Misaki doesn't really dictate what kind of crew you want to take, but she does make certain tasks easier for any crew, which can slant which models you want to bring with her.

Models that help her are ones with healing and/or condition removal (Chiaki, Shang), ones with pushes and lures (Yu and Oiran), crew support (Yamaziko, Kang) and ranged damage (Fuhatsu, archers, snipers).

Lately I've been enjoying running with lots of minions, for example:

Misaki, Stalking Bisento, Misdirection

Yamaziko, Smoke and Shadows



2 Torakage

2 10T Brothers

Katanaka Sniper

9 models, so difficult for many crews to out-activate you, and they're all very good at something. The sniper puts pressure on immediately and takes early game focus away from Misaki, but is still resilient enough to annoy and potentially survive. Also makes a good target for Frame for Murder, and can really annoy other from the shadows models by being better than them in melee.

Yama and Chiaki have a dual role, either as a tough centre to crack with the brothers, or as fast-moving bodyguards or scheme runner hunters (Yama kills or engages them, Chiaki makes them insignificant).

The brothers are flexible pieces, good at centre-table play. Supported by Yama, they become tough to kill in melee, and they can be used as ablative wounds by Misaki in a pinch, for when something is about to smack her for silly damage; misdirect into a hard to kill model with a self heal and watch the look on your opponent's face.

Shang, as always, exists for early game card advantage and mid game heals, and gives you decent activation advantage for his cost.

The best thing about Misaki, in my mind, is her adaptability; she doesn't really care what she goes after. Nothing can outrun her, and nothing can survive a well-planned Misaki assassination run. With Yamaziko, Assassinate and Misdirection in play, your opponent will have to think very carefully about resource management or be left with no stones and no cards very early in the turn.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I play Misaki and I'm looking forward to trying Sensei Yu with her.  I agree with Paradigm that the pushing effects look great for her, but what attracted me to him is he can use the (0) actions of a friendly Leader.  It is possible to Stalk a model and get the extra attack on in the same turn.   ;)


Also the Stalked condition lasts "until this model takes this action again".  Since Sensei Yu can also use the Stalk action you could have two models stalked at the same time.  This would give Misaki two potential targets and allowing her the potential to walk two extra times during the turn.  Once when each of the stalked models ends there activation if they charge or walk that turn.

Wow... I never once considered this before. That's pretty bad ass.

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