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Big Bads


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Hi guys,

First time poster here, just starting to get a story opener together for my group of soon to be fated.

I've got a hook in mind and have written up some general story to get my group started, leaving it fairly open to incorporate fates etc..

However, I want a recurring 'big bad' to show up and tease/taunt/put the fated on the back step occasionally untill a final showdown, possibly.

So here's my question, how do you/would you suggest going about making a villain, do you stat up a fated? And if you do, how far would you suggest advancing them?


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I've found their Rank matters far more than stat progression when it comes to difficulty.  For ease I've definitely stat-ed up my own "Fated" and then just played with numbers a bit as was necessary to fit the story I wanted for them.  Then it was just a debate between Henchman or Master (or even Enforcer).

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I would agree, Rank Matters more than any other factor. A Henchman ranked villain with average to above average stats should keep the players plenty busy until they are almost ready to retire.


I might recommend pulling a template (from the TtB book or Malifaux game books) and pushing-pulling things to where you want them as opposed to building a fated character (which tend to be a bit more potent than they probably should be even at start).


For example grab a plain Bayou Gremlin from the Malifaux books, up him to Henchman rank, push his Defense up a point or two (6-7), increase his accuracy with the Boom Stick  (Sh 5-6) and add a talent or two and done.


You can do something similar with any of the basic or even named critters from Malifaux (Young Nephilim with stunted wings for example).

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^what hey said :)

just take a chr you know (or make one if you want a personal touch) and up his stats a bit. maybe by saying +5 aspects and + 25 XP to use aaaaand GO! and for spells. take 3 spells created like manifested powers


and if you want your "big bad" to have a certain.. "bond" with the party. use a background story. 

example: i have in my party someone who wrote a story about how his wife and child got murdered and he seeks vengeance. the serial killer (Jack) fled to Malifaux. 


10 sessions into the game and already glimpsing Jack once before he fled into the sewers. rumours have been buzzing that Jack is Back. a powerfull necromancer now. 

the party (and that guy especially) want him DEAD!!! they are already plotting things to find and kill him. 

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Thanks guys!

Om trying to steer the group well away from named characters except for either being employed by them (I'm planning on having then employed by miss Collette at the beginning) or as namedrops. Guess Il get creating tonight and see what I come up with!

Any other helpful tips to starting a campaign are warmly welcomed ;)

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my helpful hint- always have 2 sessions in the bag, that way if the player who's destiny step you are resolving doesn't turn up for some reason, you'll always have a backup. unless they don't turn up too. Then I suggest watching Guardians of the Galaxy instead.

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Mechanically speaking, the above posts have covered all the major stuff. I do want to touch on one important thing though:


"Kill Your Darlings".


There's 3-5 players, and 1 of you. It's distinctly possible that someone will come up with something that you didn't think of that will result in the Big Bad totally dying. Be prepared for that Red Joker changing your plans. Now, this doesn't mean that your big bad isn't COMPLETELY defenseless, just be prepared to let the players have their victory.


Other things to remember:

Big Bads with guys around them is where the system balance is. "Solo fights" are swingy, and GREATLY favor the players.

Consider multi-stage boss fights. Things rarely stay dead in Malifaux.

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Yeah, and always remember that the players could be wrong if your Big Bad dies. Lets say, Jack in the above example, bites the dust prematurely. Well, maybe he wasn't a powerful necromancer and serial killer. Maybe he was on the hunt for one: the real killer. Maybe it was the one-armed man all along!

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