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Feeling the So'mer Love


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Can a single Skeeter cast the same Do it like this, twice in a row, to affect 2 different suits? Granted with -2 CA each time, of course.

I am asking this because of the wording.


A model can use one (0)AP action per turn. If he has to use it as a (1) AP,as the Skeeter does, is it still limited to once per turn?


I was going as yes.

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From the Errata

Pg. 37, "Zero AP Actions"  "Some models will have Actions that have an AP cost of 0. A model may take only one of these "free" Actions per Activation."


The Skeetar is not taking his "Free" (0) action when it is using Magical extension (or what ever the ability is called these days).

I see what you are saying, and can't say it is wrong in the rules, but in my head every model has a (0) action point. And once they spend that "point", they can't do so again.

But this isn't spendign that "point"

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