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Mexican Standoff: Guild vs Resurrectionists


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FOUND 2 GAMES TONIGHT, in the middle of first ill report scores after, will the second count if it goes after midnight?


Well. That happens. Nice job on evening out the games.



I will most likely play a game this evening, so then I have at least 1 game in may already!

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Hopefully I can get a game in this weekend. Chances are it'll be against a friends newly painted Perdita crew but it doesn't mean I wont smash him stupid with Hoffman or something. Sometimes us Guildies have to take one for the team and in this case it'll be my mate's Perdita :D

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Hopefully I can get a game in this weekend. Chances are it'll be against a friends newly painted Perdita crew but it doesn't mean I wont smash him stupid with Hoffman or something. Sometimes us Guildies have to take one for the team and in this case it'll be my mate's Perdita :D


You know that if you lose 0-10 against Guild it doesn't count as a Victory for guild, right? ;) It still counts as a 0-10 loss for the statistics.

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You know that if you lose 0-10 against Guild it doesn't count as a Victory for guild, right? ;) It still counts as a 0-10 loss for the statistics.


What do I care? I've been hired by Dirial to acquire Guild victories. He didn't specify how I could go about claiming such victories! ;)

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Consider our contract null and void. Screw ya beer, I'm bringing out the Ressers! ;)


zFiend, you can pay me in Viking women. Starting with this one!


Now we're talking! 


And done. She shall be mailed to you. With a parasol and a real pretty dress to go with it! 

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What do I care? I've been hired by Dirial to acquire Guild victories. He didn't specify how I could go about claiming such victories! ;)


Consider our contract null and void. Screw ya beer, I'm bringing out the Ressers! ;)


Now, now, it was you who changed the deal first. That's not Mercenary mentality, that's backstabbing. Which means you're a Guildy at heart.

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Now, now, it was you who changed the deal first. That's not Mercenary mentality, that's backstabbing. Which means you're a Guildy at heart.


Changed the deal? I think not sir! You never set any limitations or parameters within the fine print of our contract. It was Beer for Guild Victories. You never said which player had to get the victory, just Guild victories so technically I can lose to Guild and we still count it as a win! :D. Were's Crush when you need him. He's a Lawyer, he'll straighten this out! 


Also Mercenary mentality is whatever you pay it to be! :D

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Actually, has Dirial paid you this month MD?


I pay him if he upholds his contract. No payment in advance.


Also, he didn't give me his adress yet. Looks like I need to deliver in person. If I only knew some point in time and space where he is sure to be...

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I pay him if he upholds his contract. No payment in advance.


Also, he didn't give me his adress yet. Looks like I need to deliver in person. If I only knew some point in time and space where he is sure to be...


I thought the practice was to pay half up front, and half upon completion. 

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I pay him if he upholds his contract. No payment in advance.


Also, he didn't give me his adress yet. Looks like I need to deliver in person. If I only knew some point in time and space where he is sure to be...


All of a sudden this deal seems to be going sour. Also... NO GATE CRASHING MY WEDDING!! 

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