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Out of Stock Models


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Hello all,


I understand Wyrd isn't a powerhouse like GW so are more likely to run out of stock more often, but could a veteran in the hobby tell me about how long they usually take to restock models in their webstore? Also, how often do they release new plastics for 2E?




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Varies. There is a bit of an issue of late with the ports in the US which hinders plastic from many mini companies from arriving. Not to mention the lovely weather we've been having. For professional opinion I'll wave my hands around mystic-like and hope someone of authority answers. :D


As an aside: Since you're new, I highly recommend "A Wyrd Place" on Facebook. Super friendly bunch. Gets questions answered promptly. Monthly competitions.

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They did just put something on the front page last week (I think it was) saying that a bunch of the sets were going to be back in stock. Nathan mentioned that Lady J would be a little late, but she would be in soon as well.


As far as releases, they typically have something every month, sometimes is a bunch of small boxes, sometimes is just two more master box sets, it varies quite a bit. but they are pretty good about getting them out each month. However, (and this may have changed, I don't know) it used to be that the webstore was the last place to get stocked with new products to give time to the local game stores to get the new stuff on the shelf. That way we didn't all just buy the new stuff online instead of supporting our LGS! Pretty classy move in my opinion.

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