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How about this Nicodem List?


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Hey dudes,


So here is a Nico list I'm going to try out this week, play-testing combos for a tournament, and I wanted see what your thoughts were -


Nicodem (Love Thy Master, Necrotic King, Undertaker) 

Graveyard Spirit

Canine Remains

Canine Remains

Mortimer (Corpse Bloat, My Favourite Shovel)

Punk Zombie

Punk Zombie

Rotten Belle


Cache - 6SS


Now, I'm not too sure on Nico's upgrades... Would Undertaker, Maniacal Laughter and Reaper Grin be a better combo? 

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Hm.. I think there's too many Upgrades on Mortimer for starters. Pick one of them and slap Love Thy Master on Mortimer. Then take Maniacal Laughter + Undertaker + Reaper Grin / Necrotic King on Nico depending on schemes and what you want to achieve. I would also swap one Punk Zombie and one Canine Remains for Izamu the Armor. Rotten Belle can be summoned, Nurse could be hired instead. Just a few thoughts. :D

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As always how you construct your crew depends on the stats/schemes that you're playing.  For Nico I always take Maniacal Laugh and Undertaker.  His other upgrades are situational (if Assassinate is on the table, or you're playing a shooty crew you might want to take Reaper Grin for example, or Necrotic King for an aggressive Turf War/Reckoning).  I tend to run my Masters without totems a lot so not sure why you want the Graveyard Spirit in, especially with the crew you've got as there's nothing that needs it's protection that much.  I'd pretty much only run him when I've got Izamu in to make him a horrible +4 Armour.  I'd also consider having a Nurse and Chiaki in there as you can summon everything in your list.

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Now, I'm not too sure on Nico's upgrades... Would Undertaker, Maniacal Laughter and Reaper Grin be a better combo? 


This is my usual setup with Nico and it's always worked wonders for me. 



As always how you construct your crew depends on the stats/schemes that you're playing.  For Nico I always take Maniacal Laugh and Undertaker.  His other upgrades are situational (if Assassinate is on the table, or you're playing a shooty crew you might want to take Reaper Grin for example, or Necrotic King for an aggressive Turf War/Reckoning).  I tend to run my Masters without totems a lot so not sure why you want the Graveyard Spirit in, especially with the crew you've got as there's nothing that needs it's protection that much.  I'd pretty much only run him when I've got Izamu in to make him a horrible +4 Armour.  I'd also consider having a Nurse and Chiaki in there as you can summon everything in your list.


This is basically my thoughts as well. For the purposes of testing out synergies and combos then sure pre-determined lists are OK but given the random nature of objectives it wont work every time. Luckily Nico can summon to adapt to his objectives if you balls up your crew selection so he is somewhat forgiving in that area. As for Totems the Vulture and Grave Sprit both offer some nice tricks but Nico can function perfectly without a Totem and that'll net you a few extra SS for some upgrades or the pool. Your list looks like a summoning focused list without the optimal upgrades for Nico's Summoning. Maniacal Laugh and Undertaker seriously optimize his summons by giving you extra cards and wounds on the summoned models if you're summoning from Mindless Zombies.


I'd definitely hire models you can't summon (Nurses, Chiaki etc) and summon Belles, Flesh Constructs, Necropunks etc as and when required. Nico is probably the best and most versatile summoner in the game so take advantage of that during he game and hire the stuff he can't summon so you have everything you could possibly want or need at your disposal. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I personally never hire punks or canine remanins. My typical list's involve Izamu with an aura, a nurse and Mortimer with corpse bloat. Nico always has maniacal laugh and undertaker the 3rd varies but I tend to avoid necrotic king. With a starting cache of 7 stones that usually leaves me 15 stones to play with that are used for schemes and strat models.

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I personally never hire punks or canine remanins. My typical list's involve Izamu with an aura, a nurse and Mortimer with corpse bloat. Nico always has maniacal laugh and undertaker the 3rd varies but I tend to avoid necrotic king. With a starting cache of 7 stones that usually leaves me 15 stones to play with that are used for schemes and strat models.

Very solid.

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Very solid.

It mirrors a lot of what you already stated to be fair XD.

How do you find necrotic king? I usually have love thy master as well and find summoning a punk then giving it and Izamu fast followed by companion then move and flurry or charge with an ap to spare works much better.

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I also go with Reaper Grin most of the time.  You can usually activate Nico later in the turn unless you have a reason to activate him early as you tend to out-activate people with Ressers so you can summon and give them Fast and have them go next without the Companion a lot of the time.  Toshiro also goes very well with Nico and the double buff's the pair can hand out can be gross, particularly in strats where you and the opponent tend to group their models (like Turf War and Extraction).

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