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New to Kirai


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Hello everyone


I am new to Malifaux, and decide to have my first crew being Kirai and spirits friends. I plan to branch out to other ress, but I would Like to master one at a time. I would like some tips for playing and learning the game with kirai.  So far I have the following:


1x Kirai

3x seishin

2x onryo

1x lost love

3x rotten belle

1x Ikiryo

1x Datsue Ba

3x The drowned


I plan to pick up Izuma the armor and 2 more seishin.  Also I know I need some gaki, and shikome once they become plastic.  The goal is to get a 35ss crew and then move up to 50ss.  Thanks for reading, and have a great day.  



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