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Freikorps schemes discussion

Bradimus Prime

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Hello folks


Newish player here trying to get my head around the VonSchill and his Freikorps.  I wanted to start a discussion to pick your brains and get your views on what schemes you would prefer when playing Freikorps and what models you would hire to achieve those schemes.


I've played a decent amount of games now and I've got one tourney under my belt with an OK end result of 1W/1L/1D which I was quite pleased with when I learned there was some top players knocking about.  So far I have noticed that my Freikorps crew tends to have less activations on average and the crew works better when supporting one another.  I tend to end up running light on dedicated scheme running models like the Freikorpsmann which suggests to me I should not be looking at scheme's that require dropping lots of scheme markers  like Breakthrough etc  I have plenty of Healing and tough models so scheme's like Bodyguard seem like a natural choice as I can be aggressive with the target and keep them alive.


My core crew that tends to make every game looks like this:-


Von Schill

Engage at Will

Shirt comes off 



Steam trunk








I then add the rest to how I see fit but usually I will throw the Strong Arm suit in there and a couple of Oath Keepers.


So basically I'm interest in hearing how other people approach playing the Freikorps and what schemes you think run best with them?







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FK are one of the most versatile crew so can accomplish most strats/schemes without too much difficulty.  Breakthrough is actually pretty easy with them because VS himself can be very quick with his option to set up with his version of From the Shadows.  The Trapper also has FtS and Strongarm suit is pretty speedy.  Being out-activated seems to be a result of your crew choices, taking Hannah and the Strongarm eats up a lot of points and I think you need to think whether you need both of them.  If you're playing Recconoiter for example you probably want to load up with some more standard Freikorpsmen as they're pretty durable for 5SS and being Unimpeded means they can make it where they want to in most cases.  They're also your bog standard scheme runners for the FK.  You want to be tailoring your crew to what strats/schemes are available rather than making your crew and then not taking schemes because they're more difficult to achieve.  If Bodyguard is available then the Librarian/Hannah/Strongarm suit is probably solid as the latter two are pretty easy to keep alive.  If Protect Territory and Plant Evidence are around then you want more Friekorpsmen so you have more AP for Interacts.  If Vendetta is around then you definitely don't want to be leaving home without a Trapper (which is true of a lot of factions to be fair!).


If you expand out of FK into the other Outcasts Void Wretches make good scheme runners too, especially if you can keep them hidden until the end of the turn because they become very tough when your hand is depleted.  Desperate Mercenaries are also very cheap and can help with activation control (and you might be able to get a SS out of them when they die meaning they effectively cost 3SS but don't count on this as VS tends to run around doing his own thing).


You also want to tailor your crew a little to what faction you are facing.  If Ressers (and maybe Arcanists, can't remember if they can remove scrap as well) then you definitely want at least one Specialist and maybe two if you can fit them in to burn all those markers.  Against Arcanists you might want to consider bringing Taelor and/or Johan along for that Relic Hammer.  Taelor is also a good choice against both Ressers and Arcanists because of her 'Welcome to Malifaux' ability.

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If your playing Any Outcast crew Johan is always a good idea! Relic Hammer, 8 Wounds, HtK, Flurry and Condition Removal... 6 SS you say? *rips off guys arm to get at Johan*  :D


All of Jonah's advice is really solid though. I think you're loading up on too many high cost models. It's very easy to do with Von Schill. Try running with a couple of Freikorpsmann and a Trapper or two. That'll give you a lot more cheap activations alongside VS and the Trunk. They can be deceptively tough to kill and are surprisingly fast for 5 - 6ss models. FtS is golden on the Trappers and Freikorpsmann are great little 5ss minions. Not the best scheme runners in the faction (That honour goes to Void Wretches) but they do the job nicely. 


Generally I find VS and the FK tend to work best of Strategies like Turf War or Squatter's Rights where they can get away with staying together to support each other. Reckoning is also good as you can afford to bring along those heavy hitters like the SAS or Lazarus to lay down the hurt. Reconnoiter isn't ideal but can be done with the FK. Schemes wise they can do just about anything you just need to tailor the crew to the schemes and stop using a skeleton crew to build off of. Tailor your lists to the objectives and to a certain extent the enemy faction and role with that. Naturally the FK excel at Bodyguard but often people might expect you to take it because of their durability and crazy healing capabilities, try surprising the enemy with something else and pretend you have Bodyguard!  ;)

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I've been playing friekorp predominantly since starting, and as stated above I feel like the real strength is in the versatility and the ability to stay in theme for the full benefit of buffs while staying ready for anything. However, I don't agree that von schill needs to run out on his own. That's one of the ways he can, but I usually play him in the bubble style where he stays with his men for most of the game. Typically that leads to a.. Sort of I wanna say viper strike situation. I'll spend the first two three turns moving up board while the enemy comes towards me(taking shots occasionally running a basic friekorpsmen out to tar, the trapper walks away just to reposition back) then von schill will break out charge into press and rip his shirt off then typically the rest of the crew moves to support).

on the topic of schemes, I will usually take bodyguard...because it's pretty easy. However one of the best bits of advice I've seen on here(forgot from who) was that with the friekorps you goal shouldn't be that you get alot of points but rather that your opponent gets fewer than you. So typically that means taking stuff that is more dependent on your models than your position... Or depending on the strategy where the action will likely happen.

as those above stated I've always felt like you only really need one heavy hitter in a list. The rest should be 8 or less. Never underestimate the base line friekorpsmenn.

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On the topic of heavy hitters, I've started to love 'I Pay better' (ditch a card for focus instead of using AP).  If you're not comfortable with losing the strike power of a big hitter, that could help mitigate it by increasing the damage output of some existing units.


If your opponent is outactivating you then yeah, they can hit those objectives markers more - but they've probably got more minions, so you should also be able to take them out quickly.  A focussed trapper can take out a minion with one hit.


Oathkeeper can help move your units around the board a bit faster if that's what you need.


Of course, you can always focus on denial - stop your enemy getting into position for Breakthrough and just work on your strategies instead.  Freikorps specialist is good for scheme marker denial. 


The synergy of Freikorps could give them some strength with breakthrough - it's harder to kill those guys when they're 'behind enemy lines'.

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It's not just activation control but also AP that is huge in Malifaux and you only have a finite number of AP to achieve your strats/schemes and try to stop your opponent achieving theirs.  Not having as many models severely limits you in a lot of strats/schemes which is why you have to plan around them rather than the other way around.


I Pay Better seems like a great upgrade to take with Hannah as she's Ht3 on a 50mm base so has a large LoS and you draw an extra card when she's in your crew.  Haven't yet tried it though.

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