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Separating the wendigo


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I'd like to get the plastic Rasputina crew box at some point in the (hopefully) not so distant future, but I'm really not liking how the wendigo is attached to an entire other model. For those who have the box already, how difficult would it be to remove the wendigo and base it on it's own? Would I be better off just tracking down one of the metal wendigo instead?

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I don't have the box myself, but I believe one foot and one claw of the wendigo are part of the cowboy. I have seen pictures of a separated wendigo on the net, so it's doable at least.


My main grief with the Wendigo is that that cowboy is totally out of scale. He is enormous.

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The Wendigo's left arm and leg end in stumps, so you'd have to sculpt replacement paws. The left leg is also quite a bit longer than the right, which might be a problem depending on how you decide to pose and base him.


Difficulty is entirely dependent on how comfortable you are with sculpting.

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I helped a friend of mine with the same thing.

I took the wendigo and the extra ice block that came in the box (from the golem I believe), repositioned that ice block (tilted a bit forward and to the side) and attached the wendigo to it, so it looks like it is doing a parkour jump over the side. Then I used greenstuff to sculpt the missing hand and foot. As a thanks he gave me the victim to use as a guild guard.


Tried to get a good picture of the hand/feet, so the rest of the model is a bit blurry.


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