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Understudy + Prompt + Soulstone manipulation



Not sure if this has been discussed elsewhere or if another version exists on other models or not. 


Soustone manipulation states that it may only be used "once per activation."


Prompt simple says "target may perform a (1) action."


Cassandra has the "understudy" ability and is able to use any of Colette's 1ap Ca actions. Lets say she decides to use prompt and target Colette.  So the question is, could I prompt Colette to use her soulstone manipulation ability, and then also use it again once Colette activates? One instance of the ability would be used during her activation, while the other would be outside her activation.


There may be other instances of these situations with "Obey" masters targeting models with "once per activation abilities", however I cannot think of any off the top of my head. 



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"Activation" always refers to the currently activated model's activation, so yes, you can use it once on Cassandra's Activation then once on Colette's.

I that to say Cassandra is allowed to use the (1) Soul Stone manipulation via understudy, or Cassandra is allowed to prompt Colette into doing the soul stone manipulation a second time?  


The former seems true, while the latter is not true. If it were you could do some broken things: e.g. activate Lynch's woke up with a Hand multiple times a turn with Huggy's heed my voice. 

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I that to say Cassandra is allowed to use the (1) Soul Stone manipulation via understudy, or Cassandra is allowed to prompt Colette into doing the soul stone manipulation a second time?  


The former seems true, while the latter is not true. If it were you could do some broken things: e.g. activate Lynch's woke up with a Hand multiple times a turn with Huggy's heed my voice. 

Cassandra can prompt Colette to use Soul Stone Manipulation second time, because it's once per activation action. Colette can then proceed and do it third time if she gets reactivate from performer. Cassandra can't however copy Soul Stone Manipulation because it is not a cast action


Huggy can't use heed my voice on Lynch for two reasons: enemy and non-leader. Woke up with a hand can also only be used once per turn.

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Cassandra can prompt Colette to use Soul Stone Manipulation second time, because it's once per activation action. Colette can then proceed and do it third time if she gets reactivate from performer. Cassandra can't however copy Soul Stone Manipulation because it is not a cast action


Huggy can't use heed my voice on Lynch for two reasons: enemy and non-leader. Woke up with a hand can also only be used once per turn.

My bad about Huggy, you are right there. Ok, more gregarious example: regeneration triggers at the start of an activation.  Does Teddy regen 2 every time he is Obeyed? Do the illuminated?  That seems a little over the top. Not that I mind as a Neverborn player. 


Does this also mean abilities/conditions that work "until next activation", like defensive can be shut down with an obey?


Finally, and most cheeserific:

"Zero AP actions: Some models will have Actions that have an Ap cost of 0. A model may take only one of these 'free' Actions per Activation".


So, I can twist the strings on a Weaver Widow three times to generate 4 web tokens turn 1? Obey only allows me to take a (1) action, as does Prompt and the like, but after the main rule book there is the tied benefit of a (0) action for acting during a different activation? There are some terrifying (0) actions out there, not the least being the mimic's. This cheese virtually doubles the power of Obey. 

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Activation is not the same thing as taking an action. Models heal from regeneration every time they activate (even if is the second or third time that turn) but they do not heal when obeyed.

The reason Colette can use Soul Stone Manipulation during Cassandra's activation, is because it is a different activation. The same rules apply to all other once per activation actions.

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Activation is not the same thing as taking an action. Models heal from regeneration every time they activate (even if is the second or third time that turn) but they do not heal when obeyed.

The reason Colette can use Soul Stone Manipulation during Cassandra's activation, is because it is a different activation. The same rules apply to all other once per activation actions.

I understand: so while it is Colette that is doing the SS manipulation, it is Cassandra's activation. So you couldn't use an obey to clear off defensive stance. 


My gut tells me the (0) action is impossible, but as the wording goes "A model...per activation" seems to imply Colette could take her own (0) action while prompted during Cassandra's activation and then again during her own activation, but only once in each activation?  


So Collodi could make Weaver Widow make another web, but just the once per turn, unless he was himself moved by Vasilisa. 

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