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Lady Justice and Headhunter

Hateful Darkblack


The strategy is Headhunter, so when a model is killed, the killer places a Headhunter Marker within 3".


Lady Justice has an ability that says no Markers get placed when she kills someone.


Does this mean that she drops no Headhunter Markers when killing?


I am pretty sure the answer is that she doesn't drop a Headhunter Marker when she kills something, but I wanted to check if there was some kind of exception.

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How can one drop the ones head when cleaved in twain by a mighty sword.

But on topic. Acting model places the marker. The model being killed is not placing any markers. Lady j is.

Final Repose: Models killed by this model do not place Markers as a response to being killed.

So no corpse or scrap since the non acting player is placing them. (Like normal)

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Final Repose: Models killed by this model do not place Markers as a response to being killed.

In headhunter strategy it is the attacking model's controller and not the killed model that places the marker. If Lady Justice is doing the attacking, the marker is thus placed normally.

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well after doing an extensive search of "Acting model". the model performing an Action the acting model. So when Colette prompts model B Colette is the Acting model.


But when Model B performs An Action Model B is the acting model.


So to answer your question if an obeyed/prompted model is riposted by lady j no HH marker is placed.


refercances; all from the big book


Attack Actions are Actions that a target model resists, while Tactical Actions are those that an acting model performs. page 21


In the case of a tie, the acting model chooses which of the lowest models is the randomly determined model. page 29 call out box


Actions usually have a Range associated with them. Actions that do not have an associated Range are usually those that affect only the acting model. To determine if a model (or other object) is in range of the Acting model, measure from base to base. page 40 note this page has alot about the acting model drawing range and los dont care to spam it read it your self. ;)


So in conclusion the Acting model is the Model that is taking the action.

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I was just messing with you with that last question TBH. :P

It had nothing to do with the real question at hand, which is: Is the acting model's controller allowed to do something the acting model isn't? I'm actually a bit bummed that the headhunter's wording was left as it is, after this exact question was discussed on henchman forum. Model's controllers don't usually do much in this game.

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Just to throw a monkey wrench into this discussion:  Corpse and Scrap markers are placed by the dying model's controller, not the model itself.  If Final Repose prevents their placement (and I assume we all agree that it does), should the fact that the other player is placing a marker as a result of a model dying change whether it functions?


A head marker is still a marker placed as a result of a model being killed.  Does Final Repose care which player is placing it?

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Yes it does, as it states that model the model being killed may not place them. Lady J is the model placing the headmarker not the Killed marker.  If lady j ever got an upgrade that stated she placed a scheme marker when she killed an enemy model, she would be able to do so as she is the one placing. Final Repose doesn't stop the generation of any marker, it stops the placement by that specific model. that happens to have died at lady j or the judges hands. or swords as it is.

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