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Headhunter and Markers



Here's a scenario: Judge* kills McMourning (because McM deserves it, you all know it). Judge's card says models killed by him don't leave markers. Does this apply to the head markers as well? Rules as written, it does, but I was wondering if this is an intended consequence of the strategy or not.


*Or Lady J, or any other model with Final Repose or similar ability.

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Disagree. Just as its inadvertent that the dreamer and Leveticus get extra benefit from scenarios that place conditions that can only be removed certain ways by just using their base mechanics, this is an instance where the same thing occurs in the negative. No head markers from lady j or the judge. Which sometimes might be of benefit if an enemy model could snipe it before you could get to it.

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I disagree because that is getting into the same area as the Lilith not needing Los vs the wording cannot be ignored.

While I totally agree raw is really the best way to play Justin has made clear that this edition uses more flexible language and, although very frustrating for interpreting the rules at times, this edition is very intent and laymen a English driven.

The obvious rules intent of lady j and the judge is that when they kill something, no marker is placed. That could be a negative in headhunting, but its also potentially a benefit as if they kill something and can't get the marker they prevent the enemy from sniping it.

Granted I don't get to run many events or play many games lately with the new baby around but, barring an FAQ ruling on this issue, that is how ill be (un)officially ruling it for any event or game I'm asked a rules question about. Your own interpretation is as valid barring an FAQ entry, I just don't agree with it.

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