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The Godlyness

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This one is going to be hard.

Collette and Cassandra are your only 2 models left. Lucky for you your opponent also has only 2 models left. Unlucky for you is that you need to kill both models and Cassy has already activated. But both of the enemy has activated.


Colette has any upgrade she wants.

All movement or push or place effects can move up to max allowance.

You have scheme markers where ever you want them.

Both enemy models have 6 wounds

All damage flipped is weak

You win all duels.

Can declare any trigger You want.

Model A and Model B are both standing on the center line.

Cassy is 4 1/2" away from Model A. And on its east side but 1 1/2 south of the center line.

Cassy is 11" away from Model B.

Collette is 5" away from Model A and south west,

Collette is 9" away from Model B

Your objective is to kill both models in Collettes activation. This is the last activation.

Go forth and do it.

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Colette Prompts Cassandra, who pushes 3" and hits Model A triggering Magician's Prop and Prompt's Colette who pushes so that she is within 4 inches of Model A and withi 8 inches of Model B and Prompts Cassandra to push as close to Model B as possible while remaining within 2" of Model A and hit Model A triggering Swirl of Motion Pushing 4" towards model B.

Colette then uses The Sabre Trick on Model A killing it and triggering Can I Have a Volunteer? and uses The Sabre Trick on Model B.

Model A is dead and Model B is in 4 wounds. Colette Prompts Cassandra twice and she kill's Model B.

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You're just stuck in a Vassal game and looking for advice, aren't you. :)


(1) Prompt Cassandra, who pushes 3” and hits Gunsmith for 2, triggering Magician’s Prop and Prompts Colette, who pushes 3” toward Gunsmith and Prompts Cassandra to swing again for 2 more.
(0) Then Sabre trick to kill the Gunsmith. Heck, trigger Can I Have A Volunteer and hit Cassandra too, just to show off that you don't need her anymore.
(1) Then, use Trick of the Hat to summon a Mechanical Dove.
(1) Then, prompt the Dove to push and fly out toward the Silent One, moving 13” total.
Chain Activate Mechanical Dove.
(1) And then the bomb said boom. Detonate Soulstone to kill the Silent One. ( I assume "You win all duels" includes the Silent One failing the Df duel for this. Otherwise, oops! This won't work and it's time to apologize to Cassandra.)
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(1) Colette Prompts Cassandra to push 3" toward center, and Dancer's Saber to swing at Gunsmith for 2 damage, and trigger Magician's Prop to Prompt Colette to Prompt Cassandra for a 3" push toward center, and Dancer's Saber again to swing at Gunsmith for 2 damage.
(1) Colette Prompts Cassandra to swing one last time for 2 damage, then trigger Swirl of Motion to push 4" toward center.
(1) Colette Prompts Cassandra to push 3" toward center and do Breath of Fire on Colette. With Cassandra's Swirl iof Motion, she pushes 4" more toward center. With Colette's Now You See Me, she negates damage and places on top of the crates in the center, 8" from the Silent One.
(0) Colette does Saber Trick to do 2 damage to Cassandra, then triggers Can I Have A Volunteer to do 2 damage to Silent One.
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Colette: "Cassandra, could you me a quick favor? Could you stab that guy then cast my own spell to get me to ask you to stab him again? Then stab him again -- third time's a charm -- and nudge closer? Actually just keep nudging closer the whole time. Then breath fire on me so I can teleport on top of those barrels over there, and nudge closer even more? And then just stay put so I can hit you with a saber, but only so that I can hit that other guy with a saber right afterward? Thanks. It means a lot to me."


Cassandra: "Be a showgirl, they said. It'll be glamorous, they said."

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Colette is sitting on all the scheme markers. You must Remove both models. Make them die.



Colette is 4" away from Cassandra.

Collodi Activates first

Colette has already activated. Cassandra has not.

Have Three stones for triggers.

All Attack actions Vs Colette fail

You win all other Actions

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I'm Collodi, and Colette and Cassandra are enemy models?


EDIT: Also, is it safe to assume that Collodi gets any built-in triggers, but only can get other triggers if he uses one of his soulstones for it?


EDIT: Do we assume all damage is weak? (This could matter for things like making Cassandra breath fire on a summoned Wicked Doll to get blasts.)


EDIT: Also also, can Collodi use one of those soulstones to prevent damage? (Like, say, from Strum the Threads?)

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I think I can do this in one very deeply nested Action.
(1) Pull the Strings on Cassandra. Use Soulstone for trigger My Bidding, to force Cassandra to (1) Understudy to (1) Prompt Colette, using a Soulstone for the Trigger Final Act to give Reactivate but Sacrifice Colette at the end of the turn. Colette then (1) Prompts Cassandra, using a Soulstone for the Trigger Final Act to give Reactivate but Sacrifice Cassandra at the end of the turn.
EDIT: Doesn't work.
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Oh, hey! Still possible.



(1) Pull the Strings on Cassandra to do 2 damage, and Soulstone to trigger Idle Hands.

Doesn't matter what else happens. I suggest (0) Creep to push away, then (1) Interact twice to drop a Scheme Marker and pick it up again.



(1) Understudy to (1) Prompt Colette, spending a Soulstone for the trigger Final Act to Reactivate and Sacrifice Colette. Colette moves closer to Cassandra and kills her with a (1) Hooked Cane.



Does some stuff, but dies.

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