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Fluff Question: Does Hoffman break Thalarian doctrine?

The Zinc Lich

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So I read through Hoffman's fluff in Crossroads, and I couldn't help but notice that he was using a lot of magic. After reading through TTB, I was under the impression that anything that wasn't tied to enchanted items would get you a midnight visit from the Witch Hunters. Mentally controlling an entire crew of constructs, not to mention crushing one with mental force in front of an arena full of people, is the kind of thing I know I would write letters to the Guild in protest of.


Is Hoffman's mechanical control skill just outside of proscribed magical theory, or is it just another example of Lucius', and by extension, the Guild's fundamental hypocrisy?

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This is pretty much a clear example of the way Guild works, ie if it works for them it is justified as long as it is only for them.  I mean Ryle is a clear example of what Hoffman is suppose to be destroying but they let it go as it insures Hoffman works for them.  I mean technically what Perdita is doing with an enslaved Nephilim is illegal due to the danger of it but as she is such a high ranker in the Guild they just let her do it.


Witch Hunters are for dealing with almost any magic user that don't work for the Guild pretty much.

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What Hoffman does does not seem like casting spells, and spell casting is what witch hunters are mostly watching. In terms of TTB I would call it manifesting an ability. Hoffman hasn't gotten any training for mind controlling constructs from other person or literary source. He practically just woke up after coming through the breach and noticed he can feel constructs with his mind. The ability is so automatic he can literally do it while in his sleep.

If you think about it, pretty much every guild master has some sort of manifested powers (and some of them do actual magic).

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Another thing to keep in mind, the TTB fluff and the Malifaux fluff are not always on par with each other. In Malifaux, the stories make you think you are likely to die five minutes after you get off the train. In TTB, the stories make you think the world is full of wonder and adventure. At least that is how it feels to me. 

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