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Revenge of the Guild

Iron Skies

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I've been playing Hoffman and McCabe a lot recently... probably more than is healthy so I'll be happy to offer some advice if you get stuck. I've yet to delve into Lucius but he seems really good fun. I've kind of neglected Sonnia a fair bit since picking her up many months ago because I just can't seem to get my head around her seemingly easy play style. I need to dedicate some more time to her but with Hoffman being such a badass I rarely feel in the mood to bust out Sonnia. 

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First game back against Mythicfox last night. Naturally ended up a loss but if memory serves it was 6-4 in the end. Used Lucius Vs Marcus


Strategy was Reckoning (Not a good one for Lucius) 

Scheme pool was Assassinate, Breakthrough, Plant Evidence and Frame for Murder.


Crew I had was an experiment with my old favourites from 1.5

Lucius (Legalease and hidden assets upgrades)




Guild Rifleman


2 X Guild Hounds

Guild Lawyer


Mythicfox's crew (From memory)

Marcus (Forgotten upgrades)




2 X Guild Hounds

Canine Remains

Rogue Nacromancy



The schemes I had taken were Frame for Murder and Breakthrough. Both unannounce

Mythic had taken Plant Evidence and Breakthrough.


Not going into a turn by turn detail as don't have the time at the moment. Just some thoughts and more memorable moments


Early on in the game I had decided that I probably wasn't going to get any points for Reckoning due to Mythic's crew composition and where he had deployed them. Instead I focussed on my schemes. I had chosen one of my dogs to be my 'sucker' who sadly got smashed by the Rogue necro fairly early on (1 point for being killed and 1 for being killed before turn 4)

The lawyer spent most of the game being a support piece rather than handing out fee's. I do want to come back to the lawyer in a future game as he does look like a bit of a 'screw your opponent' piece

The hunter I put in from testing for 2nd edition. It became a mini peacekeeper. Mythic obviously didn't like it and promptly rogue necro'd it during turn 3

The warden didn't really do anything during this game except for drop some scheme markers for breakthrough and be a teleport target for Lucius. Going to look at using them some more to figure them out.

The Guardian ended up being denial for people, keeping them from engaging the Warden and Lawyer as well as supporting both.

The rifleman managed to be a worry for Mythic enough to warrant attention from the necro and Cassandra. I also managed to use their damaging charge ability twice during the game

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Ok! Another game to report on. This time using Hoffman. Went for a pure construct crew to see what would happen vs Pandora

My crew:


-Arcanist Assets

-Modification one

-Landmine scrap counter one (Cant remember the names)


-Ryles special one

-Tessalation Magnet


Mechanical attendant

Hunter X 2



Opponents crew (note I cannot remember the upgrades)




2 X Sorrow





Game was Stake a claim and scheme pool was



Protect territory

Frame for murder


I had taken Bodyguard on Ryle and Vendetta one of my Hunter's on the Silurid


The game ended up being 7-10 loss to myself but went down to the very last activation (Killing Candy would have made it a 7-7 draw)

The Hunter managed to pounce on the Silurid and one shot kill it. An interesting point came up after I revealed the scheme where it read that if your first attack kills it you do not have to reveal the scheme (Not 100% sure myself here) after that the other hunter became a subject of fear and concentration.

Ryle ended up being smashed to death after being rather menacing and scary but not really doing much

Overall I'm really loving the Hunter's and the Guardian for his tarpit ability


More will come as I get more thoughts

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After the few games I have played with hoffman and VS him. I feel like some of the upgrades you took were not really that great. The Remote mines are not that great for damage unless you have lost constructs already or are vs an Arcanist and with proper screening the not being moved or pushed is not going to get a lot of use. But on the other hand OSA gives hoffman fast which is great since he can chain most of his spells already it gives you more power loop casts and more Machine Puppet casts. Which is where he gets a lot of his mileage since he can make Ryle, Peacekeeper or Langston shoot, punch and move more, It even pushes and gives fast. Also with Ryle you would have been better off with extra stones or Expert Sleuth / Lead Lined coat. Since you will be using Socially Repressed or Field Repairs almost every turn and hoffman will be eating up most of the scrap markers on heals and upgrades. Also Wardens are Amazing for Hoffman they are cheep, give out Paralyzed (Even easier with the targeting upgrade), and are very tanky, They are becoming my go to minions for guild(I ordered 3 on Black Friday). As for the Guardian I feel like he is a bit too costly for what he does(Only 2 games though) and most of what he does is give out that 6 DF for Power loop. Hunters I want really hard to like but they have never worked out for me but I have always tried to use them as Flankers and runners. But I get the feeling they are better as support pieces. Oh and if you are going to play more Hoffman Langston is a must get. The crazy damage the nimble the getting him up to armor 2 and the instal kill trigger can be super deadly.






Remote mines for On Site Assimilation

Tessalation Magnet and Pieces of myself for anything else.

Get Wardens and Langston


End of rant hope it helps.

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Actually Remote Mines works well with Arcanist Assets and Field Mechanic. Use (0) Frantic Repairs to remove one of your Modifications, Heal Hoffman or the Target 2 then place a Scrap Marker anywhere within 8" and LoS. Then you use Detonate to blow up the Scrap. They work really well together if you are prepared to drop a Mod/Upgrade from time to time. You can also use them with Scrap that Joss/Large Arachnid creates or when your own Constructs die. It's not a total write off and can be really effective. 


Still there is merit to your suggestions. OSA can be great for giving Hoffman Fast by giving out Slow to a friendly Construct. Then Hoffman can use (1) Machine Puppet triggering Repeat Program to give the model with Slow a (1) action (negating Slow effectively) and the trigger gives it Fast removing Slow. Later this damage can easily be healed with Frantic Repairs, Improvised Repairs or the Guardian's Mend trigger on it's (0) Protect Action. It's a nice little combo to get some extra AP without too many downsides. 


Wardens are amazing if you activate them late in the turn and have already given them the Targetting System Mod. Discard it to gain + :ram and so long as you target a model that has already activated you gain yet another + :ram meaning the Paralyze trigger is automatic. If you have a High  :ram in your hand you can even go for a triple  :ram Critical Strike or the Paralyze Trigger. It's all good stuff!


Tessalation Magnet can be really useful on sombody like Langston or a Rail Golem who naturally have access to a lot of movement. You can have them drag slow Constructs around or even a Metal Gamin to help them out. Definitely worth taking with a fast moving Construct with Hydraulics, Langston or a Rail Golem.  


As for Ryle with LLC, he can buy it sure however it wont do anything. There's no restriction from him taking the upgrade but as he already has armour it's effect will be useless. 

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Can't have lead lined coat with Ryle. Model can't have armour already. I'm surprised you've not had that much success with Hunters but during the playtest period they were the model I worked on the most so they've kinda clicked with me

Ya the Coat was being dumb He can't even take it since he is not living (I never take this upgrade or upgrades on Ryle) and I got it mixed up with the modification. As for the Hunters I feel like they have this one really good combo but if you can't get the combo off and VS people who know what it does it is really hard to get off. But like I said only 2 games so I could just have not had them click yet



Actually Remote Mines works well with Arcanist Assets and Field Mechanic. Use (0) Frantic Repairs to remove one of your Modifications, Heal Hoffman or the Target 2 then place a Scrap Marker anywhere within 8" and LoS. Then you use Detonate to blow up the Scrap. They work really well together if you are prepared to drop a Mod/Upgrade from time to time. You can also use them with Scrap that Joss/Large Arachnid creates or when your own Constructs die. It's not a total write off and can be really effective. 

I don't think it is a total write off but it most of the time I would rather use the scrap to AoE heal. Because I think a WK12 duel is too easy to cheat out of.



Tessalation Magnet can be really useful on somebody like Langston or a Rail Golem who naturally have access to a lot of movement. You can have them drag slow Constructs around or even a Metal Gamin to help them out. Definitely worth taking with a fast moving Construct with Hydraulics, Langston or a Rail Golem.  

I could see that working out better need to try it sometime.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been playing Hoffman as well a lot lately, but not having nearly as much luck against Ressers (though most games end up close). I've been testing some arguably gimmicky crews though to see if what I can get to work. The three pieces I've been playing around with alot are the malifaux child, steam arachnid swarms, and metal gamin. The child loops in things at a distance (need to hold a high card for it though), the gamin looped in gives you a cast of 8-10 plus high armor for Df trigger, and the arachnids can be scary with boosted melee for overrun  (killed full heath Seamus in a single charge) plus healing and scheme removal.


Do you guys find your ball up most the time or still spread out your models? Seems like I keep getting strategies (guard the stash/reconnoiter) that force me to split up my forces. I do lack wardens and a peacekeeper as well, but I've been holding out for plastics for the most part.

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