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Any Model Lists for Faction Arsenal Decks?

Nikko Andass

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Hi, folks - brand new player here.


Are there any lists on the web and/or downloadable files of the models in the various faction Arsenal decks? I ask, because I recently purchased the McCabe "Relic Hunters" crew set, along with the 1 & 2W Guild Arsenal decks, but McCabe, et. al. weren't included in either of those decks. I assume they'd be in the Ten Thunders 2W deck because of the cross-faction status - am I right? It would have been very helpful to have a list of all the faction models and their corresponding Arsenal decks before I made my purchase (although, I would have bought he Guild decks, regardless). Is there such a list someplace, or is my only recourse to buy the Crossroads manual with all the 2/3W model descriptions? 


And speaking of the McCabe set, I bought a set of Guild Riflemen to fill out my crew - it looked good on paper. But I haven't found much discussion of the Relic Hunter crew in the forums. Is this not a particularly popular crew among the veteran Malifaux players? Gotta say, I LOVE the look of this set of models, and the Guild Riflemen seem to compliment the whole crew quite well. Have I committed a noobie error in my choice of crews?


- Nikko

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Thanks for the quick reply, Dirial.  


I could have sworn those 2W Arsenal decks weren't there 3 weeks or so ago (or perhaps they were missing the full descriptions?) when I first started looking around on the site, but I could have overlooked them very easily, as porous as my memory tends to be - so much to take in, but I'm enjoying every bit of it.  :)


So, now that I have the attention of a veteran Malifauxite (Malifauxian? Malifauxer? Malifauxeur?), any thoughts on my 2nd query regarding McCabe and the Relic Hunter crew?


 - N

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So, now that I have the attention of a veteran Malifauxite (Malifauxian? Malifauxer? Malifauxeur?), any thoughts on my 2nd query regarding McCabe and the Relic Hunter crew?


 - N


Whoa, veteran might be a bit much.


I cannot comment much on McCabe. I have him, and the models are beautiful (I'm currently painting them), but I never played him. A friend of mine says he enjoys his TT incarnation very much, though. I like his mechanics, and I am really excited to try him.


I never heard anything of him being underpowered, so no reason to be concerned. He is one of the Guild's more supportive Masters and not as straight forward as the Wave 1 girls. You might need a little longer to really get him, but it should be okay. I mean, you have checked out PullmyFinger, right?


Riflemen on the other hand are awesome, I can tell you that. Weak Dg 3-4 is easily manageable, and scary from 14" away. You will enjoy those!

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McCabe is far from noncompetitive. All the masters are relatively balanced against each other, there isn't really such a thing as a noobie error when it comes to crew selection, they all work very well and with practice you will get very good with any crew pretty quickly.


I am a BIG fan of McCabe because of his versatile nature. He can do many things with many models for many objectives. I've dug up a couple of the more recent threads regarding McCabe. Also check out the article on him at PullMyFinger (link below). I suggest having a read through these articles to get an idea of how McCabe works. If you have any questions though feel free to ask. I've played him a lot and can offer some advice if you want it. There are lots of us here who love McCabe and will be happy to lend a hand. 








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Hey, guys - thanks so much for your replies!


Yes, I've already been to the PullyMyFinger site, it is such a great resource. I really like the "controller" aspect of McCabe, particularly the buffs to Guild minions, etc. I suppose I should acquire a set of Guild Hounds to put Luna to complete use, too.


I'm not so taken with the 10T connection McCabe provides though. I think when I go cross faction it will be via Lucius and McMourning. Nicodem really fires my imagination, and I'm a real sucker for Pandora and her creepy little "henchkids." I'll probably go Neverborn, starting with her crew, after I fill out my Guild ranks a bit more. So many choices, so many choices ....


- N

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Just gonna copy a post I made in another thread because it is relevant.


Lucas McCabe

-Strangemetal Shirt

-Elixir of Life



-Command the Graves

Izamu the Armor

Ama no Zako

2x Iluminated


Plant Explosives and Make Them Suffer.


I actually played this exact game yesterday against Nicodem. Opponent called the game at the end of turn three. I scored 3 points on Plant Explosives, 2 on Squatters, and 1 on Make Them Suffer while also summoning in two Ashigaru. Of course my opponent was also was not feeling good due to allergy problems, which probably factored in a bit.


Strange force, but the way in which it worked was surprisingly great. Do you guys remember that one time when Indiana Jones teamed up with some drug addicts, a demon, and the undead in order to save the world from different undead? I do.



Although I do not have much experience with Guild McCabe, TT McCabe has been excellent for me. On the Guild side though I would definitely look at austringers, though they lack a plastic model currently. The Pathfinder is also a nice model that also happens to be TT/Guild.


On the TT side I find McCabe benefits from a less focused force, taking advantage of the variety of models TT has access to. In my force it was of course TT, but it also used elements from Guild (McCabe himself), Resserrectionist (Toshiro, Izamu, summoned Ashigaru), Neverborn (Illuminated), and Outcast (Ama No Zako) playstyles. Strangemetal shirt, once I passed it off, made my Illuminated armor 2 and Izamu armor 3. When placed on an Illuminated, the Elixer of Life gives them Regeneration 3, or when on Ama No Zako (who normally has no defenses) regen 2. Also Kamiachi is AMAZING for McCabe. Once per turn each time a model loses an upgrade they heal two wounds and get a free push. Additionally, once per turn when a model gains an upgrade, you may draw a card.


As for general strategies, those other threads should help. If you take the shirt, you can generally just park it on one model. On the other upgrades (especially saber and elixir), you generally want to:


1. activate the model that holds them first to make use of them,

2. then activate McCabe who takes the upgrade, uses it himself, and passes it to another model,

3. activate the new model.


This allows three models to benefit from one upgrade in the same turn.


Welcome to Malifaux.

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Thank you, AB, for your advice, too.


I'm very excited to finish up painting my McCabe crew. I've finished both McCabes (made a bit of a hash of the mounted McCabe's face - "unfortunate burn victim" may have to be added to his character fluff, now), Luna, and one Wastrel. Two Wastrels left, and 3 Guild Riflemen to go. [edit: How could I forget Sidir?! He's the reason I went with the McCabe crew in the first place - love that model!] After that, I think I'll grab either a Sonnia Criid crew, or Pandora's. I really like the look of the Desperate Mercenaries - would they be a legit addition to either of those crews?


I've acquired a 3' x 3' piece of 1/4" particle board for my skirmish space, and plan on making some sort of desert terrain for my first go. I'll post pics once I'm finished.


I think I have all of my literature bases covered. So far I have the M2E Rule Book and Rules Manual, the Retro Fate deck, a Guild Arsenal deck, and a 2W Guild deck. I have an Arcane Fate deck (for demos, pick-up games, etc) on my wish list, as well as the M2E Crossroads book, the 10T Arsenal and 2W decks, and the Scheme & Strategy deck. 


Whew! That's a LIST. Am I missing anything ... ?


- Nikko

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Once upon a time, Desperate Mercs were the most widespread mercs in the game. Sadly, no more. Their attacks are pitiful, and their conditional discount is equalized by the merc tax.


In Outcasts they still have their place because they are reasonably fast and survivable for a cheap price. Thus, they are good scheme runners. The other factions have better scheme runners for the point cost, though.

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