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RefauxGT - Saturday 8th November Canterbury - Date change!


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Apoligies for the date change, we had double booked the hall.


I've failed to get a GT space but I still want to play Malifaux. The only solution... Run my own tournement.

I'm not wanting to steal anyone from the GT, but if you can't get a space for that, or if 2 days is just too many, then come on down.


40 ss Henchman led tournement

Fixed Faction

Start time 9:30 am

Planned 4 rounds, but if we have low numbers (less than 10-16 ish) will do a 3 round tournement followed by a Hardcore tournement.

Both options should end about 6:30 pm


Cost will be around £15 (price to be confirmed shortly)

Rules pack will be out early October but its going to look quite similar to most UK rules packs.


Location is Spring Lane community Center in Caterbury, kent.


Interested people so far


Phil Hawtin (Adran)






Phil Blake

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Refaux GT One day event
Henchman led 40 ss games

This is a one day event using fixed Factions and is for any Malifaux players with a basic knowledge of the rules. 

At the start of the event you must have selected a faction to play as for the day.

At the start of each round, the players will hire their Crew for the Encounters up to 40SS making sure the crew is lead by a henchman

When is the event?

This event takes part on Saturday 8th November and runs from 9:30 – 18:30

Where is the Event?

The event takes place at the Spring lane community Center in Canterbury, Kent.

Its address is

Spring Lane CanterburyCanterbury, Kent, CT1 1SP


Schedule for the day

• 9:30 Venue open & registration
• 10:00 - 11:45 Round 1
• 12:00 – 13:45 Round 2
• 13:45 – 14:25 Lunch
• 14:30 – 16:15 Round 3
• 16:30 – 18:15 Round 4 if numbers are 16+ or a separate 20ss Hard core tournement

What do you need to bring?

Players are responsible for bringing their own: 
• Crew models
• Rulebooks and official stat cards
• Fate Deck
• Measuring tape
• Counters/markers/tokens


I am offering access to my model collection if you are worried that you might not be able to field a 40 ss Henchman led crew.

I don’t own everything, so if there is something in particular you needed to borrow, check in advance. Also at last count I do only own 32 Henchmen, so its first come first served

How much is the event and what’s included?

• An event ticket is £10.00 and includes entry to the event. Payment can be taken on the day. I’ll try and work out how advance payment will work.


Who do I contact for more information?
Philip Hawtin. I can be reached on the Wyrd forums under the User name Adran, or at phawtin@gmail.com

Tournament Rules

Crew Construction: Single Faction
At the start of the Tournament, each player commits to a specific Faction, then follows the normal hiring restrictions for each round using a Henchman as your chosen leader for the round. Crew size will be 40SS, and there will be no pool restrictions.

Round Time Limit
Each round will last for 105 minutes. This Includes a 10 minute setup period during which players go through the Encounter Setup with their opponents, such as determining Strategies, Schemes, and Hiring their Crews. 
15 minutes before the end of the allotted time, the TO calls “Last Turn”. This means that the players finish the current turn they are on, and then count their VPs.

Deployment Type
The event will be following the gaining grounds deployment.


Strategy Selection 
Fixed Shared Strategy Tournament
Each round, the TO announces the Shared Strategy to be used by the players. The TO picks a different Shared Strategy each round. The Scheme pool will also be pre-selected. This means all players are playing the same missions, with the same potential vps in each round.

Scheme Usage
Each round, the player has the option to use Schemes to help achieve Victory. The Scheme pool will be randomly selected in advance.

Terrain Setup
Terrain will be placed in advance by the TO and must not be moved by the players.

Proxy, Conversion, and Painting Rules

Proxies are allowed as long as they are appropriate representations of the model they stand for. Printed-out Stat Cards may be used; players must have the official up-to-date versions for the event. Models from the Puppet Wars game may be used if on appropriate bases.

Conversions are an excellent way to show off your modelling skills and are allowed as long as they are appropriate representations of the model they stand for. If there is any doubt, you should bring a copy of the official miniature to use in case it is ruled that the model may not be used or contact the TO ahead of time to avoid disappointment.

Models must be assembled (glued) and fixed to the appropriate size base. The models do not have to be painted. However, there will be Awards for the best painted models.

The Tournament Organiser

The Tournament Organiser, or TO, is the sole authority at Malifaux tournaments. TOs are expected to be fair and equitable in their adjudication of any debates or rules questions. If a query with the rules is brought to the attention of the TO, he will listen to both players interpretations, then look at both sides cards, and the rulebook, and then make a judgement. If he feels there is a case for it he will ask for a flip. Regardless of the outcome, a TO’s ruling/decision is final. Players are encouraged to work out simple rules debates or discussions themselves as the round clock does not stop while the TO answers any questions.


The objective of any tournament is for everyone to have a good time. As such, players are expected to behave in a civil and respectful manner to one another at all times. Players should provide any legitimate information their opponents ask for during an Encounter, play their activations in a timely manner, allow opponents to cut their Decks, and generally treat each opponent as they themselves would like to be treated during the tournament.

The Warning System

Players are given a single warning when their behaviour toward other players or the TO is considered unacceptable. If the behaviour persists, and the TO determines the player to be a disruption to the tournament, it is within the TO’s authority to disqualify the player from the tournament. Don’t be that player.


There is a zero tolerance for cheating (other than Cheating Fate, which is, of course, completely acceptable). Players caught cheating by the TO will be immediately disqualified from the tournament.

Byes and Scoring Byes
If there are an odd number of players in any event, then I as tournament organizer won’t play. Should there be an even number of events then I will be competing. I will be available during the games to answer questions, but will do so as I play.  

How to Track Scores
At the end of each Encounter, players tally up the VP that they earned that round. The player that earned more VP than his or her opponent wins the game and the opponent loses the game. In case of the same VP count, the game is a Draw. Players will also need to report their VP diff and their VP score, as these will be used in the case of any draws [VP differ first, then VP score]

Tournament Points [TP]: A Win awards 3 TP to the winner, a Draw awards 2 TP to each player, and a Loss awards 1 TP to the defeated player. Eg. Bill and Ben played a game, and Bill scored 6 VP while Ben scored 4 VP. Bill receives 3 TP, while Ben receives 1 TP.
Victory Points Difference [VP diff] This is the difference between a players Victory points and His Opponents. To calculate the Victory point difference a player simply minuses his opponents score from his own. For example if Bill scores 6 VP and Ben scores 4 VP then Bills VP diff would be 2 [6-4] whilst Bens score would be -2 [4-6]

Victory Points [VP]: This is the amount of points each player earned. Using the example above, Bill would have 6 VP while Ben would have 4 VP.
Combining the above statistics, at the end of round one, Bill has a score of 3TP/6VP, while Ben has a score of 1TP//4VP.

Forfeits and Conceded Games
If a player forfeits or concedes a game due to any reason, the opposing player picks up a full score of 3TP/10VP for the round, with the forfeiting player receiving 0TP/0VP for the round.

Pairings and Scoring Format
The first round pairings are random. After the first round, the TO pairs up players based on their TP scores. Players will always play other players with similar TP scores. After round one, players with higher TP should be paired off against one another, while players with lower TP should be paired off against one another. This continues for the established number of rounds.

Determining a Winner
At the end of the tournament, all of the players will be ranked in descending order from highest TP to lowest TP. The player with the highest TP is the winner! In case of any ties in the TP, VP difference is used for tie breaks and finally VP scored.

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At the current number level, the 4th round needn't happen, and there will instead be a seperate HARDCORE TOURNEMENT!

The final decision between 4 round tournement and 3 round tournement + 3 round Hardcore tournement will be made on the day to allow for numbers.


In case it goes ahead, and people want to plan for it...


The rules we will be using for this are

20 ss Henchman lead crew.

no more than 4 models in total

No summoning can occur during the game.

Close deployment

Turf war stratergy

Assasinate scheme

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The scheme pools for the games will be drawn tonight by an impartial observer. I will then publish them here before the end of wednesday to prevent any advantage to me knowing in advance what we'll be doing whilst still being able to prepare score sheets.

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Thanks for that Ben.

Anyway, as promised the scheme pools,


Game one

Line in the Sand, Take Prisoner, Frame for Murder, Assasinate, Breakthrough


Game two

Line in the sand, Take Prisoner, Vendetta, Assasinate, Bodyguard


Game three

Line in the sand, Outflank, Deliver a message, Assasinate, Breakthrough


Game four (if required)

Line in the sand, Plant evidence, Spring the trap, Bodyguard, Breakthrough.

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