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Marcus vs Perdita


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My gaming crew is fairly new to Malifaux and I'm curious how experienced players would approach a game a couple of the guys played last night. It was recon with standard deployment Marcus crew vs Perdita crew. The Marcus player picked murder protege and vendetta as his schemes. He moved his beasts across the table in an attempt to get into melee with Perdita's family and got shot to pieces in the process. The table had a good amount of terrain on it so Marcus' crew had plenty of cover but in those last few yards of desperate ground as they tried to close with the enemy things did not go well for them. A couple of things I wondered were: should he even have bothered with trying to close into melee? why not just take and contest table quarters with his superior speed and pick different schemes? is Perdita simply a bad matchup for Marcus? I know this is fairly vague info but I also bet that there are some fundamental tactics that we are simply unaware of. Any help from long time denizens of Malifaux would be greatly appreciated by a green crew straight off the train at Malifaux Station!

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Recon is not a great strategy for Perdita - her crew loves to stay together and support each other, but Recon forces then to spread out.

As you say, the Marcus player would most likely have been better off spreading out across the board and lurking out of sight to draw the Latigos out of their killing zone. Marcus excels at that kind of guerrilla war / lurk-and-pounce gameplay.

Depending on the other schemes available, it would probably have been easier to take non-killing objectives, too. Basically, running head-first into Latigo guns is going to get you killed regardless of what Master you're playing.

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It also helps if you have access to some out of faction minions to call on, or even some of the Wave2 Arcanist stuff. If you can tie down some of their shooters with Malifaux Raptors or Night Terrors, or Leap over the terrain with Silurids, then you are less likely to get shot in those last few inches.

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Well, Dirial is right, the two crews in question are my top two crews and I play the heck out of both of them.


In general, I agree with Kadeton. Recon is a horrible strat for the Ortegas (I'd play a different master if I flipped Recon).....whereas it's an amazing Strat for Marcus.....he can take multiple cheap models to claim corners....and many of those cheap models are also pretty quick so can run around when they need to.


It would help a little if I knew what the other Schemes were......but I don't think the two chosen are impossible........Murder Protege is probably 'Cisco, and that bastard needs to die anyway....a Cerberus could kill him (he's not all that tough)......Vendetta would depend on a lot of things so I can't judge that. But if there were some other movement based schemes (Power Ritual, Plant Evidence, etc) that probably would have been a better play with the Strat and after seeing the Ortegas across the table.


Thing is, if you're going to go against the Ortegas, you need to GO against them. The Ortegas are usually a small crew, so you flood the field with more threats than they can handle and you rush them.....in their face by the end of turn one and all over them early turn 2.......with Marcus this is easily doable with Trail of the Gods and putting some Imbued Energy upgrades in the crew. Use cover if you can, try not to just be completely in the open....but don't screw around, covering the distance is more important than staying alive......you're going to take losses, but it's all about attrition at this point...the Ortegas excel at running and gunning.....but once you put them under pressure they start to fold.....keep that pressure up and they're much easier to deal with. Keep them reacting to you, keep them scrambling......if you namby-pamby around flitting from cover to cover while trying to get to them you'll get shredded.


As soon as Recon was flipped and Guild was announced I probably would have gone for a mixed crew.......3 to 4 cheap guys just for holding quarters (Canine Remains, Guild Hounds, Molemen, Night Terrors maybe). I might strongly consider a Waldgeist just for the mobile cover......but then I'd take a couple of killers.....the Cerberus and the Blessed of December probably, both with Imbued Energies (Marcus is also a killer with Trail of the Gods....none of the Ortegas are really high wounds and 4 weak damage is brutal). The fact that you're facing Guild means you're facing shooting so I might drop in a Raptor or two (their Take to the Sky is awesome for disrupting someone like Nino, Papa, or Santiago......I had one Raptor hold up Nino for an entire game......3ss model nullified a 7ss model....that's a win).


And I would have played just like Kadeton said.....guerrilla style.  Hide my killers and when the enemy starts spreading out a little, burn Imbued Energies, Leap in and kill a couple............with your cheaper minions you should be out-activating them and you can dictate where and when those battles happen. Get 'Cisco first....most people use him to make 'Dita DF and Wp 9 (I don't, much smarter to put it on someone else in my opinion.....the enemy will just ignore 'Dita and target the rest of the crew....but two models with Df 7 and high Wp make for some hard choices)........once 'Cisco is gone, 'Dita is much more vulnerable......Marcus and the Cerberus are both Ml 6 so have a good shot at her.....and the Blessed is Ml 7. She has one of the lowest Wd totals of all masters and no innate healing....just one or two hits will have her hurting and desperate.


Just remember that when and if you go in....make sure you have saved up some good cards (high Tomes for the cat....and I think it's a Ram for the Blessed) to get the extra attack triggers off........go in hard....go for the kill......cheat high, win those duels.........if you don't kill them, there are a lot of Pushes in the crew and they will just escape and shoot you down.


You are going to take losses.....the Ortegas kill things.........once the fighting starts things are going to die......roll with it and keep the pressure up.


One more thing.....if they brought Papa Loco try not to laugh maniacally. Wp of crap vs Ca 7 Feral (Papa is now a beast) and Ca 7 Alpha......hmmmmm......boom....boom.....BOOM....mwuahahahaha!!!! Pulses.....the bane of high defense, low wound models everywhere.


Hope that helps. Good luck.

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Just remember that when and if you go in....make sure you have saved up some good cards (high Tomes for the cat....and I think it's a Ram for the Blessed) to get the extra attack triggers off........go in hard....go for the kill......cheat high, win those duels.........if you don't kill them, there are a lot of Pushes in the crew and they will just escape and shoot you down.


Alright coach the team is now super fired up to go out there and make you proud. But what's this about cheating teaching kids how to cheat does great injustice in their professional lives. Shame on you. Let me guess they are all juicing too. You are now banned from the N-malifaux-L. Great speech though.

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