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Whadaya do with Sensei Yu?

scarlett fever

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I'm about to take Sensei Yu out for a spin.

I've never used him before and I'm curous how other people are using him, he seems to have a lot going on.

The push ability looks fantastic, but still once he has an upgrade he becomes the most expensive model I'm likely to field (11points).


FYI I don't currently play Shenlong and not planning to for a while, so how does he fit with other Masters/Models?

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As per Zfiend, Yu is very much a support model but does have the ability to be more offensive through his upgrade High River Style. If his first attack action is successful his second attack action will be at MI 7 with focus - this can make Lightning kick very unpleasant for a crowd - potentially 3 double blast damage with 4+ burning!


However his true strength lies in support and he really shines if you put Wings of Wind on your master. With the Lower River Style upgrade he can heal and also become very durable. Wandering River Style gives great tactical flexibility, being able to move scheme and corpse markers about as well as dish out Fast or Slow.


He really is a great all-round support toolkit with some offensive capability. Don't leave home without him... ;)

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As per Zfiend, Yu is very much a support model but does have the ability to be more offensive through his upgrade High River Style. If his first attack action is successful his second attack action will be at MI 7 with focus - this can make Lightning kick very unpleasant for a crowd - potentially 3 double blast damage with 4+ burning!


However his true strength lies in support and he really shines if you put Wings of Wind on your master. With the Lower River Style upgrade he can heal and also become very durable. Wandering River Style gives great tactical flexibility, being able to move scheme and corpse markers about as well as dish out Fast or Slow.


He really is a great all-round support toolkit with some offensive capability. Don't leave home without him... ;)


How is he giving out +4 burning?  He can only transfer burning from himself to his targets and without Shenlong or Peasants there's no easy way for him to do this.


EDIT:  Also, if his first attack is hurricane punch he doesn't have to hit to gain focus, the trigger is after resolving

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Has anyone tried to use his zero actions with a leader other than Shenlong? Thought about Mulligan with Lynch but having to put the cards back in the deck make that not great. I really like the idea of getting an ascendant upgrade on him (via giving him Chi from Soul Porters combat trigger and him copying Yan Los 0 action) to make him even harder to kill. I think he's well worth it even without being able to use a zero action as with Low river upgrade he can heal, push, and remove conditions. Amazing support model. Would like to know if anyone found some creative way to use his 0 action though

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I still want to try to Ascend him once. This is possible (But hard) when you have the Soul porter using Siphon Chi towards Sensei Yu, and then he can copy Ascend from Yan Lo. Focus Humpo Assault. Great effort, though. instill Youth as a useful healing trick might also be practical. Wings of Wind might also be a very good option. Might even try that on Yan Lo.

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Already ascended with him XD, wasn't anything useful, but I found it too funny to not do.


As for Yu, his reason to exist is mostly linked to your master's 0 action, with McCabe for example you can double/triple dip into the effects of his upgrades thanks to McCabe using it, passing it of to Yu who then uses it and then throws it at another model. Problem I mostly have with him is that he can only really use Low River Style with any reliability outside of a Shenlong crew, the rest of the Styles just aren't viable and god knows you don't want to stack another 2 SS upgrade just so he doesn't lose the few burning or poison you are willing to throw on him. Wandering River style is awesome, but really redudnant so it all goes back to Low River, which is awesome no doubt, but really cements him into support territory. Personally, McCabe seems to be the one that opens the most insane shenanigans with him, Yu with Unimpeded and Nimble just goes everywhere and thanks to nimble he can get good use out of his hurricane punch.


With Shenlong it's a whole other matter of course since he can be a Fantastic Fermented monk or can go Burning if really needed.


As for other masters, the Mei with Wings of Wind works like a charm, Misaki doesn't give him much to work with since he could give less of a damn about Stalk, Lynch gives you Mulligan which is always nice, specially on a Woke up with a Hand build where you can rotate hand without activating last. Brewmaster appreciates the extra Poison Vector and aura of drunken hate. Yan Lo likes to have him around as a giga healer and the already stated scenario of him actually managing to ascend for the lols, being a fantastic user of Terracota Curse thanks to his huge mobility.

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Oops double post - phone is giving me gip. Yup sorry missed the wording on hurricane punch. As for burning, Mei Feng and the Dawn Serpent can hand it out under blast - something I sometimes use for the Rail Golem - who admittedly soaks it better. I accept that this falls into the category of "no easy way", but to be fair I didn't say anything about it being easy...;)

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