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Hi all. 

Bit of a sticky topic at my local gaming place that i wasn't sure on.....  climbing things that aren't really that big, we used to say that a Ht 2 model going through a window that is 1 inch of the ground would loose an inch cause we classed anything like that as severe, so that models that ignored severe terrain could get a bit of a bonus ( we don't really have a lot of terrain that could be classed as severe) now i'm wondering what is classed as climbable and what isn't. The rules says Climbable terrain doesn't include things like stairs or slopes , but rather refers to terrain that requires some effort to scale.... So if a model is got to hop over something that is half it's HT like a window or small fence or platform is this classed as climbable terrain and therefore impose a penalty on everyone or should models that have a bonus over severe terrain get it over something like that, or should it just be ignored? Thanks everyone. 

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For the fence and other Ht 1 linear obstacle the two most common ways seems to be severe and impassable plus climbable. Severe means it cost more if you have a larger base since you will be in the terrain for longer. Impassable plus climbable means it costs 2 inch of movement in addition to the top down distance.


Not sure what you mean with the window, but if the window is less than 30 mm wide it would be impassable to anyone. There isn't any consideration of passing below a barrier in the rules, so a rail golem going through a 50 mm wide window that is 1" high is not defined one way or another.


You really have to discuss all this with your opponent before each game. Or if you have a steady group call a council and discuss the terrain collection once and for all.

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We usually define fences as Blocking (can't look through), Impassable (can't walk through), Climbable (can climb over), Hard Cover (can hide behind), Ht 1. We don't call them Severe istead of "Impassable and Climbable", because models could push through, then.


Windows are typically ignored (they make LoS really cumbersome). No models can walk through doors tighter than their base size * Ht.


That's just how we do it, though.

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As others have said, you need to discuss these things with your opponent before the game begins.  The Malifaux rules are pretty good at explaining exactly how different types of terrain effect models but you need to define your terrain as there are no hard and fast rules on what types of terrain count as what generally.  For example I have a load of mdf laser cut terrain building that we often use to play which are just under 2.5".  We set these as Ht 3" so that models can't see over them and make them blocking and climbable all around (though I will soon be adding ladders to them which will be climbable themselves and the only place the buildings can be scaled).  With the window example I would probably agree with my opponent that models could move in and out of them even if they were less than the 30mm bases.  Just doesn't seem to make sense otherwise, the models should be able to jump in/out of windows.

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