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Plastics Scale Issues...How?

Iron Heel

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There is another thread on QC generally so I will try not to create a totally paralell post here, but I have a specific question on how figures are made now and I think it raises to the level of having its own topic (in the MM forum no less).

My inference of how this generally works at Wyrd is as follows...

1. A 2D artist does up an image of a figure dreamed up by the design team.

(Top-notch artists BTW, I am loving their work.)

2. A 3D render is made to bring that image to life on the TT.

3. That render is sent to the caster who 3D prints it and uses this as a master for mold making.

4. The mold is made and figures are cast from it.

Now there is probably more back and forth play between these 4 essential steps and perhaps someone other than the caster does the master print, but I figure it goes something like that.

So in this process, how do scale issues occur?

Can't that be seen in ratios/measurements on the screen in the 3D rendering program where you could just scale up or down?

Do wyrd make a master and put it next to established figures in the line?

I really like Malifaux and the current aesthetic the Wyrd chose, but scale mismatches REALLY bother me.

I'd really like to better understand this.

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There was a post recently with a link to another forum, where a member had visited the factory in China. There was a few explanations along the way that might answer some of your questions...

I'll see if I can find it, but have a look around!

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Not entirely sure, but i presume this is the link you are talking about:


Legoburner goes to China - A Visit to Wargames Factory's... Factory: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/552663.page

Cool link, interesting perspective on the plastics process.  I keep thinking that an article on the process (and maybe lessons learned) would be good subject matter for the Chronicle at some point

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Most plastic shrinks as they cool after processing. Maybe some molds had their expansion value miscalculated? I can't imagine there is much shrink in a tool that tiny though.


(I have a background in plastic injection molding and automotive plastic mold design).

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Most plastic shrinks as they cool after processing. Maybe some molds had their expansion value miscalculated? I can't imagine there is much shrink in a tool that tiny though.


(I have a background in plastic injection molding and automotive plastic mold design).

I was wondering about the shrinkage issue as I assembled Somer, I found every place they had a square pin that fit into a square hole required trimming of the peg to fit. even a small degree of shrink might cause this if the tolerances are too tight

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