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Nico newb question


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So I'm snagging the Nico box during GenCon and I had a question.  Never played him in either edition but I remember from facing him in 1st he did all kinds of shenanigans with Mindless Zombies.  Looking at his 2E stuff, I don't see a direct way for him to summon Mindless Zombies.  Looking at cards, am I right in reading that the only way to get Mindless Zombies into any game is through Maniacal Laugh?  So Nico likes them but he can only get them from pulsing into Corpse Markers?  Just want to make sure I'm not missing something.

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There is a slick combo with muahahaha the general upgrade, and one of the others that basically amounts to you turn corpses into mindless zombies before you summon off them, and saccing the zombie to summon let's you draw cards. He can also make them better. Bit it's not necessary.



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There is a slick combo with muahahaha the general upgrade, and one of the others that basically amounts to you turn corpses into mindless zombies before you summon off them, and saccing the zombie to summon let's you draw cards. He can also make them better. Bit it's not necessary.


No but seriously, is there a way to delete double and triple post?

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As the chaps above have pointed out, yes the only way to summon Mindless Zombies is with the Maniacal Laugh upgrade. Nicodem plays as very powerful summoner in his own right, so you don't need to have MZ's wandering about the place to get the most of him. However, you can do all sorts of shenanigans with them if you choose to field the upgrade.

In addition to the sacrifice a Zombie during a summon and draw a card combo pointed out by Entrepeninja, my favourite is using the Vulture to perform dive bomb attacks by carrying MZ's using his Carrion Away action and dropping them into combat with an opponents shootiest models. They never last very long but it usually stops you getting shot for a turn or two. <_<

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Thanks for the suggestions.  Yeah I haven't been too concerned about Nico's playability or strength but I just wasn't sure if I was misunderstanding things.  When picking up the crew box I had thought "oh probably should get some MZ's too, gonna need them" but now I know that they'll be nice to have but not essential to his mechanics.  Look forward to trying out some of those tricks you guys suggested.

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The other big benefit to Muahaha is if you're going up against someone else who would use said corpse counters, namely other ressurs. I saw a Nico v. Nico mirror match at adepticon this year where the only difference in lists was one of them took muahahaha. The first time Muahahahaha (hahaha) was cast, the other players said, "... I should have taken Muahaha... Why didn't I take muahaha?"


Once a corpse turns into a mindless zombie, it's no longer neutral meaning only you can interact with it. 



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One of the big advantages of Mindless Zombies from Muahahahaha, is that they effectively can move Corpse tokens for you, so if Moritmer digs on up turn one, Nicodem doesn't need to summon a model right yet. He can Muahahahahaha, have the token become a Zombie, within 6. Then the Zombie Activates, and gets to walk twice(because of Death's Whip it isn't slowed), and move to a better spot for the next turn.


If your opponent kills it, your really happy because he wasted an attack on a model you literally didn't care about, and if he doesn't you can move the zombie again to the perfect spot, then summon a(generally a punk zombie) guy, within range of death's whip not to be slow, give it fast, and charge into combat right away. It can be really tough for your opponents to deal with Zombie Cruise missles that mindless zombies make into effectively Laser guided Zombie Cruise Missles.


If you throw in his upgrade that gives him "I can use that" he also draws a card for his trouble, it's very slick.

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