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scoring vp at the eot/g

The Godlyness


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I think I disagree with you. On one part.

End of turn is resolves effects. (Ie burning poison etc)

Score vp here and now.

See if the game ends.

If game ends they count as killed. So I guess you could reveal assassinate now even though the game is over.

But in murder protege it says if the model is killed before the end of the game score points.

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Order at the end of the game:

Resolves Conditions
Score from Strat & Schemes that score on the END OF TURN
Check for end of game
If end of game
-> buried models die
-> First Player goes through his schemes and scores them

---> If you had Assassinate, it must be revealed now if it hasn't been revealed so far. You'll score points if the Leader is dead, which buried models are at this point.

-> Second Player does the same

Assassinate will score, Murder Protege will not if the model is buried. Murder Protege explicitly requires the model to be killed or sacrificed BEFORE the end of the game. Buried models do not die until the end of the game, not before it.

Assassinate doesn't care about the timing, just that the model is dead.

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