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Lap Desk for Assembly


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I would like to be able to work on assembling models while hanging with the family--that means no dedicated work table.   Has anyone got experience with a lap desk, or similar, for working on models while, say, sitting on a sofa?


I am focused on assembly because there is no danger of spilling paint on any of the nice furniture and so far the collection of tools needed seems relatively limited so I could have a box with tools on a side table.  


I imagine that if I have some sort of a shallow box on my lap I could be slowly working on models with the sides of the box providing a bit of protection against losing dropped pieces.  


Am I just engaged in wishful thinking or is this a viable idea?  Advice welcome.



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Thanks Mako.  Since no one called me "stupid" and you made a specific suggestion I think I am going to move ahead with giving it a go.


First I'm gonna head to the liquor store and see if they have a cardboard flat about the right size--my wife gave me a good chewing out for being so cheap, until I explained I was only planning a trial to see if the idea would work for me--if it does I'll go ahead and buy something nice--I really like the idea of adding a shallow bean bag for some stability.  

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I would think that lighting would be the big issues.

Once you are past spue removal and cleaning, you are going to want to be at a table.

As I understand, glue and furniture do not mix in ways that are beneficial to your mental or relational health. It is best to glue with steady hands too; elbows on a table help.

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Some good ideas.  Whatever I get is going to have sides on it to avoid the shavings on the furniture problem.  


I also plan on getting something large enough that the glue risk to furniture is minimal---because doing otherwise would be dangerous.  


Hadn't thought of the lighting issue--good point.

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