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How does Focus and defensive stance work?



Hi Guys


Just new to Malifaux and have a question about Focus and defensive stance.


Are these abilities able to be used by all models?


Are they abilites that own models listed with it on their cards can use?


I haven't used it or seen it in a game yet but how I read Focus is that I spend the 1 AP and become Focused +1 so then I would gain +1 flip on my action and damage flip.


So if I used this on my master that is already engaged would I get 2 attacks and damage flips with +1 flip for both attacks?


Defensive stance if I spend 2 AP and discard a card I get a Defensive + 2 does this bonus also work for WP defensive duels?



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The focus condition only persists through one attack, (absent some special rule to the contrary) and Defensive stance persists until your next activation.

So if you focus then attack, you would then get positive twists to that attack and damage flip, but your third ap use for an attack would be "normal."

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Any model can spend 1 AP to gain the focused +1 condition.

At the beginning of any action the model can choose to end the Focused condition on it to gain a number of positive twists to the action (and Damage flip if it is part of the action) equal to the value of the Focus.


Things to note- you end the entire condition, you can't split it, so if you had Focus +2 you get 1 attack at double positive, you can't get 2 attacks at single positive each.

Actions like Charge don't have any flips associated with them, so spendign the focus condition on a charge won't help. you could spend the focus condition on 1 of the attacks that the charge action generated, but you can't get the bonus to apply to both attacks.

The condition will end at the end of turn, so normally its a case of use it or lose it, although there might be occasions you want it on a model at the end of its activation. (disengaging strikes are the one that might apply to most models)

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Also keep in mind, in Malifaux there tend to be exceptions to everything. For example, Metal Gamin can go Df Stance without using cards with their ability (Stand Ground I believe) and the guild Riflemen can "rack up" focus to high levels since their Focus does not not fall off if unused and can accumulate over turns, made even worse (or better if you are running them rather than on the receiving end ) if Dashel is out there with them, letting them Focus for a zero action with his special ability, letting them get to Focus +3 in a single activation.

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