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Tara vs Rasputina


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Outcasts Crew - 50 - Scrap

Tara -- 6 Pool
+Knowledge of Eternity [2]
+Obliteration Symbiote [2]
+I Pay Better [1]
Freikorps Librarian [7]

Freikorps Trapper [6]

Freikorps Trapper [6]

Killjoy [12]

Ronin [6]

Ronin [6]




Arcanists Crew - 50 - Scrap

Rasputina -- 5 Pool
+Child of December [1]
+December's Pawn [2]
+Shattered Heart [3]
Essence of Power [3]

December Acolyte [7]

Ice Gamin [4]

Ice Gamin [4]

Ice Golem [10]
+Sub Zero [1]

Snow Storm [11]
+Imbued Protection [2]



Deployment: Corners

Stratgey: Fight Night

Schemes: LITS


                 Protect Territory


                 Murder Protoge


This isn't so much a battle report as it is a comment on the sneak peak 'Fight Night' story encounter currently up here: http://www.gamewire.belloflostsouls.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Scenarios_Fight-Night.pdf


While is was kinda fun, my wife and I gave this one a go, to give her some more experience for the GenCon Story encounters and so she could see what Tara does in general. However, with the right schemes this can be very easy or very hard so you have to be careful


I bet 3 points on Killjoy, and for my schemes, I took Bodyguard on Killjoy and Outflank unrevealed.

My wife bet 4 points on Ice Golem, and for here schemes, she took Bodyguard (Ice Golem) and Murder Prot (Killjoy) revealed.


The turn was a bit mean on my part for giving killjoy fast and burying him with Tara. Everything from that point on progressed like a normal game with a couple of shots from both sides. I used the Trappers deployed in both corners to cover the board with fire, while Snow and the acolyte went after a the same trapper. Ronin begin moving to assist the trappers, and the Librarian supports Tara. Meanwhile Raspy and here gamin and essence move up the center to get where they give Ice Golem a total of +6 Armor.


The last activations were, Killjoy being brought back and given a buff of +1 Damage from the Ram on Stratgey by Tara, Ice Golem charging Killjoy and replacing Killjoy's fast with slow and bringing killjoy down to 3 wd remaining while suffering 3 Black Blood itself. Then killjoy goes and uses I Pay Better for Focused, then attacks gets the Red Joker for damage, only doing 6 after all is said and done, but bringing Ice Golem down to one.


We didn't get to much further because my wife requested we call it after the initiative flip of turn 2. The reasoning being that Killjoy would activate, kill Ice Golem, and she would effectivly be denied all 10 of her points for the game, and I would get at least 7 from being able to heal Killjoy and just walk him towards one of the outflank points.


One question we did have is what happens if one wrestler kills the other, but dies from some retaliation from the other wrestler (ie Black Blood, Shatter). Does the Activating player count as winning? Do both players loose out on points since neither wrestler is still in play? Could this be adapted to a multiplayer game (with a battle royale).

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hmm on multiplayer...maybe a 2 action interact that gives accomplice to the person tagging out, except restrict it to 1" from 6".

Something like: Tag In - This model may take a 2 AP Interact action with target friendly model within 1". This actions grants Accomplice to target Tagging model.

This way if you're slowed or insignificant (see leg hold, headlock, etc) you can't perform the tag out. If you're fast then it'd be like a double team move (hit once, then tag/accomplice). Also the 1" range is to demonstrate wrestlers having to physically reach thier hand out to tag an co-fighter.

You could even also have co-fighters do something like a 2AP move to assist while outside the ring. Maybe a 1/2/3 damage/heal move, depending on if they are targetting friend or foe. This will give them something to do for those turns when the have nothing else to do.

Just spit balling ideas. :)

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The reasoning being, we both figured we would be winning the wrestling match combat which would net 2 vp guarenteed since the wrestlers can't be directly attacked by any unfriendly model other than the enemy wrestler.


My wifes plan was to put  Armor +6 on her golem then use Decembers Curse + Bite of Winter on her Golem (You CAN attack you're own wrestler) to put 5 blast damage on Killjoy while only doing 1 to her Golem, then her golem could easily Smash or use Icy Talon x 3 to take out Killjoy turn 1, leaving her Ice Golem essentially Immortal for the remainder of the game and able to do what it wants (except attack other models). Sub Zero was there as well to stop Killjoy from getting multiple attacks.


I planned on using Tara to protect Killjoy by keeping him buried until the last activation, giving him fast so I can get focused +3 on his turn with 'I Pay Better', Fast, and 1st AP (I assumed that Sub Zero would always go off) and get to cheat damage pretty easily. On top of that, the Librarian was going to spam healing on Killjoy. Finally, Tara's second activation each turn was going to bring killjoy back in position, then interact with him 1-2 times depending on if Tara needed to move.


Bodyguard was not a bad choice in this game, espically for my wife. If I hadn't gotten the red joker for damage, then this match would have gone a lot worse for me. The problem is, as my wife discovered, is that you're litterally betting it all on that 1 combat. If you win, it pays of tremendously. If you lose, then you're probably not going to win.



We talked about it and there are multiple ways to play this scenario and we came up with the following:

1 way is to try putting everything on the Wrestler, and bring support models to help it win (I thought about trying a Levi crew with either my own Ice Golem or Teddy, Metal Gamin, Vanessa to give extra attack, and Librarian to heal.) You can also help damage your opponents wrestler indirectly through blasts or pulse damage

Another way to play is to hope your opponent put a big, expensive guy in the center and bluff with a small minion who can get away easily and or can stand it's ground (Ten thunders has a couple of good options for this thanks to the Smoke & Shadows Upgrade or the Monk of the Low River), then just play keep away from him. This will neutralize your opponents high cost wrestler (and get few to no points since they probably bet high assuming they would win) because they don't score points for winning the Wrestling match until your Wrestler is dead. Meanwhile, you bet zero and play the game like normal, except with a cheap minion who can't be attacked

Obviously, you can play a mix of these 2 styles, but these 2 particular ideas seemed like the opposite ends of the spectrum for what you could do.


@Asrian - By multiplayer, I meant more along the lines of 3+ players, not the using of multiple wreslters. I kinda like the idea of 3 big beffy guys starting in the center of the map and going all out battle royale on each other.

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If you use a  :ranged attack action on your own wrestler and it randomizes to the enemy wrestler, does it fail then? 


We played it that if you randomize and it ends up being the wrong one, then it fails since it cant target them. Would need a clarification on that one.



What is the I pay better upgrade? I'm not seeing it anywhere.


It's a Wave 3 upgrade, although I recall Justin mentioning wanting to get the generic upgrades out with Wave 2 if possible. It's an Outcast upgrade that say any merc in 10 inches can discard a card at the start of it's activation to gain focused +1.

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