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New Player Woes

Iron Nerd

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Learning curve. Weird things like that happen, and you make conscious efforts to avoid letting your opponent do things like that in future.


Models have wounds, sure, but it helps to think like chess sometimes, and assume your opponent can "one shot" your own model (Which they often can, in one activation, with multiple attacks and/or cheating fate). Put your models out there, take the hit, hit his back, that kind of thing.


Rushing models straight towards an objective or towards his line isnt always the most effective method of play. (Although rushing models straight towards objectives is good advice in general :P )

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Finally got around to playing again, and I think it worked out significantly better.  I think Loveless wasn't in love (get it? HA!) with his Leader choice, he was playing the Viktorias which seem a little tricky.  Regardless, I played Lynch and we worked it out to be a 50ss game.  It did feel significantly more balanced at that point.  It did still feel like models crumble really quickly when they are faced with any serious threat, even Lynch died in 2 swings (to be fair, it was one of the Viks).  Anywho, it felt better.  Not perfect, but better.  It's also the first time we got to completely finish a game, it took a little over 2 hours.  We're getting much faster!

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Did you remember to use soulstones to add to defence or so damage prevention with Lynch?

But there are a lot of models out there with the offensive output to kill a lot of models in one activation. But piece trading can be a good deal. If you can distract several of your opponents models for a couple of turns with killing then that might let you get ahead on VP. Or just set up a good opportunity to hit back against the models that are going to cause you problems all game. I'll happily sacrifice every model on my crew, including my master, if it helps me score VPs.

The other thing to look out for are abilities like Armor, Hard To Wound, Impossible to Wound and Hard to Kill. Those can make it significantly harder to kill models and those models can generally tank a bit.

Take a model like the Metal Gamin for the Arcanists. Although it only got 4 wounds it got Armor 2 and Hard to Kill meaning many models need a 3 or even 4 attacks to kill it.

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Did I hear someone ask about a henchmen in the Omaha, NE area? That would be me! It is true, I am running an event this Saturday >

(  http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/103211-dinosaurs-unleashed/ ) .


You are invited to join in or just watch, up to you. It is a story encounter and pretty laid back and the prizes are all raffle based, so it will be for fun. If you are a local to the Omaha, NE area then also feel free to join our local forums to keep up on the news also! 


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24 and below = Henchman

25 to 40 = Henchman or Master

41+ = Master

EDIT: After playing my first 50SS game recently, the higher stones you go, the more balanced the game is. You just have a ton of choices and a much better chance of surviving losing specific pieces. It really opens everything up and also dampens the power of strong small game abilities.


It's been my experience that the game is really 50 or bust.  It's ok to dial it down to 40, but doing so doesn't really simplify it or speed it up in a meaningful way.  30 seems below a threshhold where there's enough models and AP for the schemes and strats to play out correctly and without the schemes and strats, the game has to do things its not designed to excel at.

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I would agree that going significantly above or below 50 can produce absolutely broken combinations and some very negative experiences. The game wasn't balanced to allow all the goodies to be taken (on the high end) or to further restrict options (on the low end). I encourage players (especially new players) to play as close to intended design as possible before altering things.

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