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Flight + pushes = falling damage?

Da Git


I'm sure this has been answered somewhere, however I serched the FAQ & serch fu'ed but nothing came up.


So the rules for flight have me a little confused as it can be read 2 ways.  Basically, if a model with flight is pushed off a ledge, does it take falling damage?

The wording is:

Flight:  This model is immune to falling damage and may ignore any terrain and models while moving.


So is it:

This model is immune to falling damage.  It also happens to ignore terrain and models while moving.


This model is immune to falling damage while moving and may ignore terrain and models while moving.

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The dual interpretations in this scenario parse the same.


This model is immune to falling damage.  It also happens to ignore terrain and models while moving.

The model takes no damage because it is immune to falling damage.


This model is immune to falling damage while moving and may ignore terrain and models while moving.

The model is moved (pushed) and takes no damage because it is immune to falling damage while moving.


If you're asking in a more general sense, I would lean toward the first interpretation because it reads more easily.  Applying the distributive property to sentences makes words complicated. :D

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I think the AND makes it a 2 part ability. One it's immune to falling damage. Then when it moves (not pushed) it ignores models. So pushing a model with flight off an edge would not deal damage.

Now if you are incorporeal and have flight you ignore models and falling during pushes and movement.

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