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Warrior of the Sun (Kingdom Death)

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Here is my interpretation of Kingdom Death's Warrior of the Sun.  When I looked over the fluff around this character, I realized that she's sort of a Shadow Dancer, and I created the starscape on her robes to represent this.  
Kingdom Death definitely has some wonderful sculptors working on their resin line- the details were stellar and the mini was a joy to paint.  It is a shame that they're pretty much never in stock, but here's hoping the plastic versions look just as good in person as they do in the pictures.
Overall, I was very happy with how she turned out.
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Good work. I really like the freehand starscape on the cloak.


Kingdom death do limited runs of their resin line since you have to replace the mould after a while. Each one is numbered so theres no surprise that they run out.

The pokemon reflex is strong in the toy soldier community for limited edition sculpts ^^


The plastic will look great if he ever manages to release them. He basicly scrapped the restick line and moved to the same plastic as wyrd uses since the quality wasnt good enough. So I hope he doesnt run out of money but then again the continued release of limited resin provide additional income that will hopefully make Adams dream a reality and provide excellent minis to the backers making everybody happy

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