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Help with Collodi


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Just got the Collodi box set, and was looking for some advice on how to use him. I have read up on PullMyFinger, but was wondering if people out there could give me some more advice on how to run him. I mainly just got him because a bunch of creepy little dolls running around sounded like a fun idea.

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Lil creepy dolls is an excellent list to run!


Ideally you'll want to grab 2-3 effigies (as I've said before I like Brutal, Lucky and Arcane) if you plan on running Fated, which I do in most cases. If going Props the effigies arent as necessary but still nice.


A beckoner is a super solid investment as well, you'll want to be able to draw your targets to you, making it harder to get counter attacked. You can outrange your opponents and keep pulling her strings until she succeeds at drawing things into the puppet ball of death.


Marionettes should always be there, they are incredibly solid for a 3ss model.


You've honestly got a lot of freedom to bring any minions you want from NB, Collodi is a power buffer. Then just stick to normal winning rules: focus on VP/VP denial, dont get caught up killing enemies, be careful if you draw Reckoning not to over-strum or get your squishies too close to enemy death balls

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He gives you some long-range scheme marker dropping with his non-Leader buff. (Buff a minion, then run it across the map and have it drop a scheme marker for free at the end of its turn.)  It can be a very nice ability, but I often bring a Mannequin in my Collodi crews, which already lets me fling scheme markers pretty much anywhere I want them.

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