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Dense Woods/Forests



Ok guys I know the rules book is fairly black and white on the subject but I was wondering how most or you out there and more importantly how most of the tournaments out there play with DENSE woods.


Is the general consensus that two models BOTH inside of a grove of trees who are 3.5 inches away cannot see each other? 


We have a few large forest bases our gaming club (6-10" in diamater) and there was some discussion between us (all newer players) if the rules should be taken straight out of the book as written with the 3 inches. Or if it was supposed to be just blocking for the purposes of trying to see models on the opposite side of the forest when neither model was itself inside.


I myself would assume that the rule was normally played literally and if you were 3.5" away from each other while both being inside the forest then we didnt have vision. but if there was a thin section of forest, say 2" accross, between two models who were not inside the trees themselves they would still be able to see each other as there was only 2" of the dense trees between them.


Others seemed to imagine it was more of a case of - we're both inside the forest so can always see each other no matter of distance, and if the models were stood outside opposite sides of said trees then they wouldnt have vision.



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Not sure where you get the 3 inch rule from but I thought that dense meant you couldn't see through it but you can see in and out of it. So if you are both in it you can see each other regardless of how far. Likewise if one of you is it and another not they can still draw los but get cover.

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Ahh, I guess this is where the confusion lies. One of the guys has printed out some reference guide 'cheat sheets' that tell you turn phase order, set up order, drawing phases + and 1 ive charts, when you can use Soulstones etc etc and all that good stuff which has helped us beginners out immensely.


And in the terrain section of that sheet it says when drawing LoS through more than 3" of dense it is considered blocked. Is that a 1.5e hangover that he's left unedited? it does say its fixed for M2E but I imagine one or two small detail like that may have slipped through. 


Here are the two links 






Not sure if anyone has time to have a quick read though and see if the rest seems to be about right?

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Ahh, I guess this is where the confusion lies. One of the guys has printed out some reference guide 'cheat sheets' that tell you turn phase order, set up order, drawing phases + and 1 ive charts, when you can use Soulstones etc etc and all that good stuff which has helped us beginners out immensely.


And in the terrain section of that sheet it says when drawing LoS through more than 3" of dense it is considered blocked. Is that a 1.5e hangover that he's left unedited? it does say its fixed for M2E but I imagine one or two small detail like that may have slipped through. 


Here are the two links 






Not sure if anyone has time to have a quick read though and see if the rest seems to be about right?


At first glance I can see two errors. 


1. Under "Use Soulstone" there is a option called "Healing". There are no such option anymore.


2. Under "Duel Basics" a :+fate "Flip additional cards and keep the highest".

That is not correct - you are allowed to pick what ever card you want. 

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Thanks for checking over the 'cheat sheets' Thaarup. We have all read the rule book but having found the cheat sheets online it's often easiest to just glance at that than find the corrosponding page In the book.

I'll be more careful to double check in the rule book if something on the sheet doesn't feel right when playing (like the dense forest rule)

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