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Killjoy's Blood Price



Hi guys.


M2E Killjoy arrived for me this morning (what a model!) and I am planning on running him this weekend so I just wanted to clarify his Blood Price ability before using him.


Blood Price states at the beginning of KJ's activation if it isn't engaged it must Charge if there is a legal target and that this action only costs 1 AP.


So, would Killjoy have to charge a friendly model if it's within his 8" range (6Cg + 2Ml)? Because you can target your own models, with other abilities, so I am assuming you would be forced to do so with KJ's charge to? What is defined as a 'legal target'.


Also, something discussed at my gaming group was that a 1AP charge still grants 2 Attack actions, is that true? I have never had a model with a 1AP Charge and haven't faced it either so wasn't too sure (anyone know the page or section this rule is on in the mini rulebook?).


Finally, I'm 99% sure, but I might as well ask, Blood Sacrifice states this model may begin the game buried. Obviously the word 'may' means he can start on the table from First Turn, yes?



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Yes keep your models out of reach from him or keep your enemy closer ^^

Charge say that you get 2 (1) ap attack actions so yes you will still get 2 attacks no matter how much ap you spend on the charge

Very true. Key word is "may" its up to you. If you have a fast runner you can run up and get killed close to your opponent and unbury so you dont have to worry about his blood price charge on your models

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