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Video Battle Report: 15 minute Malifaux - Game2


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Following the success of my last rapid battle report I've done another. You can find it here;




This time it's Kaeris vs The Dreamer.  My thanks for Henchman Lee, from bendyboards.co.uk,  for a great game.  


I'm still learning the ropes with this and evolving the format so any feedback is more than welcome. I'm keen to know what you guys think, especially how the volume is on your devices. 

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Another great report and although you apologise for going over the time limit I wouldnt think that many would be opposed. 20 minute malifaux may not be as catchy a name, but cutting it down might endanger the precise and engaging content.


Im new to the game but the really effective summoning from the Dreamer seemed to be a deal breaker, particularly with the Squatters rights strat.


A couple of questions.


1) you say that the rail golem is rarely seen on the top tables in tournament and wondered why you had him in the list. Presumably the vassal format enables you to use any models you like with no resriction on needing to own the model like a tournament would. Do you take him mainly for the turn 1 Burning hand outs to your crew? Is it just  a model you're particularly fond of using? 


2) If you were to chose a different beat stick/ tank instead of the golem and use the Child to hand out the burning instead who would be a good choice? Joss? Howard? Anything spring to mind?


3) As I said im a new player and with only one or two games under my belt. One was Squatters rights but as two new players we didnt see any reason you couldnt flip markers that were in an opposing players engagement zone. Have we missed something glaringly obvious from the rulebook? 


Thanks again for the great report and I look forward to seeing more!

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Thanks for watching, glad you liked it. :)


In answer to your questions.


1)  I am fond of the Golem, I own one and play him a fair bit. I'll also often experiment more in non-competitive games than I would in event play, it's part of how I improve my game.   What I meant in the video is the RG is more of a gamble than a lot of options at the same sort of power/cost level. It has the potential to massively exceed it's expected level of performance, balanced by a corresponding increased risk of under performing. It averages out at about the same level as any other 11ss beater but has a much wider range of potential outcomes, good and bad. Generally top level play is about not gambling when you don't have too.


2) I use Joss and Miss Step (Howard) as well and switch them around between fairly regularly. In that game Joss would have been a better choice, he tanks better and can kill stitched much easier.  Miss Step is more fragile and works better on the counter charge, she also kills Masters and Henchmen better than the Golem or Joss. 


3) It's a common mistake. You can only interact with enemy models while engaged, so if you're in someone's melee range (or have someone in yours) you can't flip the markers, or drop scheme markers etc.


Hope those thoughts help. Thanks again! :)

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As a newer player who has also chosen arcanists your vids are a great help as well as being entertaining. Theres not a whole lot of malifaux battle reports out there, especially ones done in such a great, easy to follow format from an experienced player. 


I figured Joss may be the usual go to choice, I managed to pick up the ramos box for cheap on ebay even though I don't plan on playing him just yet simply because it gives me access to joss and howard!


With regards the engagement, that makes sense and also makes squatters rights much more of a tactical experience.  In our game is was more of a case of last activation had a huge advantage as you could simply flip a marker even if the opposition stood to block. 


I guess its just you being in an opponents engagement zone that stops you interacting with markers? What I mean by that is that at the end your captain was stood between the two markers to block them both off. both markers were in his zone but that in itself doest stop them being flipped right? If an enemy model was to approach the squat marker from the opposite side and manage to outside of your zone but still in B2B with the squat marker he could still flip it I presume?


Making it harder to block two markers opposed to just one where you can stand ontop of it to ensure full coverage?


Sorry for the amount of questions, but im keen to improve to a standard where I would be able to attend tournaments and these forums seem to ahve lots of great minds to pick on such subjects ;)


Thanks again.

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Very nice report and certainly hanging in the balance all the way to the end. That was a load of nightmares coming in and with Dreamers healing they can get troublesome.

@Anythingbut: the interact action can only be taken when you're not engaged (unless it targets an enemy model, p39), and you're quite right covering two markers with one model is not easy. The captain probably has a 3" engagement like the other relic hammer dudes so he can do it as you need to be btb to flip a squat marker, and if you're btb you're likely in his massive reach. (In other words, you are correct just engaging the marker doesn't stop the flip)

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Awesome material again!


A little bit off-topic question: how would you evaluate the power of a summoner Dreamer list? I know that you talked about your in-game mistakes but I'm not sure the result would be different if you'd took a more promising path. To me, this looked a very one-sided game where your best result could be a draw.

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Haven't played against The Dreamer much so hard to say. He seemed strong, the turn where three nightmares got summoned was probably a bit above average for him. All in all seemed like he had some great tricks. Almost tempted to dust my Nightmare Chompy off.


Had I taken Joss and/or a Gunsmith (and played better) the game would have been less one sided. Cleaving through HtK on the stitched would have been big.  The strategy and scheme pool meant the game would naturally trend towards a draw there anywhere. Almost impossible to deny Distract / Plant Explosives in Squatter's Rights IMO.

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Slightly longer than 15 mins this time!  ;)


Still a very enjoyable report, thanks once again. I watched it during my lunch break and got so engrossed I forgot to eat! It looked like it was really close towards the start of the game but the Dreamer really hammered you with summons. I like how you added the little summary at the end with the critical mistake you discussed. That's a really nice feature.


I look forwards to your next report 

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Still really loving all the stuff you're putting out about Kaeris, 'Fox - please keep it up! :P


Also, really liked the analysis at the end of this video - as a newbie to the game I find this kind of information really helpful - though it would have been nice for you to explain why keeping the marker inside her melee range is so important within the video itself (I didn't twig until I read the comments here).

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