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Dead Doxies?


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I think it depends on a few factors. Mainly the set up of the scenery


Lure is better where you have a lot of blocking objects but not much difficult terrain, as the Walk doesn't have to be straight and also with buffing is longer.

Take the Lead is really the opposite as it's a push it ignores difficult terrain, but as it has to move in a straight line positioning a model near blocking terrain can make it hard for the opponent to use Take the Lead.


As you know the Scenery before purchasing the models this should come into your decision making process.


I don't think either is really better than the other overall.


I feel the real value in Doxies is their better damage spread.

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Dead Doxies are great models.


Ml 6 2/3/4 for 6 points is nice, especially with the + flip to damage on a trigger. Is it amazing? No, but it's good for 6 points.


Defensible with 5/5 Hard to Wound, 6 Wounds with a Trigger to potentially push. Not amazing, but they should survive 2-4 attacks, depending on the strength of the model attacking them. And if they die, Final Encore can give your MASTER Fast. And with the way triggers work, you can drop a low mask to die, push 4" and give fast 4" away... not a bad range.


Lastly and most importantly, their variant Lure. This moves 2 models, the Dead Doxy (toward the target) and the target in any direction. The fact that this is useful on turn 1 to push your own crew forward is stellar, and can really do a lot for positioning since the one push is in any direction. Add on the fact that it's a (0) and it's essentially a 3rd AP for the Doxy... it's a model that can sort of walk 3 times. Ca 6 is really quite good (as more Wp don't go above 6), which means you may not need a super high mask to pull of the stellar trigger... and that trigger is really amazing.


All in all, you're essentially buying a 3 AP model for 6. The model has a lot going on. If I played Ressers, I'd take 1 in most crews.

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I havent used this crew since the Wave 1 beta so I will be honest and say actually didn't realise that about Lure on Belles.


So this is where I start to get bogged down, because its a walk and not a push, the only requirement being the walk ends as close as possible to the luring model you can:


1. Move around intervening objects/models, the movement would still have to be in a straight line as its the fastest point between A. and B. and all that, but you can take a walk over a height 1 terrain piece or circumvent a model between the Belle and the target.


2. Get disengaging strikes?


That sums it up doesn't it? Or am I missing anything.


Thank for raising that point, I was just going to use it as a push to be honest lol.

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